GIllmor Gang, recording live today 1pm PT participate at
Nir Ben Yona,
Robert Scoble,
Tina Chase Gillmor,
Ludwig Ederle,
Jerome Hughes
liked this
here if needed
- Keith Teare
me, too!
- Tom Guarriello
Hanging out. The Pre-Christmas show! By the way, Meta is the coolest or wackiest startup I've ever seen. I'm still not sure which one.
- Robert Scoble
Hi All...Merry Christmas!
- Tony Stanislawski
Keith - We're good ( hopefully). Go back to sleep or go back to being famous in China ;-)
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Hi Keith!
- Tony Stanislawski
- Keith Teare
Bringing you all up now.
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Ketih... the chat room might not let you leave...;-)
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Lets guess who play the grinch on this show!
- Tony Stanislawski
- Nir Ben Yona
- Tony Stanislawski
Greetings from DC (well, actually, currently Rockville MD)
- Charlie Isaacs
I always try to come here on Friday to get over the frustration of dealing with so many stagnant and backward thinkers..Looking for fuel...
- Tony Stanislawski
+Tony as long as it is big-hearted Grinch and not Grumpy Grinch
- Charlie Isaacs
Grinch? Does the Grinch believe in track?
- Tom Guarriello
+Tina hopefully they will be brought up well :p
- Charlie Isaacs
Turned 49 yeaterday so a shout out to me might be in the show! :)
- Tony Stanislawski
The Fly
- Alex de Soto
- clive boulton
In San much snow here..and more coming..
- Tony Stanislawski
COLD REALLY! Come on guys
- Tony Stanislawski
All 6 Californias represented
- Tom Guarriello
Danny is dressed like me and it is 25 here
- Tony Stanislawski
Beach Boys
- Moe Glitz
It is warmer here in DC than it is in SF, California today
- Charlie Isaacs
NY Public Library @ 5th Ave at 42nd St
- clive boulton
the video is coming up fine in the group shot
- Charlie Isaacs
I cann hear and see
- Tony Stanislawski
Christmas Tascek
- Tom Guarriello
I like the red and the green too +Tom
- Charlie Isaacs
LOL at Robert
- Tony Stanislawski
Tascek ElfYourself App
- Moe Glitz
Yeay GG Tricaster HD very soon
- clive boulton
Never use a Debit card people
- Tony Stanislawski
Only took Target 4 days to let customers know!
- Tom Guarriello
Targeting Target
- Moe Glitz
Google purchased 8 robotics companies.
- clive boulton
Big Dog is gonna be guarding Big Barge
- clive boulton
Blackberry lost $4 billion.
- Robert Scoble
a tool it is
- Jerome Hughes
New Android Platform
- Moe Glitz
Or we could talk about something more fun, like wearable computers.
- Robert Scoble
God I want to Plus ! or like some of these comments
- Tony Stanislawski
Final Cut Pro 10.1 is also out now.
- Alex de Soto
Guys who cars...PC's are dead
- Tony Stanislawski
Smaller and smaller market
- Tony Stanislawski
Any news if Apple will release Wearables with the iWatch, Robert. ie Sports Stuff
- Moe Glitz
+Clive did you see this tweet, hilarious: (from Brent Butt): Google motto 2004: Don't be evil
Google motto 2010: Evil is tricky to define
Google motto 2013: We make military robots
- Charlie Isaacs
Impulse control is Apple's biggest competitor
- Tom Guarriello
John you do not need it
- Tony Stanislawski
Scoble photo bombing
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Coolest thing is that is 9.9" tall and 6.6" in diameter.
- Alex de Soto
Charlie :o
- clive boulton
halo item
- Jerome Hughes
I like Scoble's mood lights. got to get me some
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Bingo Robert
- Tony Stanislawski
2014 Apple buys Willow Garage...
- clive boulton
Why does a forwarding looking group want to discuss this
- Tony Stanislawski
video is great w/ JT now
- Charlie Isaacs
YEs. John is ON>
- Tina Chase Gillmor
+Tina JT is great, but there's funky lighting behind Scoble :p
- Charlie Isaacs
What other video is there besides Youtube video
- Tony Stanislawski
1st gen Mac Pro (G5) upgraded aggressively early in lifetime, this also?
- Jerome Hughes
Can't you send 4K to YouTube now? Not that I'd want to.
- Alex de Soto
Sharp 4k on config page also works with latest MBP
- Jerome Hughes
Sequential computing is over. Reports Samsung has a 48 core ARM chip in the lab.
- clive boulton
- Tina Chase Gillmor
apple ad?
- Tina Chase Gillmor
saw it on Safari at
- Jerome Hughes
the video they're talking about is here:
- Charlie Isaacs
Like teenagers always have...
- Tom Guarriello
@Tina - Yeah, holiday ad
- Nir Ben Yona
Typical Apple Cheese!
- Moe Glitz
there's a full length too haven't watched
- Jerome Hughes
thanks NIr
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Ingress outta beta, toad resos die
- Da
you know where to put the cork
- Jerome Hughes
is Oculus Rift related to Optimus Prime? cousins?
- Charlie Isaacs
Nice overview of Meta on CNET Dan!
- Alex de Soto
motorcycle Man!
- Tina Chase Gillmor
It will be approved by APPLE
- Tony Stanislawski
components in the Airwave +Robert: This includes a better 1.0GHz dual-core OMAP 4 ARM Cortex A9 processor, 1GB and 2GB RAM options and built-in WiFi and GPS.
- Charlie Isaacs
waze works fine without watching the display, mostly
- Jerome Hughes
the "advancements" dont necessarily make the experiences better in the short term. But longterm probably yes
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Will Hells Angels wear Google Glass
- Moe Glitz
Terminator Glasses
- John Taschek
APPLE the governing body of Technology fo the USA
- Tony Stanislawski
apple.. meh
- Da
or seeing eye dog
- Jerome Hughes
Atheer Labs glasses
- dan farber
I hate the word banning...BAH
- Tony Stanislawski
Big Dog gonna fit right in. "We like cats, but we’re a dog company, so as a general rule we feel cats visiting our offices would be fairly stressed out."
- clive boulton
+Tina: the parent's dilemma -- our kids never call so do you pick up and ignore everything when the finally call you?
- Charlie Isaacs
Charlie - in a word... no
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Microprocessors are mind blowing.
- Nir Ben Yona
Scottie Vest should license Scoble name.
- clive boulton
Nir: Am I just a child of the 60's or do those IOTA processors look like LSD? #Mindblowing
- Charlie Isaacs
I want everything on demand and pay microtransactions when I use it.
- Tony Stanislawski
they saw the printer ink scam and decided it was a good idea
- Jerome Hughes
+Charlie never know with Scoble...:)
- Tony Stanislawski
Wearables, Robotics, Internet of Things
- Moe Glitz
Charlie: Ha! Who knows ;)
- Nir Ben Yona
How about good online video and decent broadband and a decent Skype that would allow GG to show without hassles
- Tony Stanislawski
I think I own every Steely Dan album in every format.
- Tom Guarriello
John T.... I like the beard
- Tina Chase Gillmor
+1 Tom
- Charlie Isaacs
@Tom - if so, guessing didn't buy the digi-files, right?
- Jerome Hughes
Charlie: you know, I didn't try licking them!
- Robert Scoble
sure, the "I never inhaled" story, I know it well Robert
- Charlie Isaacs
Robet, they would sell more than a buck if they did more1!
- Tony Stanislawski
Thanks, Tina - next step is to shave my head
- John Taschek
Retina robots Christmas 2015 ( a definite maybe)
- clive boulton
Jerome, I've now taken to torrenting anything I have physical copies of that i haven't yet created digi-files of.
- Tom Guarriello
- Tony Stanislawski
I bought it!
- Tony Stanislawski
dont do that John
- Tina Chase Gillmor
we're all worried about the NSA? I was at the DOE today and there's an old nuclear missile in the visitor lobby
- Charlie Isaacs
Scoble... I want your purple light
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Very Virgin America
- Tina Chase Gillmor
@Robert, grats on the book...
- J.C. Bouvier
The wearables is not the big deal, the bluetooth le is the big deal. Blows NFC away and finally brings online to small retail
- Ludwig Ederle
Nest is Awesome..proud to say I got first Gen!
- Tony Stanislawski
The Shrinking Size of Everything? Is that book two of the Scoble chronicles
- John Taschek
NEST and Philips - two companies to watch - very interesting technologies.
- John Taschek
You all forget to mention Social!
- Tony Stanislawski
Watch out for eightly!
- Ludwig Ederle
JT: The Shrinking Size of Everything and Why Size Doesn't Matter?
- Charlie Isaacs
Wearable is a big thing for us Baby Boomers, time is running out for us, we need Biometric monitoring + Memory enhancment
- Scott Jordan
bluetooth le is three?
- Ludwig Ederle
One word: "robotics"
- Alex de Soto
Non tech Companies introducing Smart Data as a User Experience layer.
- Moe Glitz
Alex: I'm not so sure, but yes, that should be important, along with 3D printing.
- Robert Scoble
in 2014: delivering customized UI's, in-context, IoT-device-specific, geo-based
- Charlie Isaacs
Thank you John!
- Tony Stanislawski
- Tony Stanislawski
Tina: they are Phillips Hue lights. Very cool but very expensive. (Around $200)
- Robert Scoble
Be nice if the US tax code supported IoT offsets like FSAs...perhaps a govt vetting committee like the FDA inside the FCC to cert those devices? Or does that exist?
- J.C. Bouvier
Think of a Beds Company releasing a Sleeping App for Customer Experience
- Moe Glitz
John has got it!
- Tony Stanislawski
+1 JT
- Charlie Isaacs
More souces more connections...
- Tony Stanislawski
Robert... who should I talk to at Philips?
- Tina Chase Gillmor
I don't know. You can buy these at an Apple store
- Robert Scoble
Push Notification Optimization = PNO instead of SEO?
- Alex de Soto
Keep your PNO out of my SEO.
- Robert Scoble
SEO is getting your shit (broad term) before a potential customer, past customer, or current customer.
- Tony Stanislawski
Robert - oh, they are out. cool
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Mobile is killing SEO
- Moe Glitz
- Alex de Soto
Mobile is changing SEO.
- Robert Scoble
keywords need to be combined with context, location, and transaction history to take SEO to the next level
- Charlie Isaacs
+1 Robert
- Moe Glitz
Relationships = SEO plain and simple...virtual , social media or in person.
- Tony Stanislawski
Why advertise for money when you can create and maintain consumer relationships through SM I just dont get it
- Tony Stanislawski
Apple's SEO = Siri Enabled Optimization
- Moe Glitz
The future holds a time where advertising is dead, whcih is ironic. The advertising will be among us and not broadcasted...
- Tony Stanislawski
Here's the FAQ on Hummingbird:
- Charlie Isaacs
revamped to include what they've learned in the meantime
- Jerome Hughes
Google: "Does it really work? Any before-and-afters?
We don’t know. There’s no way to do a “before-and-after” ourselves, now."
- Charlie Isaacs
We are still in the stone ages..with advertisement. I want to walk into a store and know what my friend bought or what my friends bought or what people with my same characteristics bought how are in my same circumstance...
- Tony Stanislawski
That FAQ is from Danny, BTW
- Charlie Isaacs
What do we have and what do we want?
- Tony Stanislawski
The future of hacking "smart homes" systems and those Internet of Things products actually scares me a bit.
- Nir Ben Yona
You all need to watch some good SciFi this mirrors where we are going
- Tony Stanislawski
Robots equals Sci Fi
- Tony Stanislawski
I want to walk into my house, starts talking requests, and have my house do things. Preheat the oven, dim the lights, turn the tv on, make a phone call, find a recipe, video check in on my parents. Do all that with in 30 sec. that will save me time
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Did someone say "butt robots"?
- Tina Chase Gillmor
I don't get the 3D printing. There is nothing CAD and this stuff can't do better (and cheaper)
- Ludwig Ederle
Exactly Tina.. heres what is in the house and these are the things you can make
- Tony Stanislawski
Percolator, Dremel and Pregel underpin Google's edge in huge Graphs.
- clive boulton
Got to Go for my Birthday Dinner with my wife
- Tony Stanislawski
robots, more robots, kitty cats riding on robots:
- Charlie Isaacs
Great show!
- Tony Stanislawski
Happy birthday Tony
- Ludwig Ederle
- Tony Stanislawski
start thinking of a show name
- Tina Chase Gillmor
We need a standard like HTML for the Internet of Things
- Scott Jordan
happy birthday mrs. stanislawski! <3
- Charlie Isaacs
Imagine standing in front of your automated house in the middle of the rainy night, shouting: house, open! House, open! lol
- Ludwig Ederle
The Internet of Wearable Robots
- Moe Glitz
Ludwig, I do that now when I cant find my key ;-)
- Scott Jordan
I want my "remote control" speaker close to my mouth (think Star Trek) but use my tablet as my main "communicator". I need to voice command things around me to happen. It cant be far off. a year?
- Tina Chase Gillmor
hahaha, Scott. So sorry. just thinking of the video where the guy shouts to his google class the wifi password: peacock! peacock
- Ludwig Ederle
Siri doesnt like Steve that much
- Tina Chase Gillmor
- Ludwig Ederle
training the humans
- Jerome Hughes
- Moe Glitz
I talk with Siri, Moshi (alarm clock), Google Glass and Nest Protect already. Amazing!
- Alex de Soto
Can the Scottie Vest pass the Scoble test?
- clive boulton
Her sounds kind of a like a bad movie from the 1980s - and also several sci-fi books.
- John Taschek
after the show... you guys should watch this: 50 Siri Voice Commands -- Siri is getting much better
- Charlie Isaacs
Really, John T...all of this stuff sounds disappointingly pedestrian...
- Tom Guarriello
do it in phrases
- Jerome Hughes
I think average users are now exploring their imagination more and people are more ready for change
- Tina Chase Gillmor
very true Tina
- Moe Glitz
when Steve wears black he fades into the background and his head floats
- Tina Chase Gillmor
spot on Tina
- clive boulton
show title... Floating HEads?
- Tina Chase Gillmor
we need to stop calling "it" the phone
- Tina Chase Gillmor
we do very little that is "phone like" with it
- Tina Chase Gillmor
"Care and Feeding of the Internet of Things"
- Alex de Soto
- Jerome Hughes
Predictions for The Year A[Floating]head
- Charlie Isaacs
Too long Alex
- Tina Chase Gillmor
I know Tina. Sorry.
- Alex de Soto
The Internet of Wearable Robots
- Moe Glitz
Some day, maybe soon, the barrier between real and virtual will be harder and harder to determine...
- Tom Guarriello
we are code and programs too
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Things That Shrink
- Charlie Isaacs
- Tina Chase Gillmor
abstracts of human understandings
- Jerome Hughes
The Internet of Shrinking Things
- Moe Glitz
yeah, where are the holograms? geez
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Tina, you were saying about Steve's head floating...
- clive boulton
Watch the porn industry...they'll be the leaders, as always.
- Tom Guarriello
there was a little Max H. to John's entrance
- Jerome Hughes
clive - oh, my
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Plug Steve into the new Tricaster, viola first GG Dalek
- clive boulton
becoming an intelligent virtual assistant
- Jerome Hughes
or your water heater (and not the company that made it) will alert you to problems or maintenance required
- Jerome Hughes
the internet of things
- Moe Glitz
Tom you mean hologram porn?
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Yes, tina, and intelligent devices...internet of things...all kinds of things...
- Tom Guarriello
Some of us still depend on RSS
- Tom Guarriello
we are helping some companies investigate proactive water heater technology... measuring useful life, temp fluctuations, and sending notifications based on anomalies
- Charlie Isaacs
internet of things synced with Siri would be cool
- Moe Glitz
eightly is great and LeWeb was excellent
- Ludwig Ederle
here's the Eightly presentation at LeWeb:
- Charlie Isaacs
I think fear of jumping off a bridge is a good thing
- Tina Chase Gillmor
Well, Karl Lagerfeld was there too!
- Tom Guarriello
here's Dina, she was great (especially for women) overcoming fear:
- Charlie Isaacs
Well said, Steve
- Tom Guarriello
Guy Kawasaki was great too.
- Moe Glitz
really a stream of consciousness
- Tina Chase Gillmor
- John Taschek
Thanks for joining us!
- Robert Scoble
Wait - that's what streaming is anyway ...
- John Taschek
- Daniel W. Crompton
Thanks John, really gave me food for thought!
- Daniel W. Crompton
interacting heads
- Jerome Hughes
This show's become a Friday afternoon destination for me. Thanks Gillmors!
- Tom Guarriello
@Tom me too!
- Daniel W. Crompton
Thank you, Daniel! Enjoy the holidays!
- John Taschek
I am already chewing on my food
- Moe Glitz
Thanks everyone! Happy Holidays!
- Charlie Isaacs
Thank all, happy holidays!
- Daniel W. Crompton
Shaka when the walls fell?
- Daniel W. Crompton
Great Show. Happy Holidays
- Moe Glitz
Merry Xmas & Holidays. Looking forward to Tricaster 2.0.
- Alex de Soto
thanks all, enjoy the Holidays!
- Jerome Hughes
Thank you Gillmor Gang and all participants for the conversation
- clive boulton
Shaka - Hawaiian - not Shaka Zulu!
- John Taschek
My reference was actually a Star Trek reference. ;)
- Daniel W. Crompton
thanks Tom. We appreciate you taking the time to be here
- Tina Chase Gillmor
happy Christmas all
- Tina Chase Gillmor