People suck. I cannot believe that people were actually looting homes in San Bruno during the evacuation. I am losing my faith in humanity.
:) - Akiva
Dude, you lost that long ago - Josh Haley
I understand the whole opportunist stealing mentality and all, but Jesus H. W. D. Christ people! Not while people are fleeing a ruptured natural gas line from Hades! WTF! You looters are just making it way harder on yourself when it's time to settle up with Miss Karma. And I hear that she can be a real bitch sometimes. - Morgan
It's from the Blues Brothers...Church scene...when Jake sees the light and does backflips all the way up to the pulpit. - Morgan
I got really angry when I heard about that during the fire, too. - vicster.
It's just so very wrong on all levels. Like gut-wrenching disgust full of anger that just wants to cut that part of humanity from the mix. There are some things you just don't fucking do, no matter what. And this is one of them....if anyone reading this was one of the looters: shame on you. you should know better. your ancestors are saddened by your actions. and lastly - fuck you you fucking fuck. - Morgan
Eloquence runs in the family. - Josh Haley