£500m in three years: what you paid to send diplomats' children to school - UK Politics - UK - The Independent - http://www.independent.co.uk/news...
"The Government has spent more than half a billion pounds sending the children of diplomats and military personnel to Britain's most prestigious private schools over the last three years, new figures have revealed. Ministers last year backed down on plans to scrap the allowance, which costs the taxpayer more than £21,000 per child, as part of public sector spending cuts. Instead they promised to cut the bill through "efficiencies". But research by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism has revealed that the cost of the perk has increased by nearly ten per cent since 2009 and last year stood at £203m across three departments." - M F
Where's the Taxpayers Alliance... - Pete's Got To Go
Yes, exactly where are they when you need them? - M F
Talking shite somewhere else - Pete's Got To Go
AAhhhhh, now I see why tuition fees were TREBLED from £3K to £9K for the average mug, I mean they need to get the money from somewhere, so why not exsanguinate the common peasants. - Halil
I am sure that they get paid enough to send their children to private school if they wish, for us common mortals the mantra is your children are your responsibility and if you cannot afford them, don't have them. - M F
Was surprised at the amount when I read it. Feels like the silent benefit of a privileged elite. - Winckel
I'm not sure all diplomatic and military personnel really earn enough to pay for board and tuition either in local private English schools, or back in the UK. This is a common demand for people in the private sector too, when relocated for a few years, that their children get access to schooling that will be valid when they go back to the UK. and the price seems high but I suspect that is what these schools cost. - Iphigenie