Thursday: 22 Meter (71 feet) Wide Asteroid To Miss Earth By Less Than One Lunar Distance | Universe Today -
"Good to know the Spaceguard teams are keeping an eye out for us. The eagle-eyed observers at the Catalina Sky Survey have spotted an asteroid which will pass relatively close to Earth this Thursday, April 8, 2010 at 23:06 U.T.C. (4:06 p.m. PDT, 7:06 pm EDT). But it should pose no problem, as at the time of closest approach asteroid 2010 GA6 will be about 359,000 kilometers (223,000 miles) away from Earth – about 9/10ths the distance from to the moon. The asteroid is approximately 22 meters (71 feet) wide." - Kurt Starnes
WOOHOO! Thanks for the <1 lunar distance update, Kurt. - Louis Gray
This was especially for you, Louis. - Kurt Starnes
I wonder what combination of mass and distance would be required to screw things up for us earthlings not by a collision but by altering the orbit of the earth and moon? - Sue - Friendfeed is best