Total eclipse of the moon on April 4! | Tonight | EarthSky -
The totality – total phase – of tomorrow’s lunar eclipse will last less than five minutes, making it the shortest total lunar eclipse of the 21st century. It’s perfect for short attention spans! The whole eclipse including penumbral and partial phases lasts several hours. The total lunar eclipse will be visible from western North America, eastern Asia, the Pacific, Australia and New Zealand. At North American time zones, that means the greatest eclipse happens before sunrise on April 4 – the morning of April 4, not the evening. From the world’s Eastern Hemisphere – eastern Asia, Indonesia, New Zealand and Australia – the greatest eclipse takes place after sunset April 4. Follow the links below to learn eclipse times and more: - Greg GuitarBuster
Central Daylight Time (April 4, 2015) Partial umbral eclipse begins: 5:16 a.m. CDT Total eclipse begins: 6:58 a.m. CDT Greatest eclipse: 7:00 a.m. CDT Total eclipse ends: 7:03 a.m. CDT Moon may set before start of total eclipse - Greg GuitarBuster
I hope our weather clears up. I'd actually get up that early to see it if I /can/ actually see it. Hrm. Looks like it'll get clear tonight... and then cloudy just in time to obscure this >__> - Jennifer Dittrich
April's Full Moon, Full Pink Moon, heralds the appearance of the moss pink, or wild ground phlox—one of the first spring flowers. It is also known as the Sprouting Grass Moon, the Egg Moon, and the Fish Moon. - Greg GuitarBuster
at 5:52 CDT, too overcast for a clear view. - Greg GuitarBuster
7:15 too low in the sky - Greg GuitarBuster
It's beautiful out here! Wish I could get a good photo with my phone to share with you. - Starmama
I got to see it around 6:30, just before it went behind a tree. Too chilly to stand and watch it for very long. - Kirsten loves you
Yeah, what's up with this cool front? - Greg GuitarBuster