Silly irritation of this morning: Word files saved at more than 100% zoom, so that the text is all up in your face when I open it. I don't ever want to be that close to the words on the page.
Now I want to do this to everyone all the time. - Meg VMeg
This happens to me every time a Mac user sends me a Word file. It's to the point where, when I get an attachment from Certain People, I know to brace myself against the zoom factor before I open the document. - Catherine Pellegrino
oops. I have to zoom to 120% on my screen to keep it at a single page when I'm working. - ~Courtney F
it seems like a way to wake you up. - kendrak
I knew you'd be into it. - Meg VMeg
NTS: never open attachments from Meg. Or Kendra. - ellbeecee
I don't do attachments. My life is Google Docs. Though now I should figure out how to do something like that... - kendrak
Right? - Meg VMeg
Vows to send all attachments at 800%. - Back to just Joe