Now that all of MASH is on Netflix, I figure its a challenge to watch the whole thing all the way through in order.
Ell Bee, See?,
That one guy. Bren.,
Aloof Schipperke,
AHnix (Anna Haro),
Corinne L,
Jennifer Dittrich,
Jenny H.
liked this
I don't think I've ever watched an episode from beginning to end. It was something that was on in the background.
- Rodfather
Finished all five seasons on Netflix.. wonder if they will release the other seasons.
- CW
Rod, that was my experience with MASH. I was a little kid and not interested at all. I just started watching on Netflix two weeks ago. Great show.
- AHnix (Anna Haro)
I remember watching the show with my grandparents. I didn't understand half of it, but I knew it was funny. By the time the series was ending, I got it a bit more, and I totally cried at the last episode.
- That one guy. Bren.