Gillmor Gang Friday 10.24.14 LIVE recording at 1pm PT/4pm ET
Yup. This is the chat for Gillmor Gang happening at the top of the hour. 1pm PT - Tina Chase Gillmor
Here - Keith Teare
Present! - Chris Hale
Ready to learn. :) - Zachary Grant
booting up the guys - Tina Chase Gillmor
happy Friday, everybody! - Jerome Hughes
I'm here. - Robert Scoble
Evening all - Darren James
Robert. I am interested to hear today about what tools you are playing with these days for email mgt and also maybe contact mgt. Since you deal with a flood of email, i really value your input - Chris Hale
I'm using Google's new Inbox almost exclusively now. - Robert Scoble
Hi all - Tom Guarriello
I LOVE the is chat community. one of my very fav places and peeps - Tina Chase Gillmor
What up Tina G? You are awesome peeps as well! - Chris Hale
@robert, i put in for an invite to Google Inbox. hopefully it will arrive soon. - Chris Hale
This is why i like the 1pm start as its nice to be able to follow the chat feed - Darren James
I got inbox too...I wish it would support Google Apps so I could use it with my work email - Tony Stanislawski
hmm, @Tony, have you seen them say anything about plans to support google apps? - Chris Hale
Invites for inbox anybody? - Ludwig Ederle
No but this is what they usually do with new Apps - Tony Stanislawski
First Ebola reference by Steve! - Tom Guarriello
yeah, anybody got any open invites? - Chris Hale
Hey sure - Tina Chase Gillmor
Apple pay is out now in other tech news - Chris Hale
I do not either! - Tony Stanislawski
Hiya - Ian Waring
I do not think the Inbox is the different. It just puts labels front and center - Tony Stanislawski
And nobody's there...Ello... - Tom Guarriello
Worked in Princeton - Tom Guarriello
I quite enjoyed Steve Ballmer on Charlie Rose.... - Alex de Soto
Facebook Rooms - Moe Glitz
I haven't opened elli in a few weeks - Tina Chase Gillmor
meant ello - Tina Chase Gillmor
Zuckerberg talks Mandarin... - Ian Waring
Oh, hai, gang. Friday already? - Laura Norvig
Napsters is the original culprit - Tony Stanislawski
@Ludwig, I may have an invite...if they offer sec will check. - J.C. Bouvier
Elections in less than 2 weeks - Tony Stanislawski
Amazon should have kept away from Hardware. They should have released their Software Services as Mobile Apps - Moe Glitz
Bob Lefsetz on selling music in era of no gold albums - Tom Guarriello
I think Amazon would have been better off using Google Play instead of doing its own service. - John Taschek
The Google Exec beat Felix Baumgartners jump from Space - Tony Stanislawski
Yo on my iPhone should be reporting Pmarca tweetstorms, silent now for a few weeks.. - Ian Waring
Yah, Ludwig, what email? - J.C. Bouvier
Same for me, Ian - Tom Guarriello
None of other FB apps got traction...except MESG when people were forced to adopt - Tony Stanislawski
sure, np. - J.C. Bouvier
Anonymity is hot, apparently. Not a big fan except in certain specific contexts. Yik Yak is weird, #gamergate sucks. - Laura Norvig
Wow, cool. Thx J. C. I only have an invite to Stuttgart/Germany for you :) - Ludwig Ederle
i have not been successful yet. not sure why - Tina Chase Gillmor
VIP Rooms - Moe Glitz
I am in - Tony Stanislawski
I think its gonna be something. I just can't get it to work for me yet - Tina Chase Gillmor
Tina - did you download the app, and then use the camera to take a photo of the code? - John Taschek
Not a screen grab... - John Taschek
i did a creen grab - Tina Chase Gillmor
screen grab - Tina Chase Gillmor
Take a photo - John Taschek
It's using the popularity of photo taking -- and then take the photo of the QR code. - John Taschek
In the App - Tony Stanislawski
And to keep it private...not shared with everyone... - Tony Stanislawski
That is what I did Keith - Tony Stanislawski
Chat Rollette Rooms - Moe Glitz
Don't give Steve Inbox...:) - Tony Stanislawski
Steve is making his guests need - Laura Norvig
What's the app name on the App Store? - Ian Waring
57 Rooms. And Nothing Going On - Moe Glitz
Funny comments :) - John Taschek
Link to Rooms is here. - John Taschek
Apple SIM dead cuz VZW and AT&T say No - Da
Nice one Moe. - Zachary Grant
Its an optical implementation of continuity, a way of moving a deep link across devices, and apps so long as they can render images. Feels clunky to me. - Simon Benvenutto
there is a room for all of Scoble blocked FB people...:) - Tony Stanislawski
dude, i am just now falling in love with IRC again - Chris Hale
You mean the place where I go for my Movies...USENET... - Tony Stanislawski
Keith is so right on about 1) app silos and 2) the need for niche-specific conversations. - Laura Norvig
For software development , I have made lots of friends lately on IRC. I have learned tons using it - Chris Hale
I agree Laura -- the forums from CompuServe, Prodigy, Usenet, BIX, and where I worked -- The Source - were very important. - John Taschek
trying to use iPad but cant seem to take picture - Darren James
But Scoble is also right. There is a Lord of the Flies effect that happens over time - John Taschek
In order for chat rooms to be useful they need to heavily moderated - Tony Stanislawski
Which most are not willing to do - Tony Stanislawski
I guess that's why really great forums often have a bit of moderation. Pinned FAQs, reminding n00bs to go elsewhere ... - Laura Norvig
Has Kevin set up his I Love Android Room yet? - Moe Glitz
I think they need to be automatically archived with intelligent systems - John Taschek
avsforums are great - Tony Stanislawski
Link Keith? - Tony Stanislawski
Ello sucks! - Tony Stanislawski
Perhaps Brian Wilson has set up his VIP "In My Room" - Moe Glitz
Everybody gets their name on these new services and then go back to Twitter - Tom Guarriello
@John @Keith: Kevin Marks link a few weeks ago still cracks me up regarding Ello. I'm originally from Chingford and remember it being played as a youngster: - Darren James
Cute - Robert Scoble dances when he uses his standing desk - Tina Chase Gillmor
:-) It keeps me from talking too much. - Robert Scoble
Installed - any invites into a room? - Ian Waring
Can't do THAT on FriendFeed. Which is probably why Steve likes this. Heheh. - Robert Scoble
Link to Room, via John B - - John Taschek
Just hold up a pic - that'll do it! - Ian Waring
Sorry Tony - can't remember what link you need - Keith Teare
The one you mentioned a few minutes ago..A blog posting - Tony Stanislawski
Keith you quoted it. - Tony Stanislawski
Most of the stuff that Facebook Labs have launched on Mobile has flopped. No wonder why they had to acquire both Instagram & WhatsApp - Moe Glitz
Somebody better walk me through the FB rooms app. I have QR code in my photos but can't do anything else. Im on 7.0.2 btw. don't ask ;-) - Tina Chase Gillmor
Have you guys discussed Venmo here? I thought this post was pretty interesting - saw it right about the same time I started hearing about Venmo everywhere (sort of apropos of identity) - Laura Norvig
Any thoughts on Pinterest. Back in the UK no one uses it. The Gang hardly ever mentions it - Moe Glitz
i just started using pinterest a little bit recently - Chris Hale
i clip mobile app uis i like - Chris Hale
I teach Twitter to students. Once I explain it to them, get them to follow at least 100 people, most of them have switch turn on and see its value... - Tony Stanislawski
I think that is Twitters biggest issue - Tony Stanislawski
Borthwick knew!! - Tom Guarriello
I found out about FB Rooms from Yo. - Alex de Soto
Yo could be the conductor for the Messaging Bus - Moe Glitz
Robert stop talking about it. I do not have it yet and jealous! - Tony Stanislawski
My Yo has gone mute for several weeks - Ian Waring
That feature is pretty cool. It will make it easier for me to meet up with you when you are in town - Chris Hale
My iPad Mini doesn't like the Rooms invite :-( - Ian Waring
Saves having to post on FB where you are and what you are doing - Chris Hale
RObert - do you use the voice part of FB Messenger? - Tina Chase Gillmor
Does anyone else here have this feature on FB mobile....??? - Tony Stanislawski
I totally agree with Robert on the privacy thing and advertising location - Chris Hale
I think that is a no-brainer for young folks - phones help them connect IRL big time. - Laura Norvig
I have had a lot of fun adventures by virtue of knowing where friends and acquaintences are in real time - Chris Hale
Tina: yes. - Robert Scoble
I signed in and posted a photo - Tom Guarriello
@Laura Yup, the students I interact with on a daily basis would be lost without their phone - Zachary Grant
do we all shift to personal datastore's: metaphor on phones? - clive boulton
robert - I haven't been. Rebecca Woodcock talked about using it on G3 today - Tina Chase Gillmor
I mostly use it where voice is more appropriate. If I'm hanging out with a famous music star you will REALLY appreciate the voice. - Robert Scoble
Facebook develops Channels. - Moe Glitz
Notifications - the end of Apps: - John Taschek
Facebook has become a branded house - Tom Guarriello
Many Facebook big blue accounts look dead to me - clive boulton
Youngsters have FB accounts, but use other apps to message - clive boulton
Some break prime time others turn into Test Card Channels - Moe Glitz
Teens use brand mentions and links to game the FB algorithm so they end up prominently on their friends timelines. - Alex de Soto
My bot boys!!! - Tom Guarriello
boy am i mad that i can't get in there. cool that we are trying this out together in real time tho - Tina Chase Gillmor
Facebook should dump Paper and acquire Flipboard - Moe Glitz
i love flipboard. I hope they stay independent. I think facebook would ruin Flipboard - Chris Hale
it would destroy flipboards credibility in my eyes. - Chris Hale
I do have an invite to Inbox first email posted gets it - Tony Stanislawski
Does Flipboard have credibility? It's a design-based reader. - John Taschek
John: yes. Flipboard's founders will be here in an hour. It is MASSIVE. - Robert Scoble
Anybody have any Inbox invites? - Tom Guarriello
when i say credibility, i guess i am implying about the quality of the stories and news they curate that i really like - Chris Hale
Tom, you need to get them from Google. - Robert Scoble
doh! pwnd by Tina! Would love an invite - Laura Norvig
Sent Tina! - Tony Stanislawski
I applied, Robert. - Tom Guarriello
Got another for anyone that wants one - Tony Stanislawski
Chris - possibly. Robert - credibility isn't popularity - John Taschek
if fb bought them, i would expect the news to be manipulated a bit in a way that is geared to sell stuff to me - Chris Hale
thanks Tony. I'll get it later but many thanks - Tina Chase Gillmor
Yes, Tony - Tom Guarriello
laura.norvig at the gee mail - Laura Norvig
Economist vs USA Today vs blog - John Taschek
of course this is all theory - Chris Hale
Tom dot guarriello at gee mail - Tom Guarriello
but i find a lot of value in the quality of there curated news topics - Chris Hale
it saves me uselessly having to cull through articles on my own - Chris Hale
Chris - good point. Quality is true. It's very accessible. - John Taschek
Sent Laura and Tom - Tony Stanislawski
I have no more invites sorry - Tony Stanislawski
Big blue activity more around social brands like Scobilzer is, far less around youngsters. - clive boulton
thanks, Tony! stoked. - Laura Norvig
Curation is an important and somewhat lost talent - John Taschek
it is a huge time saver fo rme - Chris Hale
Thanks, Tony - Tom Guarriello
I agree John. - Chris Hale
I had two invites. Tom and Tina are in. Sorry no more. - Robert Scoble
I never thought well curated news would become important to me but now that i am super busy and dont have time to flip through a lot of it, it is a nice time saver for me to have well curated news - Chris Hale
Human curation vs. machine curation is still an epic battle. I vote for humans. - Laura Norvig
Flipboard is the only App that creates relative Display Advertising that feels supplementary - Moe Glitz
Chris: Flipboard is moving toward machine learning, with human help. - Robert Scoble
plus it is helping me build my own brand and followers because i can clip things and create my own magazine - Chris Hale
One of Twitters issues is onboarding... - Tony Stanislawski
I helps me to aspire to be scobleesque in curating tech news people might care about - Chris Hale
like Twitter groups - Tina Chase Gillmor
A master of curating content about curation = - Laura Norvig
Machine learning will win, algorithms for the most important news should be fairly easy. The obstacles now are the content creators and the economics of paywalls - John Taschek
Touch ID + 1 Password in iOS8.1 = Big win - Tom Guarriello
Anybody else lost video feed? - Darren James
@Tom, why do you like it? - Chris Hale
I use lastpass with two factor auth. I used to have 1password - Chris Hale
Re: curation. Great story: The Laborers Who Keep Dick Pics and Beheadings Out of Your Facebook Feed - christina sponselli
So easy to sign in to anything, Chris. - Tom Guarriello
Alpha House - Tom Guarriello
John, I like to read commentaries about, and synopses of, curated content that have a definite point of view. - Laura Norvig
Ok in London Darren - Moe Glitz
Got to run...Good show! Have a good weekend! Go Giant for my SFO friends... - Tony Stanislawski
The commentaries will still exist. The machine learning will take the best people to that content, and help them promote their new content - John Taschek
Thanks for the invite, Tony - Tom Guarriello
sneeze me. sorry - Tina Chase Gillmor
Christina, cool story! - Laura Norvig
inbox invite; a big android app 36.05MB - clive boulton
Did they have an IOS version of Inbox yet? - Chris Hale
Chris: yes. I only use iOS. - Robert Scoble
Yes... - J.C. Bouvier
Yes, Chris. Just downloaded it - Tom Guarriello
@Moe: Strange, Internet working fine but Ustream not working for me ;-( - Darren James
I think I have at least one more Inbox invite if anyone needs it - J.C. Bouvier
JC, I need one - Chris Hale
I could use an invite ... [email protected] - John Taschek
Pick me, pick me - Chris Hale
Pick Chris - - John Taschek
John T, you rock - Chris Hale
How come you arent on the show more often these days? Just busy with work? - Chris Hale
Back up...Strange! - Darren James
Steve, you run a custom tweetstream using Tweetdeck, which is where you can curate it. - christina sponselli
Chris/John, look for your invites...says both were sent. - J.C. Bouvier
Just forwarded you one, John T - Tom Guarriello
Thank you JC!!! - Chris Hale
This topic you GG is talking about is super interesting to me. - Chris Hale
Cord shavers, FTW - Tom Guarriello
I think i commented last week about this. I think cell companies are going to start favoring traffic for certain services like these - Chris Hale
yes I just got into Rooms. Shot a photo from my monitor of the invite QR - Tina Chase Gillmor
I think this is going to be used as cell company feature differentiation - Chris Hale
Props to Google two-step touch USB: - clive boulton
Robert just got my cold ;-) - Tina Chase Gillmor
Lol, Tina! - Tom Guarriello
Yeah, i was happy to see that Clive. I have a yubikey i use for two factor auth - Chris Hale
Gesundheit! - Alex de Soto
These TV moves will get Apple to ramp up their TV Hobby. - Moe Glitz
Sports is the big shoe to drop... - Tom Guarriello
two factor touch should stop celebrity hacking (if they use it) - clive boulton
I agree Tom - Chris Hale
The soggy middle of cable networks... - Tom Guarriello
Just saw Mischa's mother's sculpture exhibition at a Gallery in DC, Keith. She was interesting. - Tom Guarriello
Thank you J.C. - and Thanks, Tom - Chris - did you get one? - John Taschek
Yes, i got one - Chris Hale
Watched shows streamed online. Usually same 2-3 ads on continuous repeat. Looks like advertisers aren't sold on concept...yet. - christina sponselli
Here's the link to Mischa's mother's exhibit, Keith - Tom Guarriello
Been listening to this in the car. It's the best show in a long time! - Francine Hardaway
Speaking of calendaring. What do folks use for calendering?? - Chris Hale
Anxious to try Rooms now. - Francine Hardaway
I am starting to use calendly - Chris Hale
and hoping to find something similar but cheaper - Chris Hale
please send [email protected] an Inbox invite, too, thanks in advance - Jerome Hughes
I have totally switched over to Inbox.I love it - Francine Hardaway
anybody have any cool calendar solutions they endorse? Robert, John? - Chris Hale
Tempo. - Robert Scoble
FB used machine learning to build a service for deceased members with public profiles (I think it's been buried) [looking for the linky] - clive boulton
Deep learning, for sure, Dan. - Tom Guarriello
I use Google Calendar for everything -- but I try many.. Like Sunrise, Cal, etc. and eventually I don't find the value of a non-integrated solution. - John Taschek
Inbox looks great - it's perfect for what I do. In fact, it does what I do without me having to do it. - John Taschek
Google X is becoming Skynet - Moe Glitz
Emotion recognition engines... - Tom Guarriello
Has anyone read Superintelligence by Nick Bostrom? Wow! - Tom Guarriello
Well, the missing link i am looking for is a decent service i can use to tell people publicly my availability so they can schedule time with me - Chris Hale
You can publish Google calendars - John Taschek
calendly does a decent job but 10 bucks a month is a little more expensive than i feel its worth. - Chris Hale
John. I might have to dig into my google calendar a little deeper. - Chris Hale
Thank you guys for your insight on that - Chris Hale
How do I get into that Room????? - Francine Hardaway
Fun GG...Hi Tina! - Tom Guarriello
Thanks, everyone! - Robert Scoble
Francine, see the QR-like image above in stream - Tom Guarriello
Agreed with Steve's sentiment. - Chris Hale
Have a great weekend! - Alex de Soto
A little more Alexia T would also be a welcome addition - Chris Hale
Great show once again - Moe Glitz
yay Francine - clive boulton
I haven't seen any images. - Francine Hardaway
Someone put one up - Francine Hardaway
It's a link, Francine - Tom Guarriello
Alexia will neon soon. She's been crazy busy with TC Disrupt and London events - Tina Chase Gillmor
awesome news - Chris Hale
so am i missing something. Are folks playing around in FB room right now? - Chris Hale
open the app and say you have one of those, focus on it and you're in - Jerome Hughes
If one of you fine folks sent me an Inbox invitation... Thank You! - Alex de Soto