Gillmor Gang Live - Recording Session - Friday 11.21.14 at 1pm PT/4pm ET
here - Keith Teare
What was said at the Uber dinner - clive boulton
Having trouble getting on Skype. - Robert Scoble
Looks like I'm up, so now am waiting for the call. Yeah, we'll talk Uber. - Robert Scoble
What's the British series name again? - Zachary Grant
thanks! - Zachary Grant
worricker trilogy? - Kevin Marks
What is that tiny drone called again? - Sarah Slocum
can someone tweet. behind on that front. thx - Tina Chase Gillmor
Not on Netflix - Tony Stanislawski
he said it was Estes (the model rocket folks?) - Jerome Hughes
Don't forget to also contact Uber to delete your info on their servers. - Zachary Grant
Secret about me: I have never used Uber - Tina Chase Gillmor
Current climate feels ultra sensitive to any kind of bias talk (real or imagined). - clive boulton
Jerome: yes. Estes. - Robert Scoble
Neither have I - Tony Stanislawski
I deleted it and emailed them to wipe my account - Kevin Marks
Cool thanks Jerome - Sarah Slocum
the nixie wearable drone looks so super cool :) - Sarah Slocum
Remember the Go Daddy controversies? - Alex de Soto
No.. - Sarah Slocum
I love "driven entrepreneur" in this context - Kevin Marks
just posted a studio photo to the Facebook site - Tina Chase Gillmor Great analysis of Uber vs. Lyft based on credit card charges. Uber is about 7 times bigger than Lyft, and growing faster. - Evan Prodromou
It just seems so juvinelle - Tony Stanislawski
don't like the God View term - Tina Chase Gillmor
"everyone in technology now plays for Yankees." -- @semil - clive boulton
LOL Kevin! - Tony Stanislawski
They should bring in Dov Seidman of LRN. He can straighten their shit out - Tina Chase Gillmor
3 billion dollar 38 year old, what do you expect. - Tony Stanislawski
Exactly Kevin...that is why Zuck gets credit! - Tony Stanislawski
reading Kate Losse's Boy Kings book, facebook had a lot of this too - Kevin Marks
Until Now! - Tony Stanislawski
Heres an idea, start Wuber for women. Only women drivers and passengers.... - Tony Stanislawski
Lol Tony - Sarah Slocum
Uber needs a deux ex machina moment to fix this. - Alex de Soto
I hate to say this, but Public Transportation should be the answer not more cars! - Tony Stanislawski
My video stream is hung. - Robert Scoble
When I want to SFO for the first time Google Maps and Public Transportation is all I used. Only took a Taxi back to the Airport! I wish MKE had that good of Public transport - Tony Stanislawski
Off Topic - Tony Stanislawski
#pii2014 conference week before missed the Uber controversy. - clive boulton
Anyone get a Lollipop update on their Nexus 7 tabliet - Tony Stanislawski
How about Google Contributor - ad-free websites for a fee? - Alex de Soto
its not just really bad PR. I think its might be a corporate culture thing with Uber. They need to work just as had creating good values - Tina Chase Gillmor
See here in America, I think Google should replace the US government and make Larry King! - Tony Stanislawski
We might be better governed and get more done - Tony Stanislawski
Hi kids. Late but here... - Francine Hardaway
tim berners lee mentioned cloud a lot - Kevin Marks
Its not about invention its about implemetation - Tony Stanislawski
Look at Apple, not inventing, but implementing just right... - Tony Stanislawski
*waves to Francine* - I just got here too. - Laura Norvig
Lollipop ushered in material design. Polymer may usher in web components on phones. - clive boulton
I was just thinking Amazon - Francine Hardaway
THe cloud - Francine Hardaway
One really Samsung builds them all now - Tony Stanislawski
LOL I kid - Tony Stanislawski
mobile is also popular apps - Laura Norvig
So the morale of the story is that in 10 years we will all be back on a Windows Phone - Tony Stanislawski
Amazon's web site is a mess of stale inventory, like an unkempt Frys -- search for home wi-fi. - clive boulton
here's tim berners lee on clouds: "Let's think about the Net now as an invention which made life simpler and more powerful. It made it simpler because of having to navigate phone lines from one computer to the next,you could write programs as though the net were just one big cloud, where messages went in at your computer and came out at the destination one. The realization was, "It isn't the cables, it is the computers which are interesting". The Net was designed to allow the computers to be seen without having to see the cables." - Kevin Marks
What are those headphones Scoble is wearing? - Francine Hardaway
Francine: Alpine Headphones. - Robert Scoble
Kevin don't make everyone too honest:-) - Francine Hardaway
Who's serving who? Is Facebook serving us, or are we serving Facebook? - Zachary Grant
at a difffernt level - Tina Chase Gillmor
Jack Dorsey moves into registers - clive boulton
It just feels like Uber can go away and it will not matter much - Tony Stanislawski
Zachary both. - Robert Scoble
Which should worry Uber - Tony Stanislawski
Google Uber to see what news stories show up. - Alex de Soto
I know anybody I know would not care... - Tony Stanislawski
Robert: this is true. thanks for the response. - Zachary Grant
the thing about Uber is there are feasible alternatives. Not so much for Facebook right now - Tina Chase Gillmor
Right Kevn. Oppo stuff and no contrition. - Francine Hardaway
Tina is not a G+ fan gurl ;) - clive boulton
Clive - true enough - Tina Chase Gillmor
At some point that begins to hurt you - Francine Hardaway
And they often die too - Tony Stanislawski
To be honest, I thought the first challenge for Uber would be a 'driver alliance' lobbying together for better share of the revenue... This came as quite a suprise - Monty Hamilton
Or get replaced - Francine Hardaway
Boober doesn't fly - Tina Chase Gillmor
Also reality can happen now...what happens when someone does die or gets raped, etc. - Tony Stanislawski
Compare these Uber issues with the historic image of taxis. - Arnie Klaus
I think the extent of the damage done is underestimated. There was an implicit agreement to allow Uber to disrupt city transportation, which had comfortable cartel like arrangements. But they've crossed a line, and there's no coming back, they've moved from disruptive to arrogant. - Simon Benvenutto
hey gang - Rocky Barbanica
Does Uber pay "taxi" fees at airports? - Tina Chase Gillmor
Hi Rocky! - Tony Stanislawski
The problem IS the regulatory agencies, who hate conflict - Francine Hardaway
Hi Rocky - Francine Hardaway
Rockyyyyy! - Tina Chase Gillmor
Yo Rock. - Robert Scoble
no, that was the SFO protest this week - Kevin Marks
We talked about this on G3 yesterday - Tina Chase Gillmor
didn't we Francine? - Tina Chase Gillmor
Yes, we did. Women have a different point of view - Francine Hardaway
If we don't feel safe, we won't use it. - Francine Hardaway
9.3 billion. - Nir Ben Yona
Keith, don't underestimate city governments - Francine Hardaway
Exactly Francine, strong women then drive mens behavior - Tony Stanislawski
I think about what Mr. Wonderful always says on Shark Tank - is it proprietary? The more important thing here is people and culture and people wanting to vote with their dollars for cultures they believe in. At least I want to believe that. - Laura Norvig
Taxis had scale - Francine Hardaway
Re Governments: what happened to Aereo TV for example... - Alex de Soto
Steve's right. Bring in a woman into the top ranks of Uber. Would send a good signal. Then bring in people to fix the corp culture and establish sound principles - Tina Chase Gillmor
I've seen many women say Uber did make them feel safer - Kevin Marks
In China -- Both Tencent and Alibaba are pushing subsidies at roughly $500 million to the Taxi app market. Uber just couldn't compete with them and apparently decided to pull off. - Nir Ben Yona
Exactly Alex. - Francine Hardaway
Let's not confuse 'regulatory' controls with behaviours / culture that - in this circumstance - presents as fundamentally mis-aligned to that of some of it's customers and observers - Monty Hamilton
how do you FORCE someone to be GENUINE ? - Rocky Barbanica
Car culture in US is almost as strong as the Gun culture - Tony Stanislawski
Yeah, Cosby - Francine Hardaway
I like supershuttle and its an example of disintegration of the taxi control structures. - Arnie Klaus
So many tweets don't have hashtags - Francine Hardaway
Bob Dylan plays the Academy of Music all weekend in Philly :) - Alex de Soto
@Rocky can't - Monty Hamilton
the search is words not just hashtags - Kevin Marks
Tina my Uber receipt had an airport fee on it - $1 I think - Rocky Barbanica
Oh good, Kevin - Francine Hardaway
Jack's going after small business big data via Register apps - clive boulton
Rocky... thanks for answering that question - Tina Chase Gillmor
DM update for Twitter works on Android Twitter v5.35.0 - Monty Hamilton
Rooms has no use IMHO. Groups is good. - Francine Hardaway
suer thing, Tina ! :-) - Rocky Barbanica
Could a private group replace FF? - Francine Hardaway
Did we already discuss Computer Engineer Barbie? - Laura Norvig
Laura we whould have discussed that in G3! - Francine Hardaway
Laura - missed that. do tell - Tina Chase Gillmor
Gigabit wifi hotspots on phone boxes in NYC? - Monty Hamilton
InfoSec Taylor Swift on Barbie - clive boulton
Oh no, the future of the call centre is Enterprise Facebook !? - Simon Benvenutto
Steve - LOL - Rocky Barbanica
the barbie thing has been great - Kevin Marks
I already use FB as a work tool - Francine Hardaway
isn't there an Uber kids shuttle service? - Tina Chase Gillmor
Mercedes has a kids shuttle service in Palo Alto - Keith Teare
saw someone post about a pet shuttle recently - Jerome Hughes
my niece said, "Skipper should use Google Drive, that dumb betch." - Laura Norvig
7000 - Nir Ben Yona
said it was too expensive - Jerome Hughes
I am with Robert on this one. FB for Work will be the next big thing - Tony Stanislawski
@Tina I think it's shuddle ? - Monty Hamilton
if done right, I think Facebook will be a big thing for work - Tina Chase Gillmor
More Facebook apps, more commercial (subscriptions, ads, promotions) opportunities. - Alex de Soto
This is the Windows office argument that FB has. People use it, many, many do, and know how to use it, so to transition in the workplace would be no big deal - Tony Stanislawski
Another new thing: Snapcash. - Laura Norvig
is snapcash a snapchat thing? - Tina Chase Gillmor
I agree about FB. I think it will work for work - Francine Hardaway
Until Facebook will buy Slack. - Nir Ben Yona
But just because Slack works and is a great product ... doesn't spell long term success does it? - Laura Norvig
The key is ubiquitous access - most corporates still lock down access to the 'wave 1' tools like Microsoft Communicator... That's why things like Google Hangouts and Salesforce Chatter have thrived... they work when and where employees want them, not on the stale corporate policy IT network - Monty Hamilton
Tina, yeah, Square and Snapchat created another way to send instant cash to friends. - Laura Norvig
FB is not trusted in enterprise, it's brand has cachet in retail CRM, stops there. - clive boulton
Yes, I can't follow Leo laPorte's IRC - Francine Hardaway
I would pay for a days vacation in Roberts head...:) - Tony Stanislawski
using it a little but I don't like it. - Laura Norvig
@Clive but all the employees of a company who might consider the product already know how to use it and probably already are using it... - Monty Hamilton
OtherInBox - Rocky Barbanica
I still have OIB, Rocky! - Laura Norvig
someone help poor Dan Farber out - Tina Chase Gillmor
I got invites if anyone needs your email - Tony Stanislawski
I'm quite happy with Inbox - Let me know if you want an invite... - Monty Hamilton
Inbox - Managing incoming email 9/10 - Monty Hamilton
Inbox - Authoring and creating 2/10 - Monty Hamilton
Inbox works quite good for me on-the-go. Gmail is better for office use IMHO. - Nir Ben Yona
@monty agreed, but any enterprise call I take uses Skype (GG case in point) - clive boulton
send me an invite to [email protected] - Keith Teare
I wish trashing was easier on inbox but it is cool. - Alex de Soto
invite pls, [email protected] - Adnan
keith, I sent you an invite - Laura Norvig
I haven't tried creating my own bundles yet. - Laura Norvig
Done, Keith - Ludwig Ederle
Anyone else - Ludwig Ederle
Musical chairs today - Tina Chase Gillmor
kevin - Please bring me some oranges! - Tina Chase Gillmor
Done, adnan - Ludwig Ederle
How about Google trying to auto-caption your photos? - Alex de Soto
and there are younger people who don't use email at all! - Laura Norvig
they're not quite ripe yet - green on the other side - Kevin Marks
Bret Taylor on Inbox: Want to like it, but not for me (yet?) - clive boulton
thx ludwig, got it! :) - Adnan
bret does have a mail replacement app too - Kevin Marks
Let me know how you like it - Ludwig Ederle
The problem with trying to move away from email is the risk of missing the rare convergence. - Arnie Klaus
Here's what I hate: knowing that so-and-so only responds to email, and so-and-so only responds to text, and so-and-so only responds to FB Messenger - Tina Chase Gillmor
I have bundles for my clients - Francine Hardaway
I liked Inbox for 2 weeks, till new Gmail app came along. - clive boulton
Difference between Updates/Promos/Social is kind of vague. - Laura Norvig
someone should invent an app that remembers all this stuff and launches whatever app needed - Tina Chase Gillmor
Who does that Steve? - Tony Stanislawski
that's smart francine -how did you derive them? - Kevin Marks
Messaging is more natural communication than email - Ludwig Ederle
As somebody who fervently believes that corporate email has crippled many large organisations, I look forward to an alternative medium. However I don't believe Facebook is that tool. - Simon Benvenutto
Email is not for communication it is for information. different to mail that is. - Ludwig Ederle
I hate any mesg system that does not encourage a avatar for chatting - Tony Stanislawski
@laura train your gmail to make Updates/Promos/Social less vague - clive boulton
this is tantek's thing too - Kevin Marks
there's a new gmail app? - Tina Chase Gillmor
Wish I could remember, Kevin. I was fooling around with Inbox one day and I appeared to be able to do that:-) - Francine Hardaway
Yup. - clive boulton
there's a new gmail app and there's inbox - Kevin Marks
Keith pushes Chatcenter all the time - Francine Hardaway
the other thing I didn't get was ... if I swipe stuff in Inbox, does that then archive it if I go back to the regular gmail? - Laura Norvig
messenger with chatheads is neat - Kevin Marks
Gmail reflects what you do in inbox Laura - Ludwig Ederle
Chat chat chatcenter - Ludwig Ederle
yes, they are both on the same backend - Kevin Marks
thx Ludwig. I think that makes me nervous to "sweep" things. - Laura Norvig
Who's on the sofa Robert? - Alex de Soto
Same for me. Feel better now with swiping - Ludwig Ederle
you already are - it's called YOUR PHONE NUMBER - Rocky Barbanica
@laura same here. That's why i stopped using inbox after new gmail "plastic" app came along. - clive boulton
D Hustle is behind me. - Robert Scoble
"plastic" gmail app might be material design (idk) - clive boulton
Speaking Of Which: Uber's Rival Lyft Quietly Limits Employee Access to User Data - Nir Ben Yona
a Facebook, a ChatCenter, an Inbox walk into a bar.... - Tina Chase Gillmor
really I only use FB to look up felons in local news - clive boulton
Mimi, the studio cat, is trying to tunnel her way into the studio - Tina Chase Gillmor
Robert thinks you're serious Steve. - Laura Norvig
Tina that was funny - Francine Hardaway
I would have sent that link in FB messenger - Tony Stanislawski
I'm too busy on Google+ and Twitter to make time for FB - clive boulton
My address book on my phone, my FB contacts, and my Gmail contacts aren't totally synced. There are too many of them Keith - Francine Hardaway
I was trying to search across Facebook for a hashtag the other day and it was a pain in the butt. Had to memorize the URL pattern for future reference. - Laura Norvig
I always take Steve seriously. Sometimes I'm right. Sometimes i'm wrong. :-) - Robert Scoble
Laura, searching inFB is ridiculous. not fun - Tina Chase Gillmor
Steve has a pretty good poker face. - Laura Norvig
FB has ease of use for me. I can find anyone there if I already know them. But their search is not fun - Francine Hardaway
hahah - Rocky Barbanica
We are still not in a time where we can solely rely on on one Mesg platform. I use FB Mesg, Twitter, Apple Mesg, rarely SMS - Tony Stanislawski
You go where your people are that you need to communicate with - Tony Stanislawski
So hard to link to a permanent URL on a Facebook post. Go to the timestamp on the desktop version, blah, blah. Is there an easier way? - Alex de Soto
I know if I have something to say to Robert or Scott Jordan I go to Facebook - Tony Stanislawski
Zucks engineers need to debounce FB graph search (srlsy crap ux) - clive boulton
@Tony lot of truth in that. - Simon Benvenutto
Laura - Poker face. yep - Tina Chase Gillmor
Better than ISIS - Tony Stanislawski
Actually Google search ux feels very dated. - clive boulton
or something new that they aren't getting elsewhere - Jerome Hughes
The ultimate viral goodwill economy will use all backbones for signalling - like Cat photos - Arnie Klaus
We are going to have a lot of disjointed mediums until the AI comes along that aggregates and represents then - for me - in a way that to me looks homogenous. This is still way way in the future. - Simon Benvenutto
Awesome, Kevin! - Laura Norvig
Who will be @leweb this December? - Ludwig Ederle
I let the cat in. Now she wants out. She's driving me crazy - Tina Chase Gillmor
See ya folks - have a great weekend !!! - Rocky Barbanica
Yes there is, Keith. Mobile dollars went up 33% this year and going up another 70% next year according to eMarketer. Now, can they measure its effectiveness? Not yet. - Francine Hardaway
it's still the attention of the same people, divided in a different way - Jerome Hughes
Anyone have a Kevo? - Tina Chase Gillmor
Happy Thanksgiving in advance! Must go feed a starving cat. - Alex de Soto
Right Jerry - Francine Hardaway
Swap Barbie for Shanley (no longer a kids book =) - clive boulton
Shanley: the first doll with moles and tattoos and warts - Francine Hardaway
Like Airbnb, steve - Arnie Klaus
THat's a real judge of character - Francine Hardaway
Shanley: first Barbie with potty mouth (ducks) - clive boulton
good show guys - Tony Stanislawski
Enjoy your weekend hit me up on facebook or Twitter if you want @tonyatmatc - Tony Stanislawski
lol @kevin! - Adnan
Time to open the Vivino App and let it do its magic - Tony Stanislawski
Snark at its finest. - Francine Hardaway
Thats how the universe started - Arnie Klaus
Todays show went so fast - clive boulton
nice show everyone! Name for show? - Tina Chase Gillmor
Yo Barbie - clive boulton
Gravity's Rainbow - Jerome Hughes
Tina: Yo. :-) - Robert Scoble
Yo Uber, Barbies coding. - clive boulton
A very entertaining show guys, thanks! - Simon Benvenutto
slack, yo, inbox, chatcenter.... - Arnie Klaus