I need help with my allergies. I take a daily allergy pill, but ragweed is in full swing and I'm just crashing. Itchy eyes, congestion, sore throat, sleepy, etc. Anyone have any tips on how to lessen the symptoms? I've been taking Tylenol, as well...
I don't have any suggestions, but that sounds miserable. I hope someone can help you get some kind of relief.
- Anika
Not sure what has my allergies kicked into high gear, but I'm home from work and hoping this OTC medicine works. I might end up taking ibuprofen as well. I feel awful. Oy.
- Derrick
Get a neti pot at the drugstore and use it a couple times a day. It may take a little getting used to as you're flushing out your sinuses with a saline wash - to me it feels as if I've been swimming for a while and got water in my nose. I had bad allergies growing up on the East Coast and took so many meds that put me in a fog. Living in SoCal my allergies got better, but now I'm living in the City of Trees (Sacramento) and the neti pot is the only thing I use (and that's sporadic use at best). If things get really bad I will take some Claritin or pop a decongestant. Ragweed is so very evil...I hope you find relief soon.
- Corinne L
I second the neti pot suggestion. When the eyes get really bad I try to just wipe my face down with a cool cloth and try to remember to *not touch my eyes* (once I do even one little rub, I'll spend the next 3 hours rubbing my eyes out).
- vicster.
Thanks, all. I've tried using a neti pot before and it just doesn't seem to work. Also, my sinuses are (surprisingly) not being a bitch right now. I feel better today, so hopefully things are quieting down in the allergen world.
- Lis