That's So CAJ!

I used to have some clever words here. ["iphwin" on the IMs.] Also see (gratuitous plug for wife's papercrafting website)
Friendfeed outlasted me tonight. I'm off to sleep. See y'all out there somewhere. If the user name is "iphwin" then it's probably me., for one.
Friendfeed will bury us all! - Morton Fox
So...yeah. Hi. - CAJ was here
Fire truck outside our house. Responded to a townhouse in another building. No smoke but it was a bad way for them to start a Monday.
Yikes! - vicster.
Actually, this was the second engine. I heard the first as it drove down, stopped and ran a supply hose to the fire hydrant in this picture. - CAJ was here
Definitely not major as they were in and out fairly quickly. But they were ready to go. - CAJ was here
Meaty thick-cut bacon from breakfast. :) (That's not cooked yet.)
Robin or Nightwing?
Nightwing - Starmama
Paper or Plastic?
I bring my own bags. - Steven Perez
Cash or Credit?
Cash on the barrel head. - Steven Perez
If I never refresh this page, will it just eventually stop loading?
Probably. - Kevin Fox
Louis said yes. And that if you tried to click on "comment" or "like", you'd get that "oops!" message. - Rochelle
I will single-tabbedly keep Friendfeed alive!!! - CAJ was here
It was fantastic. And so were we.
Man this would be so much easier if we just knew the time.
Shall we place our bets? - Kristin
Too late to start a Deadpool? - CAJ was here
Easy-peasy: midnight PDT. - Akiva
*GASP* - Josh Haley
"We're like Concorde aren't we?" #MOW We're keeping our nose down, tracking the ground until the end.
This is great. - Starmama
Well, that's a first. Two different headhunter emails for the same position in Deerfield, IL.
One from Milpitas, CA and the other from Ellicott City , MD. Must actually be "URGENT"! - CAJ was here
Of course, they're both third-party types so <delete>. (Aside from the fact I can't really relocate to IL.) - CAJ was here
warrants, you know... - That one guy. Bren.
"I confess nothing, nor I deny nothing." - CAJ was here
A random selection of my avatars. Current one was the most used. :)
Jeez, I made 124 changes to my avatar? I think I'll skip that particular trip down memory lane.
I made 25 and found that to be tedious too. :D - Not LB (or ellbeecee)
Huh, lots of repeats. Not as bad as I expected. - CAJ was here
I'm off to slumber. I'll be sure to dream of you all just in case FF isn't here when I wake. Smootches, hugs, daps, gropes and pinches as appropriate. :-)
<3 - Cristo
Well, now that you're still here there's gonna be some awkward silences and nervous looks for a bit. - CAJ was here
I'll have to post this on other services since I feel that I forgot to do it here. We put on a "luxury crafting retreat" in 2014 that had a steampunk theme. While it was fun, I don't think we'll go through the trials and tribulations to do another in the future. However, fun was had and here's picture proof.
That's me all the way to the left. SIL and now husband stacked in the middle. My wife is to the far right. - CAJ was here
We had a costume contest and all kinds of stuff. You can see more pictures like this here: http://pixilatedphotobooth.smu... - CAJ was here
I am NOT getting any work done and IT'S ALL YOUR FAULTS!!!!
And I'm okay with that. :D - CAJ was here
No, I'M not getting any work done, and it's all YOUR fault. - Melly #FForever
But I'm actually AT work (too?). - CAJ was here
I'm "supposed" to be working. Dah well. - chrisofspades #FForever.
I wonder at what age you become an "old git"?
You have to be in the UK, for that to happen. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
git pull - Akiva
Now the real question I have is...what will Micah have for us to test for him now? His Worker Fraction Calculator is invaluable to my wife and her papercrafting. (Not exactly his target audience but...)
And don't forget the tweaks he helped set up so we could continue using FF as we wanted despite the end of support for it. - CAJ was here
Rickrolling would be quick and pain free—not gonna be that easy. - Micah
So maybe I'm taking this too far but I'm afraid to go wee in case I come back and FF is gone.
Hey, here's another random post! Fixed up some Earl Grey Tea. :)
I'm just going to keep posting until the wheels fall off. Or whatever. :)
I think the end has begun. I can't go back in my history very far now.
Never mind. I was in the main chat. Durrr... - CAJ was here
I've had a few hiccups, too. :( - Ell Bee, See?
Probably not enough time to properly search for the larger original. I think you get the picture. (No pun intended.)
DO ANYBODY NO when the actual shutdown will happen?
too damned soon. - Big Joe Silenced
What Joe said. - Ell Bee, See?
I'd just like to plan my night a bit better. Especially since I'm at work and probably should be, you know...working. :P - CAJ was here
#CheersFF It's a bittersweet symphony. Perhaps the best named beer for the occasion. I'm sure I'll see y'all on the other side. Somewhere. :)
Cheers! :) - AHnix (Anna Haro)
Cheers! - Anne Bouey
Cheers, CAJ! :) - Jenny H.
Continuing signs the end is nigh: One of my posts has not been liked by John (bird whisperer) after ten minutes! :)
He probably liked it on frenf though. #amiright - Jim #teamFFrank
Oh,. I should test that! It was a FF-specific post so...:P - CAJ was here
Oh. Nevermind. - Jim #teamFFrank
Assuming it takes one second to click "Like" on a post, with my 42K and change Likes I have spent roughly 12 hours doing so.
It probably takes more than a second, but why make math harder? :) - CAJ was here
I shudder to think how long my likes would've taken. But seriously, it represents taking a tiny bit of joy out of each one, so maybe that's a positive thing :D - Jennifer Dittrich
I liked a @YouTube video What Happens When You Put a Hummingbird in a Wind Tunnel? | Deep Look
At 2:15, when it's shaking rain off its head while it's hovering.... Wow. - bentley
As much as I might try to deny it or just plain ignore it, there's a welling sense of mental distress caused by the imminent shutdown of FriendFeed. FF was my first real social network. I had been social on other sites but not like this. The discussion here ranged farther in topic matter and deeper in my caring about them.
While other sites (including may have captured part of the FF experience, none will ever truly be it. There will always be an empty space in me when it is gone. - CAJ was here
Well said. - Stephen Mack
That pizza place in Indiana? The one who said they wouldn't cater a gay wedding? (I don't think they ever said they haven't, just that they wouldn't.) The Go Fund Me for them topped out at $842,637. (
I'm not sure I know what to do with that knowledge. - CAJ was here