Kevin Fox

I like stuff. Blog: Facebook:
We alive dammit - Nicķ
UP DI STIAMO BENE QUi - catherinemorland
I figured out a brilliant way to save FriendFeed. There's insufficient room in this text box to explain.
cruel, cruel - ubu
I'm mellllllltiiiiiing.....
(What a world.. what a world....) - Kevin Fox
Mnoaoaoaoao - frasens
Thanks again everyone for all the good times.
Thank you. - joey - team everyone
parting is such sweet sorrow! - Rachel Lea Fox
What is this I don't even
Oh jeez. You're better off not knowing. - Akiva
Had to block him on twitter too. - April Russo (FForever!)
The fun thing about tonight is that FriendFeed was designed so that you were always surrounded by your friends and their friends, and were oblivious to the greater whole. Tonight I feel that more than ever. There are hundreds of people here that I feel close to, and I know other 'last watch' parties are going on in other parts of FriendFeed,
and that they feel the same way. - Kevin Fox
Well, we really hope will fill in the shoes. When it's ready, that is. - голос в темноте
Think of FriendFeed like SnapChat but with a time-to-live of 0-7 years.
Can you set up your cool printer so we can send our posts and comments there? And then we can look at the webcam for updates? #clutchingatstraws - WoH: Professor MOTHRA
Put a new roll on that thing. - Spidra Webster
In the end FriendFeed returned to its earliest of forms: The airing of grievances.
Ffestifeed! - SAM
I'm getting ready for the feats of strength. - Morton Fox
Are we frozen yet?
It's 80+ in Texas. Oh .. - Kristin
In carbonite - Morton Fox
Barman: Did you say the world is coming to an end? Shouldn't we all lie on the floor or put paper bags over our heads?
Ford: If you like. - Kevin Fox
"Crystal Palace, are you still on?"
'Yeah! We're here! We're still here!' [drawl] - Akiva
Hurry! Like all the things!
HIDE THE STUFF - Claudio Cicali
Oh oh. The blog post is saying we were shut down!
I ... feel... cold.... - Josh Haley
I can't see my body, but I can talk and move objects! - юдж
Closing time. You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here. (No, I don't know when the servers turn off either)
:( - trustinart
Kewin eski çalışan. Bizden bir farkı yok sanırım şuan. - Eren Bostan
UPDATE: Final Farewell Message because I just want to tell you how I'm feeling.
Classic. - Brian Johns
Oh man, LOL - Susan Beebe
You know, the blog post never said *which* April 9th...
"Like" is wholly insufficient for this post. - Bruce Lewis
Close facebook! - Raflesia - roshanak - Antonio - Giorgio Armani - Deli Bedri from iPhone - حاجیه خانوم فلفل سادات - frasens - Eren Bostan - I <3 ZUCKERBERG (GePs) - garibaldi - DvD - Davide TheSgrash - Nervo - LilaLaMarea - bezdomnyj82 - CED
Little-known product in the FriendFeed store:
:) - Anne Bouey
Ha! - Yolanda
Wearing it with pride!
Ugh. Never did fix that rotation bug. - Kevin Fox
Just upload it on GitHub, and we'll take care of it immediately! - DEAD AND LIKE IT
I'm thankful that I never had to figure out how to add advertising to FriendFeed.
ahahahah, yep. that "was" the best part of ff. - hia
It doesn't look like it would have been hard to do. Similar to the way Twitter does it. - We are Groot
Btw my more regular digital home is Kfury on Twitter. Follow me if you'd like.
Woo! I just hid a friendfeed spammer!
(No, not Cristo) - Kevin Fox
kevin, are you waiting doomsday like all the rest of us? - Annina
Yeah. I have no idea when it'll happen. - Kevin Fox
The spammer's name was close to Cristo, though! - Stephen Mack
I'll miss you, FFundercats. We need a good Moment of Win.
You're my favorite FriendFeed team member. You're the one who stuck around and interacted with the community. That makes you awesome. - OCoG of FF, Jimminy
you know something, don't you? this is really happening. - Laura Norvig
I love the community, but I'm also really going to miss the themes. I love the FriendFeed themes.
Hmmm...I wonder if anybody's going to be enforcing copyright on them after shutdown. - Bruce Lewis
Once more unto the breach, dear friends.
Still my favorite FriendFeed logo.
Oops. - Kevin Fox
Well, at least I know what it's *supposed* to be. :) - CAJ was here
Thank God it's FriendFeed.
Everyone is here to watch the world end! - SAM
Ah, Thursday FF parties! :) - Anne Bouey
Not with a bang but a whimper - ellbeecee
Obligatory. Sadly I don't have the wherewithal to swap the actual logo.
DEF NEED - Josh Haley
Awww... Thanks Kevin for Friendfeed, err, Endfeed :-(... - Susan Beebe
Okay y'all, what's your final comments-to-likes ratio?
4.6293625613 here. - Kevin Fox
On this last day of FriendFeed, take a look at the firehose of all items liked at least once, and see just how international FF has become.
Has anyone from North Korea, or Myanmar managed to join? - Tyson Key
italian people love #friendfeed - catherinemorland