
I am a Medium
RT @zmt0516: 万能蛤 RT @catsinrain: https://t.co/UromvcsFWw
太不够梦幻了,明年要放到朝鲜去才行。 - Paul
RT @letscorp: 朝廷说要激活存量,真实意图就是蒸发存款。从前陈云老实,只是弄点高价蛋糕来回收货币,后来人继承发扬这一传统,把高级蛋糕变成了房地产,如今一届更是学精了,用股票债券P2P传销文玩贵金属来回收注销滥发的四万亿钞票,连原材料都省了。
RT @ajplus: This day in history (2008): An Iraqi journalist threw his shoes at George W. Bush https://t.co/OA3JzvWDyA h/t @Walldo
RT @mikeschramm: Guys I am staying in Silicon Valley and a freaking robot just delivered toothpaste to my room this is not a drill https://…
RT @klustout: Outspoken Chinese human rights lawyer Pu Zhiqiang is on trial in Beijing. Cue cartoonist Harry Harrison. ht @QiZHAI https://…
RT @nonozone: 『网友从西藏回来后一直想取个藏名,吃不准叫“加仓没错”还是“平仓没错”?朋友们的建议让他更加犹豫不决,刚刚看了大盘,决定叫仓又嘉错。』
RT @kfury: I'm so incredibly grateful that Trump isn't hiding his true values and beliefs until he takes office.
RT @baerkani: 233 rt “四川人和重庆人的区别” https://t.co/8v3zVLjsf8
RT @MarmaladeCc: 体会一下在俄罗斯下一晚上雪是一种怎样的体验! https://t.co/J6bho8CW3O
RT @ChuBailiang: Experts say ancient Chinese adage, "Killing a chicken to scare the monkeys," requires rethink. https://t.co/xsug85jRM6
For Young Saudi Women, Video Games Offer Self-Expression/在互联网上可以不用戴黑面纱 https://t.co/BuxvnuDM2o Via @NPR
RT @ObsoleteDogma: BOOM: Wired thinks they definitely maybe figured out who Satoshi Nakamoto is https://t.co/J0JFtmcrEb
RT @nytchinese: #读者译文选登 【绝食而死,信仰还是违法】九旬老人绝食身亡,这意味着印度一种禁食仪式进入高潮。但当地法院宣布绝食至死违法。印度面临如何通过宪法保障生命权和宗教修行的难题。(翻译:程纬)https://t.co/H6LgBuiU6N https:/…
这款电视还有一个最大的亮点,那就是可直接插入nubia手机,这可以充当电视盒子的部分功能,比如那些被封杀应用,都可以以这种方式回归,当然也能愉快的看直播了。 https://t.co/pGuvPx5MAU
RT @initiumnews: 【評論:共產黨的神學和周舵的科學】稍為認真閱讀 #馬克思,不難知道他的學說與蘇共或中共根本相反。把孔子變成專政的辯護者,或把「#馬克思主義」變成宗教以至壞宗教的,是統治者。馬克思好像有先見之明,所以說過「我自己就不是馬克思主義者」。https:…
RT @buctliyi: 笑翻了,买个车票好难 https://t.co/Yy6ig1y1Lk
RT @mikebutcher: The Smartphone Completely Changed the Refugee Crisis https://t.co/sjXACLbkkk
对存在的探究一直是哲学的基本问题,现在12306购票网站通过验证码的方式向国人集中普及哲学思考,下图中存在“花瓶,大象,烧烤架,手铐”吗? https://t.co/onwmDKQqha
RT @adage: ICYMI: Chinese shoppers ditch cash in favor of mobile payments. Brands should pay attention https://t.co/FT3ZYVRPSv">https://t.co/FT3ZYVRPSv https://t.co
意大利黑手党正式向ISIS 宣战,并呼吁出演过「教父」三部曲的好莱坞演员Al Pacino和Robert De Niro应当承担更多责任,向公众声明对抗ISIS的立场...https://t.co/cGw8WRyLqR
RT @withoutdoing: Got to thinking about this this morning: What are some things that you say in Chinese but don't say in English? For examp…
对这个视频印象深刻 https://t.co/RPQWjDFr4D
RT @fioroco: 5-line code review vs 5000-line code review https://t.co/dCTMicGDmt
RT @motherboard: The SOHO satellite has been staring at the sun for 20 years to give us these images: https://t.co/Mx9GKR0vis">https://t.co/Mx9GKR0vis https://t.co/
RT @dmataconis: This, my friends, is why the Internet exists. This moment right here. https://t.co/nrOKORosUa
RT @tmagazinecn: 【好莱坞婚姻新杀手:性感的保姆】丈夫和保姆出轨已成为好莱坞婚姻决裂的一大原因。年轻漂亮的保姆成了大众想象中的潜在“小三”。于是明星妻子找保姆时都要求:我不要长得漂亮的。https://t.co/KTAmX31bUq https://t.co/3
性感保姆,热辣佣人 - K.D.
一直都上啊,看到有关联的推也会转到这里来:) - K.D.
这看得太蛋疼了。 https://t.co/4Paf0cZ15P
RT @verge: Amazon is teasing its new vision for Prime Air and "a whole family" of drones https://t.co/RF6oLzhDfC https://t.co/YQzDDOReVo
RT @lv2dagun: 我是一棵树,正在成长的 @aiww https://t.co/Bf6ejmT1hL
RT @WSJ: Lakers’ Kobe Bryant to retire at end of season https://t.co/8louzvGJkN https://t.co/xygICg2vqt