
I am a Medium
RT @ruanyf: 昨天,人大通过《反恐怖主义法》,明文规定软件需要预留后门,密钥需要报备。 https://t.co/GIdi75DaTv https://t.co/0z7h0YFiah
@ruanyf 说此条tweet有误,引用的是草案,正式通过的法律条文删除了这些要求。 - K.D.
RT @LordSnow: First look of Bran Stark in Game of Thrones Season 6. https://t.co/9lv49jRBb0
RT @Reuters: New book says Communist China's first premier was probably gay https://t.co/KcEsmhPRbf https://t.co/zdy1nXmXRK
The book says Zhou was most fond of Li Fujing, a schoolmate two years his junior. Zhou wrote in his diary that he could not live one day without Li, the author says in the book, and being with Li can "turn sorrow into joy". - K.D.
八一个死了这么多年的人的卦,还能叫新闻啊。。。 - Wen
RT @mayapologies: fuck the first option wtf this just ruined my night https://t.co/OaKzvaP95l
John Lucas 通过哥德尔不完备定理,证明“自由意志”的步骤,看起来是无懈可击的。 https://t.co/eR4r8XVjeH
@sogook 刚扫过一张图,觉得很眼熟! LOL https://t.co/u8Nlq4zrSl
RT @MentalityMag: Apparently, this was the droid he was looking for... https://t.co/YkIDaTeCr9
好戏在后头的意思就是,年度最佳中文影片和英文影片都出现在年末:≪老炮儿≫,The Hateful Eight
RT @Kornephoros: 你在夜店厕所脱下衣服,把针插入头上各个穴道,接通交流电,进入赛博空间开始工作。你刚把走私的数据送到了防火墙外,一只挖掘机手臂拦住了你,是蓝翔数据挖掘组的人。你没迟疑,马上跳出赛博空间,有人正在砸厕所的门。你用卫生纸裹住身体,跳出窗,顶着满头针裸…
RT @rickygervais: When you are dead, you do not know you are dead. It's only painful & difficult for others. The same applies when you are …
RT @guardiantech: The problem with self-driving cars: who controls the code? https://t.co/emzhzuGwwU
RT @KimDotcom: Do you think I should be extradited to the United States?
什么也看不见 https://t.co/upycKsIKyV
RT @ChuBailiang: The red scarf of China's young pioneers is now used to ward off smog. https://t.co/DkQkflQWIf https://t.co/1mIVbemATJ
能告诉他们红领巾对PM2.5完全没用么? - Ted GUO
Boston Dynamics Holiday Video Featuring Three Robotic Reindeer Pulling Santa on Her Sleigh https://t.co/VAaECFN61l / 这机器人跑起来挺憨的
RT @lvv2com: 惊了,这次回来发现小区每家门口都被贴了个二维码,还有房屋专属编码。网格化维稳真的到了身边,落款“深圳网格管理办公室”。感觉像科幻版的纳粹初期,给每家犹太人门上做个记号。(@在华府) https://t.co/egeW87bhaS https://t.c…
RT @PhilipMichaels: Honestly, I expected Apple's executive meeting room to look more like this. https://t.co/WKhjKMmeDY
RT @wiott: 看看小新这十几年的脸,真是没少动刀:目测先割了双眼皮,开了眼角,开了眼尾,又削了下巴,矫正了招风耳,丰了唇,纹了眉,然后脸颊打了玻尿酸,最近还开始戴美瞳...明显是微整成瘾,最近脸开始有点崩了 #duanzi https://t.co/SevelCpYCF
RT @nytgraphics: How a man-made hill of dirt and debris collapsed in a landslide in Shenzhen, China. https://t.co/KdcvTV2jQo https://t.co/F
General Grievous' asthmatic cough was intended to emphasize his organic nature as well as the flaws of having cyborg prosthetics有意思 #starwar
How Pokémon Go will benefit from Niantic’s lessons from Ingress on location-based game design/这是个现实地图里抓妖怪的游戏 https://t.co/kzWiNTkw69
The way Trump is funding his campaign presidential campaign is 'unprecedented'/川普这种公私不分的玩法,很可能最终把自己坑了 https://t.co/wanQ8mW1Y0
RT @linglingfa: 花擦,好可怕。“翻墙是一种国际偷渡的犯罪行为”!推上各位还在发言的,颤抖吧! https://t.co/2rqtyek609
今天早上街头看到有“网格化管理”的专用摩托车,上面刷着“社区网格”的字样 - K.D.
刚想说那交给vpn的钱是关税咯。。再一想貌似vpn应该是蛇头。。。 - 麦克.疯
RT @thehill: Trump calls "highly respected" Putin's endorsement "a great honor": https://t.co/Jy52zGHwP2 https://t.co/YSEEV44sdD
China wants a global Communism.Most countries want a separate, regulated Capitalism. Choose. LOL https://t.co/Q527dQdjlH
360要从美国私有化退市,重回A 股。周鸿祎曾表示,360回归A股不是简单的商业行为,作为中国最大的网络安全公司,未来中国军队的网络安全基础设施可能是由360来提供安全技术,360回归A股体现的是国家层面的安全战略。周鸿祎还赠送给习近平一本书<周鸿祎自述:我的互联网方法论>
RT @business: Google plans to make its self-driving cars unit, which will offer rides for hire, a stand-alone business next year https://t.…
RT @wallstreetcn: 【 FOMC决议倒计时:化繁为简 本次决议看这五点就够了 】 再过几个小时,美联储可能将作出近十年来首次加息决定,市场普遍预期本次加息幅度为25个基点,在加息周期启动之后,明年加息步伐可能会非常缓慢,美联储也将会充分考虑经济状… https…
这张马云好像小外星人。 https://t.co/UloxpnEbBo
Death by a thousand likes: How Facebook and Twitter are killing the open web https://t.co/dMuOyq5dx6 via @qz
RT @zmt0516: 万能蛤 RT @catsinrain: https://t.co/UromvcsFWw
太不够梦幻了,明年要放到朝鲜去才行。 - Paul