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RT @FastCompany: . @Microsoft to buy @LinkedIn for $26.2 billion https://t.co/zKEZRu9OKl https://t.co/Y8ZvU258Xh
Experts are convinced that we won't be able to stop ourselves from having sex in self-driving cars - https://t.co/oI1RwinyCk via @_feedspot
exactly what I was thinking when JohnDoe mentioned 车震 - mr. lambert
RT @verge: Microsoft is creating Windows Holographic, an operating system for augmented and virtual reality headsets https://t.co/3MJ5TIzbEA
RT @demishassabis: #DeepMind safety paper in collab w/@FHIOxford on making agents that can be safely interrupted: https://t.co/Q91Nt8Ykxq -…
RT @StartupYou: Google’s AlphaGO #AI to take on the reigning Go world champion https://t.co/NGNQZfGbNi https://t.co/nicWLHdXht
RT @xeni: The Jeff Bezos Principle: “If you absolutely can't tolerate critics, then don't do anything new or interesting.” https://t.co/U25
RT @techinsider: Toyota is closing in on a deal to buy Google's robotics company, Boston Dynamics https://t.co/PBv17NPAnL https://t.co/DQKI
RT @Reuters: Google beats Oracle in $9 billion Android trial https://t.co/2UyJSRC6Zh
Is War with China Now Inevitable? https://t.co/mDQPubbSeD
Peter Thiel, Tech Billionaire, Reveals Secret War With Gawker https://t.co/DuHEoxSQ0O
RT @mashable: This startup wants to revolutionize the food industry with edible meal worms. https://t.co/tQDAEIgfjI
eXin 啊 - mr. lambert
法广 | 中国社科院宣布 将对学位论文进行“意识形态审读” - https://t.co/d6t5hDQpYB法广-中国社科院宣布-将对学位论文进行意识形/ via @_feedspot
蔡英文演讲直播 https://t.co/evpitmXb9l
说1992年两岸会谈是历史事实 - K.D.
呵呵 - Jing ®
RT @jamesahyoung: Grabbing a bit of phone charge from my arm on the way home from @BBCBreakfast #bionics #bodyhack Learn more at 4pm https:…
RT @warriors: Yup, MVP is 🔒 in. https://t.co/7jotpg4jn9
RT @StussyTheGoat: the true definition of "you're cute when you're angry". https://t.co/F9j3YvS2on
一胖,无论啥表情都被说是 angry - mr. lambert
一瘦,无论啥表情都被说是尖酸。 - 虾大脸仁儿
一大,无论啥表情都被说是卖萌。 - day7th
RT @erikmal: video: curry goes 5-for-5 from the logo in warm-ups https://t.co/TIDU6UJ8DH
RT @T1_constantine: 平行世界(豆瓣 mono) https://t.co/yz8CyOhc1F
RT @szstupidcool: 大陆75亿美元援建委内瑞拉高铁成废墟。据今日路透,大陆向委内瑞拉贷款75亿美元的高铁项目已被废弃。大陆施工人员撤离后,工地设备被洗劫一空。昔日的工地成废墟,只有山羊在吃草。委国高铁项目曾被官府喉舌誉为海外高铁第一轨。不料成了第二条坦赞铁路,不…
坦赞铁路不是换取了垬拉到进联合国的票嘛,然而委内瑞拉高铁只是贪污的另一渠道... - mr. lambert
RT @TIME: Street mural of Donald Trump kissing Vladimir Putin goes viral https://t.co/2mNGn0PbbN
RT @Bitcoin: Russia is considering legislation that would send bitcoin users to jail for up to 7 years https://t.co/B77Ct39wB9
RT @nytchinese: 【古驰捍卫商标权,香港冥品店纸鞋下架】一双崭新的古驰乐福鞋,售价不到3美元,不过那不是真的古驰鞋,而是为逝者准备的“高档”祭品。古驰母公司近日发出维权信,要求冥品制造者停止侵权。https://t.co/1xicDuHoBd https://t.…
Chagrined anti-Trump Republicans seek to recruit third-party candidate - https://t.co/w4ozjxcsNE via @_feedspot
RT @nikcub: Craig Wright has left the building https://t.co/jTt9ghSvfk
RT @nytchinese: 【特朗普的胜利引发共和党人“叛党”】一些人宣布转而支持希拉里。共和党主要领导人正在打破党内团结的传统和老规矩,向特朗普发出一个直截了当的信息:不。绝不。我不能。我不会。https://t.co/xC9BRxO7Y7 https://t.co/tp
Bountiful Afghan Opium Harvest Yields Profits for the Taliban https://t.co/6Ix3d3pMDk
Craig Wright's claim to be bitcoin founder labelled a 'scam' https://t.co/fTH7y3CFa6
RT @bowenpress: 美軍航空母艦史坦尼斯號及4艘隨行戰艦原訂3日起停靠香港5天,美方4月底表示北京拒絕航艦訪港,惟未提出理由。美國參眾議員相繼建議航艦改停台灣,中國官媒《環球時報》今發表社評指 ... - https://t.co/W5W1BhUf5d https:…
RT @shanghaiist: US Consul General in Shanghai marries Chinese same-sex partner in San Francisco https://t.co/28Xf6TX4dx
RT @fonstuinstra: Apple is being forced to share the iPhone name in China with a handbag maker https://t.co/s6XwPaN7S2
RT @Singularitybook: UAE to build artificial mountain to improve rainfall via /r/Futurology https://t.co/0IDPiLFdMS https://t.co/SWEc2zennC