
Fwd: OffiSync MS Office – Google Docs Sync Tool: New and Improved | The Wadi by @galm - http://www.thewadi.com/offisyn... (通过http://friendfeed.com/googleb...)
Fwd: Google Buzz Stuff, Buttons: Post to Buzz for sites, sharing services. Follow on Buzz for Your website - http://www.google.com/buzz... (通过http://friendfeed.com/googleb...)
Fwd: Christopher Gilbert Artwork | Mighty Optical Illusions - http://www.moillusions.com/2006... (通过http://friendfeed.com/art-roo...)
Fwd: 10 Cool places to go for Artistic Inspiration | Creative Beacon - http://www.creativebeacon.com/archive... (通过http://friendfeed.com/creativ...)
Fwd: How to: [Turn] Twitter into a Dashboard | OrkutHeroes.com - http://orkutheroes.com/how-to-... (通过http://friendfeed.com/welovea...)
Fwd: Gephi, graph exploration and manipulation software - http://gephi.org/ (通过http://friendfeed.com/welovea...)
Fwd: Quix makes bookmarklets even easier to use - http://www.tuaw.com/2010... (通过http://friendfeed.com/welovea...)
这就叫牛!!!!!!!!!! - yakoo
Fwd: 25 Beautiful Portraits of Various Animals - http://www.designzzz.com/25-beau... (通过http://friendfeed.com/fotogra...)
Fwd: Seasonscape by =alexiuss on deviantART on vi.sualize.us - http://vi.sualize.us/view... (通过http://friendfeed.com/tabiat...)
Fwd: Your favorite pictures tagged with "different" on vi.sualize.us - http://vi.sualize.us/3zar... (通过http://friendfeed.com/persian...)
Fwd: Bit.ly Pro Opens Up Self Service Solution – Get Your Own URL Shortener - http://thenextweb.com/apps... (通过http://friendfeed.com/the-nex...)
Fwd: Sikuli uses screen shots to run scripts, is amazing - http://www.downloadsquad.com/2010... (通过http://friendfeed.com/enginee...)
叹为观止的创造,实在震撼 - yakoo
Fwd: Your favorite pictures on vi.sualize.us - http://vi.sualize.us/3zar... (通过http://friendfeed.com/persian...)
最精华的那张没上去 - yakoo
Fwd: çizimler çok iyi....blogu incelemenizi tavsiye ederim....Do you like my tight sweater ? - http://tight-sweater.blogspot.com/ (通过http://friendfeed.com/ill...)
tumblr的首页的确是一种享受,目前最有趣的,TW和FF都没有这种感觉-----我站在广场中央。好在http://friendfeedlinks.com/ 多少弥补了一下,很精锐,http://xkcd.com/http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2010... 那是多棒啊,可那上面没有一个中文资讯.....在广大geek奋战在各类论坛上痛击5毛的时刻,一些让人眼前一亮的链接远比:飘过、SB、脑残之类的话语更具实战意义.....不对称的资讯导致的思想上的差异,最终还得靠资讯弥补,这正是geek的绝对优势。
我有一个梦:friendfeed的即时性+posterous的网摘+vox的流量+tumblr的自定义+cliqset的聚合+gmail的邮箱+yahoo的标签+live mesh和put.io的网盘,哈哈哈.....,可这就只是一个梦 :(
google第一个站出来说:去你妈的 。身为G粉很自豪,尽管我这里GAE在几分钟前挂了,但这小小的不便算不了什么。大家一起出来说 FUCK YOU 的那一天更近了
10 Pip.io invites,Leave your gmail
guruvan@gmail Thanks!!! - guruvan (Rob Nelson)
Fwd: I just have too many scans of paintings on my computer, not being used except for passing by as screensaver. Here is a collection of winter scenes by Pissarro. Part I of 2 again. I hope you people will like them as I do, lying on my couch, looking at my computer screen, watching these artworks replacing eachother each 5 seconds....
Fwd: xkcd - A Webcomic - Frustration - http://xkcd.com/457/ (通过http://friendfeed.com/ill...)
在那种气氛下,智慧和冷静,特别是冷静......难度太大了吧 - yakoo
震怒,台湾有什么权利拦截祖国的飞弹?http://www.tianya.cn/publicf... 新年好帖,很有幽默感,寿命延长了五秒钟
pyqt-browser,几十k浏览器?MS是台湾兄弟的大作,http://code.google.com/p... http://i-miss-erin.blogspot.com/2009... 除开运行环境外,只有97k,是目前已知的极限,但那个sip是什么要查一下
Fwd: What does #Cliqset need to make you want to move to it from #FriendFeed or use it more generally? (通过http://friendfeed.com/welovea...)
非常强大,严重关注,目前没有被封 - yakoo
被墙指日可待 - yezi
译言挂了、BTchina也挂了,维护版权?维护法律?那个自封是全国人民老娘的杂碎又开抽了,道貌岸然的身段足以让芙蓉呕吐不止。不让用P2P,宽带用来干什么?在线高清 CCAV?呵呵,简直天方夜谭
闯入某人一个专门的WWE和TNA blog,“大”吃一惊,妈呀,才发现真大啊,比playboy的大多了,地球上原来有这么大的啊
Fwd: 7 Apps We're Falling in Love With - http://www.readwriteweb.com/archive... (通过http://friendfeed.com/welovea...)
有几个还没用过 - yakoo
20 Google Wave invites,Leave your gmail,It takes around 3-4 days to get the invite
i need i need . please send too [email protected] or [email protected] - بسکویت