
Fwd: Bashkiria in photographs and paintings of artists - http://hallart.ru/ (通过http://friendfeed.com/art-pai...)
Fwd: Coffee Man by sculptor Ruth Jensen - ego-alterego.com - http://ego-alterego.com/2011...
Fwd: Salvador Román Rivera (通过http://friendfeed.com/fotogra...)
Fwd: بدون شرح! (通过http://friendfeed.com/persian...)
icloud.com 3g免费同步服务,没有被墙
dropbox真是太厚道了 https://www.dropbox.com/login..., 用黄石理工搞定的,实际用了不到600m,18G肯定用不完
用prezi做了个展示,http://prezi.com/ljas_rz... 对中文的支持太差,但整个应用让人过目不忘,极具潜力,是互联网上最经典的创意
Fwd: Gliffy - Online Diagram Software - http://www.gliffy.com/ (通过http://friendfeed.com/welovea...)
ssh速度慢主要是plink的问题,不是MyEntunnel的问题。plink的稳定版限速40K,plink的开发版(development版)不限制速度,非常快,这里是开发版的下载地址:http://tartarus.org/~simon... 用这个替换到MyEntunnel目录下的plink即可,已验证,速度提高非常多(U2的320p绝无缓冲)。和vpn相比,ssh不影响p2p,个人觉得更好。就要再次续费了,这次俺一定拼命玩,把gapp放一边去
“拼命玩” - mr. lambert
Fwd: 30 Useful iPad Apps for Business & Presentation - http://www.hongkiat.com/blog... (通过http://friendfeed.com/welovea...)
Fwd: 10 Reasons I’m Switching from TweetDeck to HootSuite <-- my friend @thejoywriter first put me on to Hootsuite. - http://web.appstorm.net/reviews... (通过http://friendfeed.com/twitter...)
Fwd: Fwd: twitterfeed.com : feed your blog to twitter - http://twitterfeed.com/ (via http://friendfeed.com/sanjida...) (通过http://friendfeed.com/twitter...)
Fwd: 12 Sites To Create Cartoon Characters of Yourself | Web 2.0 - http://www.hongkiat.com/blog... (通过http://friendfeed.com/welovea...)
Fwd: Refining results on Lazyfeed - Lazyfeed blog - http://blog.lazyfeed.com/2010... (通过http://friendfeed.com/the-nex...)
Fwd: آشنایی بـــــا مــــــــــادر...!؟!...How I Met Your Mother - http://3zarr.blogspot.com/2010... (通过http://friendfeed.com/persian...)
Fwd: 10 Leading Presentation Tools Every Designer Should Know | AEXT.NET - http://aext.net/2010... (通过http://friendfeed.com/social-...)
Fwd: What is your Google Reader URL? Mine is http://www.google.com/reader... #greader (通过http://friendfeed.com/google-...)
Fwd: What is your Twitter URL? What do you tweet about? Mine is http://twitter.com/koltreg... and I tweet about all sorts :-) #twitter (通过http://friendfeed.com/twitter...)
Fwd: What's your Google Wave account? Mine is kolint [at] googlewave [dot] com. Feel free to add me. (通过http://friendfeed.com/google-...)
Fwd: What is your Google Buzz username? Mine is kolint (通过http://friendfeed.com/googleb...)
Fwd: Yes it's another one of these lists, what's your Lazyfeed profile? Mine is: http://www.lazyfeed.com/user... (通过http://friendfeed.com/the-nex...)
鸡冻ing,lazyfeed的这次改变太精彩了 - yakoo
Fwd: Teambox | Project collaboration (open source project management tool) - http://www.teambox.com/ (通过http://friendfeed.com/welovea...)
Twitter式的用户体现非常快捷,界面简洁强大,非常适合项目管理和团队协作。让我感兴趣的是这个产品允许分享任何大小的文件,dropbox被灭后,这可以作为一个稳定的网盘 - yakoo
Fwd: Skype to roll out five-way video calling next week, remote partying to surge -- Engadget - http://www.engadget.com/2010... (通过http://friendfeed.com/social-...)
Fwd: Top 7 Semantic Search Engines As An Alternative To Google Search - http://www.makeuseof.com/tag... (通过http://friendfeed.com/tech-di...)
Fwd: Twazzup Opens Up Twitter Web Client, Launches Insights (via @louisgray) - http://blog.louisgray.com/2010... (通过http://friendfeed.com/twitter...)
Microsoft, others accused of breaking 'every single labor law in China' - TechSpot News - http://www.techspot.com/news...
中国式高科技 - yakoo
Fwd: OffiSync MS Office – Google Docs Sync Tool: New and Improved | The Wadi by @galm - http://www.thewadi.com/offisyn... (通过http://friendfeed.com/googleb...)
Fwd: Google Buzz Stuff, Buttons: Post to Buzz for sites, sharing services. Follow on Buzz for Your website - http://www.google.com/buzz... (通过http://friendfeed.com/googleb...)