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How Virtual Reality Could Revolutionize Journalism - http://readwrite.com/2015...
The man in the car next to me is on the phone with the police. Just beyond him on the grass, a teenager in a hoodie is moving erratically. He takes off and the man chases after him, despite the police urging him to sit tight. It is, of course, the story of Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman. In the three years since Martin's death, the #blacklivesmatter movement that sprung up in its wake has gone international and come to encompass many more unjust killings. It's a story with which Americans have become sadly familiar. But it was still jarring to be there at the moment of Martin's death. Inside a Samsung Gear virtual reality headset at the River VR startup accelerator SXSW expo, I watched grainy security camera footage of Martin buying Skittles and juice at a 7-Eleven. Then my perspective jumped to an animated recreation of Martin and Zimmerman's first encounter. After the two figures ran out of view, I was transported into the apartments of witnesses as real 911 audio played. I... - Web2024
Google Now’s Open API Plans Could Spell Trouble for Siri And Cortana - http://readwrite.com/2015...
Google personal digital assistant is about to get a whole lot more powerful. Google Now—which recommends websites, keeps track of reminders and appointments and acts as every Android-user’s personal digital butler—will soon provide developers with an open API, product director Aparna Chennapragada told an audience at SXSW on Saturday. Just about every kind of app would be able to communicate with Google Now to provide even more tailored notifications and recommendations to users. As a result, Google might leave competitors from Apple and Microsoft choking on its digital dust. User Activity To Guide Recommendations Chennapragada explained that Google Now’s predictive abilities have gotten much smarter since the service first launched in 2012. At first, the Google Now team simply guessed what notifications and apps would be most useful. But after extensively polling users and their activity, the team has refined Now’s recommendations. When Google offers the open API, however, there will... - Web2024
How to Build a Memorable and Beautiful Facebook Timeline - http://www.makeuseof.com/tag...
Your Facebook timeline sucks. There’s no cover photo, you’ve forgotten to set the profile picture and no one spends any time there. Basically, it is a collection of faceless, dull updates. This has to end. Your Facebook timeline should be beautiful and memorable. There should be a reason for people to return, again and again, and enjoy the images and content that you’re sharing. You can make a timeline that your friends and followers want to visit by making sure you have the right images, and they’re cropped to the right size. It really is quite simple but if you’re... Read the full article: How to Build a Memorable and Beautiful Facebook Timeline - Web2024
Google to Open Now API to Android Developers - http://www.programmableweb.com/news...
Developers are about to gain access to Google Now, the popular card-based information service from Google. Google didn't share too many details about the forthcoming API, but it will allow most third-party apps to surface information on Android smartphones, tablets and smartwatches. - Web2024
Dallas Agency Advice Interactive Merges with Universal Business Listing by @mattsouthern - http://www.searchenginejournal.com/dallas-...
Advice Interactive, an internet marketing company based out of Texas and California, has merged with local search SAAS company, Universal Business Listing (UBL). Here’s an interview with the CEO of UBL, Doyal Bryant about the context of the merger, his competitors, and his opinions on how he thinks big brands are doing in local search right now. Why the merge? Why now? Location marketing is now a booming environment as businesses realize they can get tremendous impact and value by optimizing the way their listings appear on sites like Google, Bing, Apple, etc. What this means is that agencies and marketing services […] The post Dallas Agency Advice Interactive Merges with Universal Business Listing by @mattsouthern appeared first on Search Engine Journal. - Web2024
Mozilla's JavaScript Fetch API Aims to Supplant XHR - http://www.programmableweb.com/news...
Mozilla has published a specification for a new JavaScript Fetch API that offers developers a more powerful and flexible interface for fetching resources across the network. - Web2024
4 Helpful Communities For New Linux Users - http://www.makeuseof.com/tag...
Once you’ve surmounted that initial hurdle of installing Linux and getting familiar with the environment, you might be wondering, “What do I do now?” If you’re at that point, then it’s time you joined a Linux community — even if you only intend to lurk. The fastest way to learn something new is to immerse yourself in the culture of that new thing. Some people call it learning by osmosis: as the people around you discuss topics and ask questions, you passively absorb all of that knowledge simply by being there. Think of Linux like a language. There’s a world... Read the full article: 4 Helpful Communities For New Linux Users - Web2024
UK Legalizes Testing for Self Driving Cars - http://www.makeuseof.com/tag...
The United Kingdom recently made itself one of the best places in the world to test driverless cars, thanks to a very hands-off approach to autonomous vehicle regulation. In the U.S., efforts to regulate self-driving cars have led to nothing but headaches. The federal government has issued no official guidance, and the few states that allow the testing of autonomous cars each have their own requirements in terms of driver training, DMV inspections, special license plates, and insurance. Complying with all of the relevant rules could prove to be a logistical nightmare for companies like Google. The UK is taking... Read the full article: UK Legalizes Testing for Self Driving Cars - Web2024
Access & Recover Corrupt Office Files with These Tips - http://www.makeuseof.com/tag...
Suffering corrupted data can happen to all of us. In an ideal world we’d all have backups of our data, but that isn’t always the case. If you’ve got an Office file that’s corrupted and refusing to open, don’t worry – there may be a way to save it. You can try loads of different methods for recovery. Sometimes, Office can be smart enough to repair the file itself, while other times, you might need to rely on some third-party programs or your detective skills to hunt down an alternate copy of the data. If you’re in a jam, then hopefully... Read the full article: Access & Recover Corrupt Office Files with These Tips - Web2024
Cool Underwater Cities You Could Live In Some Day - http://www.makeuseof.com/tag...
You’ve seen the headlines: “UN Urges People to Eat Insects to Fight World Hunger” “9 Popular Cities Losing War with Rising Seas” “Amsterdam Has Officially Run Out of Spaces to Park Its Bicycles” The fallout of overpopulation and climate change is everywhere. Could underwater cities be a realistic strategy for controlling (or even reversing) the damage? A look at history reveals many cities that met their end at the hands of the sea. Rising sea levels are pushing places like London, Maldives, New Orleans, Bangkok, and Shanghai toward a similar fate. Google even came up with a simulation showing floods in various... Read the full article: Cool Underwater Cities You Could Live In Some Day - Web2024
Learn to Make an iOS App at Any Price You Want to Pay - http://www.makeuseof.com/tag...
So, you’ve learned the basics of coding for iOS, and you’re ready to start designing the application you’ve always dreamed of making. Turns out, designing an app is more complicated than it seems, and you’re going to need a lot of knowledge and assets to truly build an app that impresses. Sounds scary; but what if we told you that you could name your own price for three iOS app design courses and a slew of assets? Well that’s just what we’ve found with the Pay What You Want: iOS Designer Bundle! You can get two of the courses for any... Read the full article: Learn to Make an iOS App at Any Price You Want to Pay - Web2024
How to Avoid Malware When Viewing Videos on YouTube - http://www.makeuseof.com/tag...
Just because a site is reputable doesn’t mean you’re completely safe on it – and YouTube is no exception. 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every minute, a staggering statistic. Combine this with the over one million advertisers who use the platform, and you get the idea of how much information YouTube needs to filter in order to keep links off the site. And stuff does fall through the cracks. There are links below articles that redirect users to malicious sites, and a few malicious ads have also worked their way through. This isn’t to say that YouTube... Read the full article: How to Avoid Malware When Viewing Videos on YouTube - Web2024
5 Valuable Lessons From Expertly Designed PPC Landing Pages by @josephputnam - http://www.searchenginejournal.com/5-valua...
Want to improve your PPC campaign and boost conversion rates? Are you ready to learn some useful landing page lessons? Let’s jump right in. The post 5 Valuable Lessons From Expertly Designed PPC Landing Pages by @josephputnam appeared first on Search Engine Journal. - Web2024
Going “Hands On” at the US Army Virtual Reality Game Studio - http://www.makeuseof.com/tag...
Financial disclosure: the US Army paid my travel, room, and board for this trip. A few months ago, I had a unique opportunity to tour the offices of the Army Games Studio, developers of “America’s Army,” and to see firsthand how the Army is using new technology – including AR and VR – in their outreach and recruiting programs. This is exciting, because most game studios are pretty tight-lipped, much less one run by the government. To my knowledge, this is the first time the Army Game Studio has provided an inside view like this. The experience was fascinating, and I’m pleased to be... Read the full article: Going “Hands On” at the US Army Virtual Reality Game Studio - Web2024
Cortana Coming to Android & iOS, Facebook Clarifies Community Guidelines [Tech News Digest] - http://www.makeuseof.com/tag...
Cortana crosses platforms, Facebook’s community standards, Yahoo’s password pact, 360-degree YouTube videos, Family Feud on Google, and a 1980s montage of Boston Dynamics robots. Microsoft Plans Cross-Platform Cortana “Cortana, remind me I have a wife when I try to pick up that hooker.” #WindowsPhone — Jon (@jonheheman) March 7, 2015 Microsoft is planning to release Cortana as a standalone app on Android and iOS. This is according to Reuters, quoting “people familiar with the project.” Microsoft is also said to be working on an advanced version of Cortana based on an artificial intelligence project codenamed Einstein. The A.I. project at... Read the full article: Cortana Coming to Android & iOS, Facebook Clarifies Community Guidelines [Tech News Digest] - Web2024
3 Unnatural Link Warnings and How to Deal With Them by @cognitiveSEO - http://www.searchenginejournal.com/3-unnat...
All unnatural link warnings can be fixed. But before this can be done you need to properly understand the difference between them in order to react accordingly. The post 3 Unnatural Link Warnings and How to Deal With Them by @cognitiveSEO appeared first on Search Engine Journal. - Web2024
Google Feud: Guess Google's Suggestions - http://googlesystem.blogspot.com/2015...
5 Local SEO Tools, Strategy, and Optimization Tips From Greg Gifford by @wonderwall7 - http://www.searchenginejournal.com/5-local...
Greg Gifford is a well-known local SEO and strategy expert and is currently the Director of Search and Social at AutoRevo. I’ve asked Greg some questions below about local search, including strategy, what tools he recommends, and how it can differ for businesses with multiple locations. Greg is a speaker at the upcoming SEJ Summit in Dallas on March 31st. The conference ticket cost is being covered by our partner, Searchmetrics. Searchmetrics delivers enterprise SEO and content marketing analysis, recommendations, forecasting, and reporting for companies who want potential customers to find them faster. Want to attend? We still have a few spots open – […] The post 5 Local SEO Tools, Strategy, and Optimization Tips From Greg Gifford by @wonderwall7 appeared first on Search Engine Journal. - Web2024
You Won’t Believe How Crazy These Competitions Around The World Are - http://www.makeuseof.com/tag...
Do you think a hot dog eating contest is crazy? Compared to some other competitions out there, sitting down and eating as much as food as quickly as possible seems like child’s play. People will find a way to compete at pretty much anything. Don’t believe me? Check out the infographic below, which showcases some of the world’s most bizarre competitions. Baby crawling races? Check. Bee wearing contents? That’s just the tip of the crazy iceberg. Via Visit IOM Click To Enlarge Read the full article: You Won’t Believe How Crazy These Competitions Around The World Are - Web2024
Gary Vaynerchuk and Jack Welch Give Tips on Business #SXSWi 2015 Recap by @wonderwall7 - http://www.searchenginejournal.com/gary-va...
Jack Welch and Gary Vaynerchuk are notorious for being some of the greatest business owners and CEOs that we can learn from today. In their March 14th session at SXSW Interactive 2015, they discussed their thoughts on running a business, work/life balance, and what to look for when hiring employees.  Here’s a recap of their discussion, moderated by Jack’s wife, Suzy Welch. How Can You Succeed as an Entrepreneur? The first topic covered was succeeding in the business world as an entrepreneur. Vaynerchuk stated, “the internet is squeezing out the meritocracy. It gives everyone a chance,” meaning that it’s possible […] The post Gary Vaynerchuk and Jack Welch Give Tips on Business #SXSWi 2015 Recap by @wonderwall7 appeared first on Search Engine Journal. - Web2024
AYLIEN to Offer Hybrid Text and Image Analysis Service - http://www.programmableweb.com/news...
AYLIEN, a natural language processing (NLP) services provider, has just announced that the company has partnered with Imagga to offer a hybrid text and image analysis service. The partnership with Imagga allows AYLIEN to add image analysis capabilities to the company’s existing text and media analysis APIs. - Web2024
6 Ideas to Effectively Share Your Content by @rankingelite - http://www.searchenginejournal.com/6-ideas...
In digital marketing space, publishing web content is a must to keep your site updated and develop a consistent audience. The information you share affects your target audience’s decision-making process, and it can help you build partnerships, improve credibility, and most importantly, enhance the your website in the eyes of search engines. But how do you make all these things possible? Obviously, you can’t just write an article, post it on your website, and expect your audience to discover it. You need to spend time promoting your content on all the channels where your audience hangs out. Here are a few ideas on how you can get the most out of your […] The post 6 Ideas to Effectively Share Your Content by @rankingelite appeared first on Search Engine Journal. - Web2024
Shared With Me, Back in Google Drive - http://googlesystem.blogspot.com/2015...
Mini Excel Tutorial: Use Boolean Logic to Process Complex Data - http://www.makeuseof.com/tag...
Logical operators IF, NOT, AND, and OR, can help you get from Excel newbie to power user. We explain the basics of each function and demonstrate how you can use them for maximum results. Read the full article: Mini Excel Tutorial: Use Boolean Logic to Process Complex Data - Web2024
Do You Think Apple Has Peaked? [MakeUseOf Poll] - http://www.makeuseof.com/tag...
People have been predicting the downfall of Apple for as long as there has been an outlet for such thoughts. And yet the Apple wagon keeps on rolling on, adding fans and profits as it goes. Is Apple about to peak? Or is this one success story that is set to continue on into the future? Let’s find out your thoughts on the subject of Apple’s future fortunes with the MakeUseOf Poll. Forever Alone To answer this week’s question please scroll down the page until you see the poll staring back at you. But first, we need to look at... Read the full article: Do You Think Apple Has Peaked? [MakeUseOf Poll] - Web2024
How to Fix Broken Headphones - http://www.makeuseof.com/tag...
Despite having a reasonable pair of Sennheisers and looking after them, my headphones broke recently — like they always do. I need music to work. It can really help your productivity. I’ve even gone so far as to build my own Streaming Smart Speaker with a Raspberry Pi. Unfortunately, for some reason, it’s seen as socially unacceptable to play music late at night — the hours when I’m most productive — so I’ve been using my now-broken headphones. Rather than replace them, I decided to repair my headphones. Most of the time the cable breaks rather than any of the... Read the full article: How to Fix Broken Headphones - Web2024
Is it Possible to Travel The World While Having a Rewarding Career? - http://www.makeuseof.com/tag...
Do you like to travel?Do you like to travel? Does the idea of spending a good portion of your time seeing the world sound like your dream life? The rise of technology has opened up a slew of jobs that can be done remotely, which will allow you to be a so-called “Digital Nomad.” You can maintain a rewarding career while you travel the world. It all might sound crazy, but if you have the drive and will, you can do it. Start with following the tips outlined on the infographic below, and you’ll be on the road to living you... Read the full article: Is it Possible to Travel The World While Having a Rewarding Career? - Web2024
We Have Reached Peak Internet Cat - http://readwrite.com/2015...
The biggest line on North Congress Avenue—one of the main arteries of Austin's SXSW festival—wasn't for a band or rockstar techie. No, it was for Grumpy Cat, the Internet's most famous feline. Grumpy Cat being grumpy about being awoken from her nap at SXSW. As fan after fan snapped a picture with Grumpy Saturday afternoon at Haus of Bacon (don't ask, it's SXSW), a plane flew overhead dragging a banner bearing her face. It's been three years since the cat first blew up on Reddit, and sometimes it feels like the whole world is hers. Memes, commercials and brand-emblazoned products—she has done them all. At Haus of Bacon, artist Jason Mecier was hard at work crafting a bust of Grumpy out of bacon. Portraits of the whole group of Internet-famous cats making appearances at SXSW lined the walls -- some made from bits of bacon, and others from more traditional mediums. Waffles gets a grip on his surroundings at Haus of Bacon. Upstairs, Waffles the Scottish fold cat was prepping for his... - Web2024
7 Principles for Changing Behavior from @DanielPink: #SXSWi 2015 Recap by @thebigdebowski - http://www.searchenginejournal.com/7-princ...
Pink and his team strive to change behaviors of people in common, everyday scenarios. The post 7 Principles for Changing Behavior from @DanielPink: #SXSWi 2015 Recap by @thebigdebowski appeared first on Search Engine Journal. - Web2024