我脚得那是张老板词曲水平最一般的一首歌... - 虾大脸仁儿
你的鉴赏能力已经绝尘而去了 - Li Wang
@demoi 笑死
I recorded with my ipod when having dinner http://twitmusic.com/songs... (via @TwitMusic)
My best cover ever! U2 I still haven't found what I'm looking for
…啧啧 - 虾大脸仁儿
这个太温柔了吧... U2可比这不羁多了... - 虾大脸仁儿
RT @FourFourTom: It feels so good to see two actual, recognised full-backs in the Arsenal starting XI again. One of them will get injured tonight, though...
@shuocheng 单身综合征
#BreakingNews http://twitter.com/ officially announced that Emmanuel Frimpong @Frimpong26AFC has joined the team on loan for 9 months
RT @PaulSmithJnr: RIP to those who lost their lives in Munich on the 54th anniversary. Football is a game. There's so much more to life. #YNWA x
快点回来教我们… - 虾大脸仁儿
回来哪里有场地? 还是你想办法去学学吧。。 - Li Wang
东…北… 还有慕士塔格涅。 - 虾大脸仁儿
@sherryyyf 求楼主王道
@BeverlyMun and 过年好~ 恭喜发财~
@BeverlyMun hey do you ski or snowboard? do you have a pass of somewhere?
I just created my official @TwitMusic page. Check it out! http://twitmusic.com/artists...
很贊。再接再厲。 - 虾大脸仁儿
塔雷加《Gran Vals》
@demoi this is how addiction is defined
@shuocheng 正准备煮面吃的飘过
@shuocheng yes,please
@shuocheng 只知道一些教育类的,你怎么会不知道?
@sherryyyf 尽情的发展吧!
@shuocheng 如果那些书是必要的我可以找国内同学再带来一批,最近要从国内回来的朋友不少
拳皇97末日西部复刻版 2012贺岁大片
wtf happened to twitter??
@oleader you should try it and come to colorado..
@BeverlyMun 我会包粽子~
@sherryyyf 乌龙了 你回错了贴我也回错了。。我是问你为啥又接了一个case
@sherryyyf when you said broken heart (literally)...