@ciciatc 真心仰望阿
@ciciatc 好期待看到你们的小孩阿。。。
@ciciatc 清华的生科院很厉害的
@ciciatc 去生科院吧。。
7 attempts, 3 on target and one goal. The best european footballer is back..
@ciciatc no I'm saying U are showing off
@ciciatc bbbbbbso
@ciciatc 合格的吃货应该在上班之前都吃完了。。
@ciciatc 山东酱牛肉给力阿
@shuocheng 就像是金庸群侠传,需要有点背景知识。。
@ciciatc yeah...that..should be ..obvious..
@ciciatc since high school
RT @PremiereLeague: Best Manchester City and Manchester United Fan Reactions to Aguero’s Goal [VIDEO] #epl http://smo.infinigraph.com/view...
@Joey7Barton you got credits Joey!
@canopy Yaya is a beast!
举手。 - 虾大脸仁儿
没吃过想吃啊 - 骨古头坏死
@demoi @rapstone 悲剧,无语
@shuocheng 缺乏锻炼
@zhouxx 拉姆塞自私自利不传球,近在咫尺的单刀离谱打飞,范配西懊恼不已;反观拉神,比赛最后时刻大局已定,闲庭信步晃过所有防守队员,故意将球打偏,羞辱的对手的同时还维护了世界和平,实乃机智冷静,胸怀天下。
RT @roseluqiu: 推荐电影一部:the hunger games. 关于既得利益,社会不公,管治和维稳,big brother掌控下的生活,被压迫者为了一块骨头而自相残杀。影片中总统的统治理念:给被压迫的人一点点希望,可以带来稳定,如果希望太多,人们就会反抗。最终改变这些,是人自身的觉醒带来的勇气
被@stefannaeh @oleader @wwd1015 刷屏了。。how are you doing my friends?
@aaronjramsey you need to improve your shooting rambo!
@shuocheng 不怕死阿。。
RT @philmcnulty: Further update. Fabrice Muamba can breathe unaided, "recognise family members & respond to questions appropriately" say Bolton Wanderers.
RT @Pearcesport: More great news on Muamba. Michael Essien has just left the hospital and says Muamba was speaking English and French to him #PrayForMuamba
我脚得那是张老板词曲水平最一般的一首歌... - 虾大脸仁儿
你的鉴赏能力已经绝尘而去了 - Li Wang
@demoi 笑死