▲Visual Arts▼

<b>Visually stunning art :: sculpture, painting, photography, film, video, installation, architecture, graphics, ... yet including aesthetic levity and random beauty beyond categorical norms. <br><br> </b>
Antonio PALMERINI :: Amsterdam (2012) - http://www.flickr.com/photos...
Gustave COURBET :: "L'Origine du Monde" (1866) a enfin un visage ! - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Emil NOLDE :: Young Couple (1913 lithograph) . [MoMA] - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
David FINCHER :: House of Cards (2013 trailer) . [w/ Kevin Spacey] - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Usual Suspects, American Beauty, now add #HouseOfCards for Spacey -- it's superb. Netflix financed and recently released the first season of 13 episodes -- that bet is going to pay off big time: prepare for becoming Lost in Binge Viewing of Streaming Episodes http://ff.im/10C1Sq Second season will be in production mid-spring @BeauWillimon \\ Theme soundtrack by Jeff Beal http://youtu.be/DbWcdaeYrsI - Adriano
only *after* watching the first season, check out the interesting remarks, observations, and discussion at http://www.vulture.com/2013... which includes @BeauWillimon the head writer of HoC. \\ Also TONS of spoilers and fails, 41-min podcast: https://soundcloud.com/slatera... Transcript http://www.slate.com/blogs... - Adriano
Man RAY :: chess set (1920) - http://online.wsj.com/article...
"Man Ray designed this chess set in 1920 using found objects from his studio. Most of the pieces are geometric models made for still-life drawing (the king is a pyramid, the queen a cone, the rook a cube, the pawn a sphere). The knight—the finial of a violin—was fashioned from a box of abandoned violin necks. Only a handful were ever produced (the maharajah of Indore commissioned a set made from silver-plated brass). This re-edition is rendered in wood, as Man Ray originally intended, and is based on a set housed in the Metropolitan Museum of Art." - Adriano
MoMA :: Inventing Abstraction, 1910-1925 . [mapping the social network between artists] - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
MoMA show < 15 April 2013 http://www.moma.org/inventi... \\ See also http://infosthetics.com/archive... E.g. here's the graph for Paul Klee http://infosthetics.com/archive... - Adriano
Daniel Day-Lewis :: on playing Abraham Lincoln . [what he calls “the work”: his process of preparing and then inhabiting a part: "I need to believe that there is a cohesive mystery that ties all these things together, and I try not to separate them."] - http://www.nytimes.com/2012...
"Day-Lewis said that he felt a “great sadness” when the movie was done and that he still feels connected to it. “I’m woefully one-track-minded,” he said. “Without sounding unhinged, I know I’m not Abraham Lincoln. I’m aware of that. But the truth is the entire game is about creating an illusion, and for whatever reason, and mad as it may sound, some part of me can allow myself to believe for a period for time without questioning, and that’s the trick.” He laughed." - Adriano
Sam Mendes :: SKYFALL > 9 Nov 2012 . [new 007 trailer] - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
+1 "So what's your hobby? Resurrection." \\ Curious to see how Mendes has evolved since directing "American Beauty" in 1999. It would be good to see Javier Bardem, an extraordinary actor... IMDb info http://www.imdb.com/title... ... listen to the theme song by Adele at http://ff.im/15XaMU - Adriano
+2 Roger Deakins, the nine-time-Oscar-nominated cinematographer... the Coen brothers’ cinematographer for 20 years. - Adriano
Richard Nickel, Jr. :: Naval Hospital - http://kingstonlounge.blogspot.com/#
Kiefer Sutherland + John Hurt :: The Confession (2011) - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
24 meets Dostoyevsky! amazing dialogue... "10-part web series created by Kiefer Sutherland, written and directed by Brad Mirman. Each episode (or "chapter") is between five and seven minutes long." \\ In its entirety at Netflix: http://movies.netflix.com/WiMovie... Angst-ridden hit man confesses his sins to an astonished priest... no spoiler, just watch it unfold. - Adriano
Terrence MALICK :: To the Wonder (2012) . [Venice Film Festival] - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
in theatres 10 Jan 2013 -- Malick has not released a trailer for this film, only a still. \\ "After visiting Mont Saint-Michel, Marina and Neil come to Oklahoma, where problems arise. Marina meets a priest and fellow exile, who is struggling with his vocation, while Neil renews his ties with a childhood friend, Jane." http://www.imdb.com/title... - Adriano
Terrence MALICK :: Knight of Cups (2013) . [starring the dark knight, Christian Bale] - http://collider.com/knight-...
"Plot details are being kept under wraps, although the title refers to a tarot card that, when placed upright, represents [per Wikipedia], “change and new excitements, particularly of a romantic nature. It can mean invitations, opportunities, and offers.” But if the card is reversed, it means “unreliability and recklessness. It indicates fraud, false promises and trickery. It represents a person who has trouble discerning when and where the truth ends and lies begin.” Sounds like a good premise for a character drama." \\ Storyline: A man, temptations, celebrity, and excess. http://www.imdb.com/title... - Adriano
Natalie Portman while filming Terrence Malick's "Knight Of Cups" http://imgur.com/r... - Adriano
Gerhard RICHTER :: 6 Standing Glass Panels (2002-2011) \ PAINTING 2012 . [Marian Goodman Gallery, NY < 13 Oct 2012] - http://artobserved.com/2012...
"Richter uses digital software to compose his picture planes, layering band upon colored band to build up a complex network of patterns. A single work, Richter’s Abstract Painting, 724-4, 1990, gives rise to all 19 paintings in the show. Working with strips of color from his earlier abstraction, Richter observes an exacting practice: slicing, mirroring, and repeatedly breaking down the colored bands into smaller and smaller striations. Richter then manually rearranges the developed patterns, creating wholly new ones, and riffs on the principle of chance, a long fascination of his. Once satisfied, Richter then rephotographs his creations and ends up with the digital prints on display; the final 8,190 striations maintain a sense of rhythm and ineffable order." - Adriano
Seven Psychopaths :: The One With Issues (Woody Harrelson) \ The Non-Violent One (Christopher Walken) \ The One With The Bunny (Tom Waits) > 12 Oct 2012 - http://www.whogottherole.com/photos...
"The film by Martin McDonagh concerns the misadventures of Marty (Colin Farrel), a screenwriter with serious writer’s block, whose weirdo dog-snatching friends (Sam Rockwell and Christopher Walken) get them all in big trouble when they steal the beloved pet Shih Tzu of an insane gangster (Woody Harrelson)." \\ See also http://www.imdb.com/title... - Adriano
Rita: Go with me somewhere. \ Betty: Now? \ Rita: Right now! . [last line uttered by the blue-haired lady: Silencio...] - http://www.imdb.com/title...
2001 film by David Lynch: Mulholland Dr. -- ranked 28 of 250 top films since 1902 by the British Film Institute poll of 846 critics, academics, and distributors this year, http://goo.gl/mGwCh - Adriano
Camille PAGLIA :: "It's high time for the art world to admit that the avant-garde is dead... even the spiritual language of abstract artists like Mondrian, Pollock, and Rothko is ignored or suppressed." (2012) - http://online.wsj.com/article...
"Creativity is in fact flourishing untrammeled in the applied arts, above all industrial design. Over the past 20 years, I have noticed that the most flexible, dynamic, inquisitive minds among my students have been industrial design majors. Industrial designers are bracingly free of ideology and cant. The industrial designer is trained to be a clear-eyed observer of the commercial world—which, like it or not, is modern reality. [P]eople today are avidly immersed in a hyper-technological environment, where their primary aesthetic experiences are derived from beautifully engineered industrial design." - Adriano
DIY restoration :: 19th century church fresco destroyed by rogue pensioner ("with very good intentions" :-) - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news...
"The "Ecce Homo" a depiction of Christ crowned with thorns painted by local artist Elias Garcia Martinez has graced the wall of the Santuario de Misericodia Church in the village of Borja, near Zaragoza, Spain, for more than 120 years. But over the last 18 months its surface has deteriorated due to moisture in the church, causing parts of the painting to flake off. A woman in her 80s, upset at the worsening state of an image she loved to gaze on, took it upon herself to restore the artwork to its former glory, but with devastating results. The result was a botched repair in which the original face has been almost completely painted over with amateur brushstrokes and the image now resembles more ape than man." - Adriano
That lady later demanded payment from the Church for her work -- legal heads-up for those using her derivative image as avatar on social networks :-) - Adriano
007 Director of Photography :: SKYFALL (2012) . [Underwater scenes] - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Andrew O'Hehir :: FILM CULTURE is dead or dying (2012) . [its history pretty much ended with “Pulp Fiction”] - http://www.salon.com/2012...
"Your average episode of “Breaking Bad” or “The Good Wife” or “Louie” will generate many times more debate and conversation – more actual excitement — than all except perhaps a half-dozen movies released this year (and most of those will involve superheroes). Film culture, at least in the sense people once used that phrase, is dead or dying. Back in what we might call the Susan Sontag era, discussion and debate about movies was often perceived as the icy-cool cutting edge of American intellectual life. Today it’s a moribund and desiccated leftover that’s been cut off from ordinary life, from the mainstream of pop culture and even from what remains of highbrow or intellectual culture." - Adriano
cf. chart at http://ff.im/12J7xe CINEMA getting worse since 1950s :: plotting the British Film Institute 1902-2012 rankings. - Adriano
Federico FELLINI :: 8½ (1963) - http://www.bfi.org.uk/news...
"Arguably the film that most accurately captures the agonies of creativity and the circus that surrounds filmmaking, equal parts narcissistic, self-deprecating, bitter, nostalgic, warm, critical and funny. Dreams, nightmares, reality and memories coexist within the same time-frame; the viewer sees Guido’s world not as it is, but more ‘realistically’ as he experiences it, inserting the film in a lineage that stretches from the Surrealists to David Lynch." —Mar Diestro Dópido - Adriano
James BLAIR :: Persepolis, Iran . [Lost Cities photos from National Geographic] - http://science.nationalgeographic.com/science...
"Built beginning around 520 B.C., the city was a showcase for the empire's staggering wealth, with grand architecture, extravagant works of silver and gold, and extensive relief sculptures such as this one portraying envoys with offerings for the king. The height of Persian rule lasted from about 550 B.C. until 330 B.C., when Alexander the Great overthrew the ruling Archaemenid dynasty and burned Persepolis to the ground." - Adriano
via @atalanta1 \\ I had to look up the direct link http://images.nationalgeographic.com/wpf... since the photo was so strong and vivid -- as a reminder of how grand dynasties just come and go... - Adriano
Raiders of the Lost Arc (well, sort of :) Buddhist Statue Discovered by Nazis is made of Meteorite - http://www.businessinsider.com/buddhis...
"A 1,000-year-old Buddhist statue discovered in Tibet by Nazis searching for the origins of the Aryan race was hewn from meteorite. The "Iron Man" statue, which bears a swastika on its chest, was brought back to Germany in 1938 after being found in Tibet by a team of SS members led by zoologist Ernst Schäfer. The expedition was backed by Heinrich Himmler, the SS chief, who believed that the secret origin of the entire Aryan race could be uncovered in Tibet. Now the first scientific study of the statue's origins by experts from Stuttgart University has found that it is made of ataxite, a rare type of iron meteorite with a high nickel content. Experts concluded it had been chiselled from a remnant of the Chinga meteorite which fell to Earth near the border of Mongolia and Siberia 15,000 years ago. The 10 kg statue, believed have originated from the 11th century Bon culture, depicts the god Vaisravana, the Buddhist King of the North, known in Tibet as Jambhala." - Adriano
"Swastikas remain widely used in Indian religions, specifically in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, primarily as a tantric symbol to evoke shakti or the sacred symbol of auspiciousness. The word "swastika" comes from the Sanskrit svastika - "su" meaning "good," "asti" meaning "to be," and "ka" as a suffix. The swastika literally means "to be good". Or another translation can be made: "swa" is "higher self", "asti" meaning "being", and "ka" as a suffix, so the translation can be interpreted as "being with higher self"." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki... - Adriano
Vincent VAN GOGH :: tilt-shifted - http://elmaaltshift.com/2010...
Beautiful! - Amira
Gerhard RICHTER :: Abstraktes Bild (809-4) . [1994, est. 16.5 million USD] - http://www.sothebys.com/en...
imagine, all this time this painting was at Eric Clapton's place :-) Now imagine Ginger Baker's collection. - Adriano
Teresita Fernández :: Night Writing . [Lehmann Maupin Chrystie Street, NY < 20 Oct 2012] - http://artobserved.com/2012...
"Her works examine our imposition of meaning on the night sky." - Adriano
Michelangelo :: Laurentian Library . [Firenze, Italy] - http://www.quora.com/What-Ar...
MAGNUM :: What does photojournalism mean now when everybody with a cellphone can upload pictures for the world to see, or when surveillance cameras provide the most reliable way to document a crime? - http://online.wsj.com/article...
"For more than half a century, Magnum photographers showed us the importance of picturing the human condition alongside reporting the news. An unintended consequence of their success has been to reduce news stories to a strikingly similar set of images: brave soldiers, weeping mothers, hungry refugees, election candidates reaching for a wall of hands. With the decline of the press and its demand for relevance, we have lost the tension between good and good-enough-to-show-the-world. When there were fewer photographers, Magnum admitted only the best to its club, and we trusted it to be our gatekeeper. Now we live in a world without Life magazine, but with too many pictures. What form of photojournalist will emerge from these conditions? Who can make images for the digital world that will show us something we can't see without them?" - Adriano
Devin GRAHAM :: Camera Warfare (2012) - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
music by Stephen Anderson. - Adriano
Steven Spielberg :: LINCOLN > 16 Nov 2012 - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
must see... only because Daniel Day-Lewis is one of best actors -- looks like a perfect casting. \\ "Drama focuses on the 16th President's tumultuous final months in office. In a nation divided by war and the strong winds of change, Lincoln pursues a course of action designed to end the war, unite the country and abolish slavery. With the moral courage and fierce determination to succeed, his choices during this critical moment will change the fate of generations to come." - Adriano
Waterscapes :: Sergey Braga \ Ben Ryan - http://www.cruzine.com/2010...
there are some magnificent oceanic ones also... - Adriano
Cartography :: 18 coolest remakes of the World Map - http://blogof.francescomugnai.com/2012...
World map fish tank lets your fish travel around the world. \\ Map made of world currencies. - Adriano