▲Visual Arts▼

<b>Visually stunning art :: sculpture, painting, photography, film, video, installation, architecture, graphics, ... yet including aesthetic levity and random beauty beyond categorical norms. <br><br> </b>
INTERSTELLAR :: Fantastic $20 Remake, because Nolan's film was NOT nominated for Best Picture - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Directed and edited by Chandler Perry. Prop list (before tax): Tin Pans $2.00 Duct Tape $3.00 Spray Paints $3.00 Cardboard Boxes $1.50 Gloves $5.00 Keyboard $1.50 Corn $1.50 Plastic Bowls $1.00 Tangerines $2.75 \\ Original music: "No Time for Caution" by Hans Zimmer. - Adriano
Jean NOUVEL :: Le nouveau bâtiment : Philharmonie de Paris (2015) - http://www.philharmoniedeparis.fr/fr...
Sous la direction de Matthias Pintscher, les trente et un solistes de l’Ensemble intercontemporain poursuivent l’exploration de la musique de notre temps à la Philharmonie. http://www.philharmoniedeparis.fr/fr... \\ 221, avenue Jean-Jaurès, 19e Paris - Adriano
Ramin NAZAR :: After You Die (2014) - https://imgur.com/a...
Full book released online at Imgur link above via http://www.raminnazer.com -- the best in 2014, very funny, deserving some thought. So to an alive 2015 New Year! - Adriano
Nolan's INTERSTELLAR :: his answers to Kubrick's 2001 . [spoiler alert] - http://observationdeck.io9.com/the-mon...
just prepare yourself for the multiverse interpretation of quantum mechanics, with its inherent conflict with time as directional causality in general relativity, as source for entertainment. There are several WTF moments, good and bad (even an uncredited M.D. Team America moment :-) See it in 70mm film version, not digital. [Heard 2001 may be re-released as new print, confirm?] - Adriano
Hans Zimmer has answered several questions regarding the Interstellar soundtrack: https://www.quora.com/How-did... His use of 2001 tonality on huge church organs is quite remarkably during the film. In some segments, the music forcibly inserts itself to substitute for emotional expression behind the characters. - Adriano
Joe Morgenstern's review nails it precisely: http://online.wsj.com/article... ... and then there's this: Testing for real NASA helmets includes dropping an 8 lbs steel ball from 6 feet. So after all that advanced physics, we have a plain butt-head fail :-( - Adriano
Brad PITT :: rewrites U.S. history . [Killing them softly (2012)]
"Thomas Jefferson is an American saint because he wrote the words "All men are created equal," words he clearly didn't believe since he allowed his own children to live in slavery. He's a rich white snob who's sick of paying taxes to the Brits. So, yeah, he writes some lovely words and aroused the rabble and they went and died for those words while he sat back and drank his wine and fucked his slave girl. This guy wants to tell me we're living in a community? Don't make me laugh. I'm living in America, and in America you're on your own. America's not a country. It's just a business. Now fuckin' pay me." - Adriano
And here's the scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch... Based on the 1974 novel "Cogan's Trade," by George V. Higgins, the film stars Brad Pitt as Jackie Cogan, a mobster called upon to investigate a robbery at an illegal card game run by an amiable thug named Markie (Ray Liotta). The late James Gandolfini plays a boozing, whoring Mafia hit man. - Adriano
David LYNCH :: ALS Ice Bucket challenge (without subtitles, 2014) - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
then nominates Putin here: https://www.youtube.com/watch... - Adriano
BREAKING BAD !! photo album of shoot locations in Albuquerque, New Mexico . [actual addresses for BB tourists in comment] - http://imgur.com/a/SAJhq
WALT's WHITE HOUSE: 3828 Piermont Dr Albuquerque, NM 87112 US \\ Hank Schrader's house: 4915 cumbre del sur ct \\ Saul Goodman's office: 9800 Montgomery Blvd \\ Dam (Jessey): 35.139169,-106.51604 \\ Park (Mike's granddaughter): 35.118604,-106.548279 \\ Car Wash: 9516 Snow Heights Cir \\ Guardunos: (Hank gives Hank the DVD) 2100 Louisiana Boulevard \\ Laundry location (mega meth lab): 1613 Candelaria Rd. NE \\ Gus' House: 1213 Jefferson St NE, Albuquerque, NM 87110 \\ Jessey and Jane's rental house: 323 Terrace St SE \\ Crossroad Motel (daytime hooker): 1001 Central Avenue Northeast \\ DEA office: 320 Gold Ave SW Albuquerque, NM 87102 \\ Rebel Donuts - meth donuts! Plaza: 1 Civic Plaza Northwest \\ Java Joe (Walt vs Tuco): 906 Park Ave SW \\ Dog House: 1216 Central Avenue Northwest \\ JESSEY's HOUSE: 322 16th St SW \\ Sells Meth candy: 524 Romero Street Northwest \\ Intersections where Walt ran down 2 drug dealers: 863 2nd St SW \\ Garage (Jessey and Walt part season 4): 5th Copper, Albuquerque, NM 87102 \\ Grove Cafe (Lydia) 600 Central Avenue se, Suite A \\ 14: Civic Plaza: 1 Civic Plaza NW, Albuquerque, NM 87102 \\ 15: Go Kart: 5110 Copper Avenue NE \\ Los Pollos Hermanos: 4257 Isleta Boulevard Southwest \\ Chicken factory: 9615 Broadway Blvd SE Albuquerque, NM 87105 -- Source: http://www.reddit.com/r... - Adriano
Thrilled to see a rare Aztec last week (in black though, not pale green :-) - Adriano
GIFlike.com :: create and share GIFs . [via Matt Cutts] - https://www.giflike.com/about#
Xoogler Jason Grishkoff: "Our aim is to provide you with a great way to share and create looping animations. Gifs are great, they are emotive, non intrusive, a fun entertainment medium and very popular! Billions are viewed on a monthly basis. We plan to improve this platform by creating easy to use tools to share and create looping animations and allow you to choose to use the traditional gif file or try our HTML 5 player for better playback and quality." CREATE: https://www.giflike.com/create - Adriano
Gerhard RICHTER :: aquarelle sur papier (1984)
Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin 2012. - Adriano
Paul ELUARD :: « Nous vivons dans l'oubli de nos métamorphoses. »
Le dur désir de durer, 1946, Œuvres complètes t.II, p.83, Gallimard, La Pléiade. - Adriano
Ursula O'Farrell :: portfolio - http://ursulafineart.com/works
really strong abstract expressionism combined with Nolde figurative painting -- there's a certain calmness behind the agitated surface oil. Peter Selz did an interview, published in her catalog called “New Images of Man and Woman.” - Adriano
Bored to Death :: truly under-rated binge candidate - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki...
wacky, black NYC comedy, great casting for Wes Anderson fans... "Bored to Death was an American comedy series that ran on HBO from September 20, 2009 to November 28, 2011. The show was created by author Jonathan Ames, and stars Jason Schwartzman as a fictional Jonathan Ames—a writer based in Brooklyn, New York City, who moonlights as an unlicensed private detective. The show also stars Ted Danson as George, and Zach Galifianakis as Ray, both friends of Jonathan." - Adriano
Great cast ... - Sepi ⌘ سپی
Ding, ding, ding :: Pi . [from Aronofsky's film] - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Mark Margolis was also in Scarface and Breaking Bad: http://www.imdb.com/name... - Adriano
Wes ANDERSON :: Castello Cavalcanti . [2013, 8-min short] - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
w/ Jason Schwartzman, and Fellini references. - Adriano
Bill VIOLA :: Grand Palais, Paris . [3 March 2014] - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Must see. \\ "Bill Viola is one of the most famous representative of video art. A large body of his work, from 1977 to today, combining tables and monumental installations movement, is currently presented for the first time at the Grand Palais. This exhibition is organized by the Réunion des Musées Nationaux - Grand Palais and Bill Viola Studio." - Adriano
Arnold Böcklin :: Die Toteninsel (1883, Isle of the Dead) - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki...
"Vladimir Nabokov observed in his novel _Despair_ that prints of this work were to be "found in every Berlin home." Many observers have interpreted the oarsman as representing the boatman Charon who conducted souls to the underworld in Greek mythology. The water would then be either the River Styx or the River Acheron and his white-clad passenger a recently deceased soul transiting to the afterlife. Greek island Pontikonisi, near Corfu, was likely the inspiration for the painting." - Adriano
... how I feel whenever I go to Isola di San Michele by boat from Venezia. Beautifully peaceful. - Adriano
Quotes :: Zen of Bob ROSS - http://zenofbobross.tumblr.com/archive
e.g. "Isn't it fantastic that you can change your mind and create all these happy things?" \\ There's something very serene in watching Bob Ross paint... can't put a finger on it :-) - Adriano
Are there religions formed around Bob Ross? He's some kind of Bodhisattva. - Stephen Mack
Stephen, you already know http://dudeism.com Religion of the The Big Lebowski -- that's pretty close. - Adriano
GTA 5 :: its twisted beauty in stunning slow motion (2013) - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
I bet Beethoven never saw this coming... :-) - Adriano
Cormac McCARTHY :: Jefe advises The Counselor (2013) - http://rsvp360.blogspot.com/2013...
The standard criticism of Ridley Scott's film is that normal characters do not talk as do in The Counselor. Indeed the dialogue is almost Shakespearean, for example, the telephone conversation between the Counselor and Jefe. There is also the sense of inevitable tragedy in the sense of Greek theatre. Here is my favorite excerpt from Cormac McCarthy's screenplay (which does summarize the moral content of the film)... JEFE: "The world in which you seek to undo your mistakes is not the world in which they were made. You are at a cross in the road and here you think to choose. But here there is no choosing. There is only accepting. The choosing was done long ago." - Adriano
So what about our choices into the future? Here the Diamond Dealer (played by Bruno Ganz) informs The Counselor as follows: "At our noblest, we announce to the darkness that we will not be diminished by the brevity of our lives." ... yea, all which it inherit shall dissolve, and like this insubstantial pageant faded, leave not a rack behind. The baseless fabric of our revels shall inevitably unravel in ways totally unforeseen. - Adriano
Nice graphic https://notegraphy.com/rsvp... by yours truly :-) - Adriano
History exam embarrassment :: BattleTech Marauder slips into Kochergin's "Storming the Winter Palace" - http://www.theage.com.au/nationa...
"Doctored image depicting a giant robot assisting socialist revolutionaries in 1917 was accidentally used in a history exam. It is the second year in a row the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority has been forced to apologise following debacles in the end-of-year exams. Purnell said while some students didn't notice the robot, others wasted time trying to work it out: ''One student suggested it was a statue of Alexander Kerensky, head of the Mensheviks. Another student thought it was the battleship Aurora - it's clear several students were thrown by it.''" cf. CogSci experiment where gorilla image implanted in x-rays was not noticed by expert radiologists :-) - Adriano
René MAGRITTE :: The False Mirror (1928) . [MoMA conservation] - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Breaking Bad :: celebration after Emmy awards (2013)
photo captures the wonderful joy of the cast. - Adriano
Yves KLEIN :: FC1 (1962) . [Feu Couleur 1] - http://fr.blouinartinfo.com/news...
"Feu Couleur 1 était réalisée par Yves Klein quelques mois avant que l’artiste mourut d’une crise cardiaque en juin 1962, à l'âge de 34 ans. Estimée entre 23 et 30 millions d'euros, l’œuvre devrait établir un nouveau record aux enchères pour Klein - et peut-être le meilleur prix pour un artiste européen d’après-guerre. Ce panneau unique, large de trois mètres et haut de 14, reprend l'ensemble des techniques expérimentées par Klein en peinture. FC1 avait été réalisée durant une performance filmée au Centre d'essai de Gaz de France, ou deux modèles féminins, aspergés d’eau, s'étaient plaqués sur le panneau ignifugé, avant qu'Yves Klein fasse apparaître leurs silhouettes au lance-flamme. Dans une deuxième étape, les mêmes modèles, enduits de peinture bleu Klein (ce bleu électrique dont le peintre avait déposé le brevet), revenaient se plaquer sur la toile, imprimant des anthropométries, les contours de leurs corps étant vaporisés de peinture afin de souligner leurs silhouettes." - Adriano
Yves KLEIN :: Blue . [approx. RGB 0,46,167 / Hex 002EA7] - http://www.colourlovers.com/color...
According to William Gibson's novel _Zero History_, "Yves Klein Blue" is an example of a color that cannot be represented on a computer monitor. - Adriano
Strangest Homes :: conversion from a Church in Netherland - http://imgur.com/a...
Wondered about this sometimes... - Adriano
Hanneke Schutte :: Saving Norman (2013) . [starring Willem DAFOE, 10-min short feature film] - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Dafoe plays a "hikikomori" (Japanese term which refers to persons refusing to leave their home, for decades in some cases) until one day... [NO SPOILER, but here's a surprise 37 seconds for you to watch thereafter, http://www.youtube.com/watch... :-] - Adriano
Massimiliano GIONI :: "Contemporary art is first of all a form of conceptual gymnastics, in which we learn to coexist with what we don't understand." [2013 Venice Biennale] - http://online.wsj.com/article...
"As the youngest curator to direct the Venice Biennale in more than a hundred years, Gioni will test his gritty-yet-glamorous approach to modern art when the prestigious fair opens this summer. His International Exhibition, titled "The Encyclopedic Palace," takes its name from a project by 20th-century outsider artist Marino Auriti, an eccentric self-taught architect and philosopher manqué who devoted years of his life to the construction of a gigantic skyscraper-temple that would house the combined wisdom of the human race." - Adriano
Richard III reconstructed :: 3D-printed face (2013) . [stereolithography] - http://mashable.com/2013...
"Two days after the long lost bones of Richard III were found in a parking lot, 528 years after his death, we can take a look at a 3D-printed reproduction of his face. The project, funded by the Richard III Society, was led by Caroline Wilkinson, Professor of Craniofacial Identification at the University of Dundee. She used 3D scanning and printing, with a technique called stereolithography, to reconstruct Richard III's head, based on his actual remains. An artist, guided by Wilkinson, then painted the colorless head and added glass eyes, a wig, a hat and the appropriate clothes. Richard III has always been one of the most mysterious and vilified kings in British history. Historically, he's always been portrayed as a malformed, hideous person. This 3D-printed replica of his face seems to contradict at least the claims about his appearance." - Adriano
@grossdm: "Ironic. Remains of Richard III, who said, "my kingdom for a horse" unearthed at same time kingdom revealed to be eating horse en masse." - Adriano
Francis BACON :: Three Studies for a Self-Portrait (1980) . [Sotheby's] - http://www.nytimes.com/2013...
"Francis Bacon, who died in 1992, fetched the highest price when “Three Studies for a Self-Portrait” sold for £13.76 million. Presented in the form of a triptych, the 1980 “Three Studies” — each of which measures 35.5 by 30 centimeters, or 14 by 12 inches — thus sold within the estimate set at £10 million to £15 million plus the sale charge of more than 12 percent. Not bad for a work that made £3.81 million on its previous appearance at Sotheby’s London in June 2006." - Adriano
Claude MONET :: photographed painting water lilies on giant canvas (circa 1910-1926) - http://www.retronaut.com/2013...
find the one where Monet looks like an Aikido master :-) - Adriano
Antonio PALMERINI :: Amsterdam (2012) - http://www.flickr.com/photos...
Gustave COURBET :: "L'Origine du Monde" (1866) a enfin un visage ! - http://www.youtube.com/watch...