Google Buzz is going away, but your posts are yours to keep. - https://mail.google.com/support...
Sta.sh: deviantART's Enhanced Publishing Platform - http://hq.deviantart.com/blog...
一种抑制性欲的化合物: 有雄性会给交配过的异性喷射特殊的化合物 以驱逐其它同性 - http://science.solidot.org/article...
Pandaren 和功夫熊猫是啥关系? - http://us.battle.net/wow...
李在镕证实至少在2012年三星将继续向苹果供应零部件 但同时三星CEO表示还在考虑是否扩大对苹果的法律战 /此种争合分明适用于天朝和国人吗? - http://apple.solidot.org/article...
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流程图太有爱了。“Are you going to be upset when you don't find Harry Potter?”...... - 文一
13/top20,harry potter那个太狠了。。。不过居然没有DragonLance - fivestone
Upcoming changes to Reader: a new look, new Google+ features, and some clean-up - http://googlereader.blogspot.com/2011...
Research In Motion Offers Free Premium Apps to Customers Following Service Interruptions - http://press.rim.com/release...
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If you’d like to disable Lightbox on your blog, log in to Blogger and select “No” next to Lightbox in the Settings | Posts and Comments section (new interface) or the Settings | Formatting section (old interface). - http://buzz.blogger.com/2011...
积极心理学真的可以传授快乐吗? - http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki...
Quizlet PLUS is the premium version of Quizlet. $15/year 免费获得 - http://www.iapps.im/archive...
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儿童认为 人造的东西有所有权 自然的东西无所有权 - http://science.solidot.org/article...
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All Microsoft Campuses Worldwide To Fly Flag At Half-mast - http://microsoft-news.com/all-mic...