
Geek, skeptic, infojunky. http://www.google.com/profiles/107830600622665864580
Tanath on YSK about betterexplained.com. It is a site that explains confusing mathematical ideas in a very intuitive way instead of "it just works" - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Ooh, [Bayes](http://betterexplained.com/article...)! Thanks for this." - Tanath
Tanath on What's the craziest (possibly funniest) thing that happened, in your campaign, with the misuse of a spell? - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"D&D 3.5. We have a ship and a lead on the most massive lost pirate treasure ever - over 300k gold. We find it, but it's basically in a cave, through an underwater tunnel with other dangers. Oh, and it's cursed & guarded by an old ghost. We had a hard enough time getting in there let alone trying to get the treasure out. We weren't meant to. Just what we could carry. Being a cleric it was just within my means to offer it resurrection to go after revenge instead of being bound to the gold. One problem down. Next up? How do we retrieve ALL the gold? Summoner summons vrock and has it teleport back and forth moving all the gold to the ship. We proceeded to set up shop on an island and take over the seas. I don't think summoned vrocks were meant to be used that way. :D" - Tanath
Tanath on Warning: Newest Utorrent silently installs bitcoin miner! - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"I would have inspected it before adding it, but it says I need to log in to view. Used to be a great site. Even if there's no publicly available known hole that doesn't invalidate the rest of my comment. > That's very true, and also applicable to pretty much every software on market, even those that aren't being updated, but still used (like Unlocker). Which is why I pointed out that keeping software up to date is important. I don't recommend Unlocker either, as they also bundle crapware. I'd recommend LockHunter instead." - Tanath
Tanath on Warning: Newest Utorrent silently installs bitcoin miner! - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Shouldn't use outdated software for security reasons, and why bother clinging to it when you have better alternatives?" - Tanath
Tanath on Warning: Newest Utorrent silently installs bitcoin miner! - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"qBittorrent supports this too (or close). Prefs > Downloads > Append label." - Tanath
Tanath on Warning: Newest Utorrent silently installs bitcoin miner! - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Only takes one, and one could be discovered tomorrow. You never know how many 0days are out there too. Keeping software up to date is the single most important improvement users can do in terms of computer security. Oh look, [here's one](https://secunia.com/advisor...)." - Tanath
Tanath on Worm 2 Main Character - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"When you're done, read [Copacetic.](http://forums.spacebattles.com/threads...) It's cathartic. Also, [A Tale of Transmigration](http://forums.spacebattles.com/threads...), it's great." - Tanath
Tanath on Worm 2 Main Character - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Seriously, spoiling Worm would suck. Hurry up and finish it before you read something you regret." - Tanath
Tanath on Worm 2 Main Character - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Well, Taylor was a "villain" in Worm..." - Tanath
Tanath on What campaign have you always wanted to run? - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"There's a Kickstarter for exactly that: https://www.kickstarter.com/project..." - Tanath
Tanath on Tips for a new GM - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"There's a bunch of stuff in the wiki, like [GM-nastics](https://www.reddit.com/r...). I've also started taking notes on GM advice/pitfalls. Still an early work in progress, but here's some of my notes: Misc ---- * GMs manage campaigns by managing: story, PCs, people, risk and challenge Advice/Pitfalls ---- * Coordinate from the start. Establish clear campaign concept incl. genre, tone, setting. Enables players to make suitable & compatible characters. * Ask what kind of game they want; what they want it to be about. Political intrigue, dungeon crawl, exploration, etc. Character-based or plot-based. * Ask players about *story goals* for PCs (eg., a revelation; liberation of a people). * Consider the *issues* the PCs care about. Ask players why they care what happens to their character. * Consider *antagonists* for PCs, use them. Should challenge the PCs in some way. Challenge PC beliefs for character development. * Immersion: Comes from details, consistency, and..." - Tanath
Tanath on [Spoilers 115] What if everyone was much more rational? - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"That's what I was thinking. It's 7.3b now. 6b was in 1999." - Tanath
FCC approves net neutrality rules, reclassifies broadband as a utility - http://www.reddit.com/r...
Tanath on [Spoilers 115] What if everyone was much more rational? - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Why 6 billion?" - Tanath
Tanath on 24 Things That Only Writers Know (From Writers) - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Actually, I was hinting more at the fact that writer's block implies you're already in editing mode and that's the problem. But that too." - Tanath
Tanath on 24 Things That Only Writers Know (From Writers) - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Ah, writer's block, also known as editing mode." - Tanath
Tanath on AAAAHHHHH (Pardon me) - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Add it with spoiler tag. Maybe someone will find a way to recommend it to them. :P" - Tanath
Tanath on Riddle Plan: Obvious in Retrospect (spiloers ch. 111) - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"He shot 3 times though. Any guess on where each was aimed?" - Tanath
Tanath on [Spoilers 111] What's really happening. - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Since they could both see Dumbledore, I'm thinking mutual CEV." - Tanath
Redditors discuss the greatest inventions - http://www.reddit.com/r...
Tanath on What he saw in the Mirror of Erised (Spoilers 110) - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"I don't think that's enough to say it couldn't still be a CEV." - Tanath
Tanath on Coherent Extrapolated Violition (Spoilers 110) - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"> * Even ignoring the first part, if Dumbledore were really Quirrelmort's CEV, then he should have dissapeared when Quirrel donned the cloak Not really. Switching to Harry's CEV doesn't mean it would stop showing Dumbledore. Dumbledore would be part of both of their CEVs just for different reasons. I'm thinking that if CEV theory is true then they'll swap the cloak back and forth a few times until they come to a mutual CEV." - Tanath
Tanath on Popular soda ingredient, caramel color, poses cancer risk to consumers - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"I've heard people claim it causes them headaches. The only negative I found was that it messes with your appetite causing you tend to consume more, making it worse than useless for dieting." - Tanath
Tanath on Popular soda ingredient, caramel color, poses cancer risk to consumers - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"When I looked I could only find evidence that aspartame was safe unless you have a rare allergy. AFAIK it does not cause cancer at any dose." - Tanath
Tanath on X-Post /r/technology: 'Superfish' Takeaway: We need to push, once again, for "No OS" buying option. - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Can't believe I forgot to mention that. Also, in xfce you can use it to close windows from the task bar if you set it that way." - Tanath
Tanath on YSK that you can get 100 gb of free online storage with Microsoft for free. - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Or you can use BTSync for unlimited free storage forever.^1 1. All you can handle, using your own resources." - Tanath
Tanath on YSK that you can get 100 gb of free online storage with Microsoft for free. - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"That's what redundancy & encryption are for." - Tanath
Tanath on X-Post /r/technology: 'Superfish' Takeaway: We need to push, once again, for "No OS" buying option. - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"Most have 3 actually. Most people forget about middle-click, or don't know about it at all." - Tanath
Tanath on Lenovo confirms installing a MITM cert and proxy to inject adware on new laptops - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"> I've never in my life had a single issue dealing with windows DRM provided I had a key. Doesn't mean it doesn't happen, and when it does it generally means you have to call Microsoft. > If you have trouble every 6-8 months, you need to look at your hardware. For most people it's their computer habits, not knowing how to avoid malware or maintain it in general. Win7 is better than previous editions though. We're not typical users though. > Gaming isn't quite there yet on Linux. I've already said this. > User friendliness goes out the window as soon as you need something that doesn't live in your package manager, and you find yourself neck deep in tweaking make files to get the thing to install. Not really. Generally a binary is provided, just like on Windows. And compiling comes with instructions that almost always work unless you're missing dependencies which is an easy fix. This is not a typical scenario though. Most Linux users wouldn't need anything that's not available in their..." - Tanath
Tanath on Lenovo confirms installing a MITM cert and proxy to inject adware on new laptops - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"It's not on par with Windows for gaming yet, but it's heading that way. You may want to consider dual-booting." - Tanath
Tanath on Lenovo confirms installing a MITM cert and proxy to inject adware on new laptops - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"I rather disagree. One of the reasons I switched from Windows to Linux was because on Windows I spent more time maintaining my system than using it. On Linux I spend almost no time maintaining it. It just works. > where a reinstall is necessary, linux has no advantage over windows How about not dealing with DRM/licensing issues, for one? > windows maintains the advantage in the majority of all other situations. Debatable." - Tanath
Tanath on Lenovo confirms installing a MITM cert and proxy to inject adware on new laptops - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"My shit doesn't break until the hardware does usually. 6-8 mo sounds about typical for most people on Windows too. At that point if you don't know how and aren't willing to learn to deal with it you can do what you'd do on Windows and reinstall. Usually help is available for issues regardless of OS." - Tanath