Tanath on Tips for a new GM - http://www.reddit.com/r...
"There's a bunch of stuff in the wiki, like [GM-nastics](https://www.reddit.com/r...). I've also started taking notes on GM advice/pitfalls. Still an early work in progress, but here's some of my notes: Misc ---- * GMs manage campaigns by managing: story, PCs, people, risk and challenge Advice/Pitfalls ---- * Coordinate from the start. Establish clear campaign concept incl. genre, tone, setting. Enables players to make suitable & compatible characters. * Ask what kind of game they want; what they want it to be about. Political intrigue, dungeon crawl, exploration, etc. Character-based or plot-based. * Ask players about *story goals* for PCs (eg., a revelation; liberation of a people). * Consider the *issues* the PCs care about. Ask players why they care what happens to their character. * Consider *antagonists* for PCs, use them. Should challenge the PCs in some way. Challenge PC beliefs for character development. * Immersion: Comes from details, consistency, and..." - Tanath