Blogs: arXiv blog: The dizzying data rate conundrum -
The dizzying data rate conundrum -
Google Wave Developer Preview at Google I/O 2009 -
Just saw that Lego has an architecture line - I guess for adults. 2 Frank Lloyd Wright - Fallingwater and the NYC Guggenheim
Tweet - KEWL T-Shirt... -
One Div Zero: A Brief, Incomplete, and Mostly Wrong History of Programming Languages -
Study: 41% of all PC software installed is pirated -
Have not tried it yet - looks interesting - Now use your iPhone or iPod Touch to listen to any audio from your computer via Wi-Fi. - SnakeDoc
from Ayelet Noff:( Blonde 2.0 ): "Identity in the Age of Cloud Computing", a new amazing ebook by the great @jdlasica . Go to to download for free!
Ashton Kutcher watch out. Mike Massimino (Astro_Mike on Twitter), astronaut + mission specialist on STS-125, has 203,849 followers - Incredible.
Ashton Kutcher watchout. Mike Massimino (Astro_Mike on Twitter), astronaut+mission specialist on STS125, has 203,849 followers - Incredible
NASA - STS 125 - Space Shuttle Atlantis' Launch One Day Away -
Orangutan causes evacuation at Adelaide Zoo -
Planet of the Apes.... - SnakeDoc
Physical intelligence (PI) - Federal Business Opportunities - (via
Reorganization and Plasticity to Accelerate Injury Recovery - DARPA - (via
Itwin - iPhone meets Windows -
Ver 1.5 - some functions are still N/A, such as export. iTwin is a program for the Windows PC, that will show the content of your iPhone/iPod Touch databases in a quite familliar 'Look & Feel'. You will have access to your 'Contacts', your 'SMS', to the 'Calendar' and to your 'Notes'. - SnakeDoc
Reorganization and Plasticity to Accelerate Injury Recovery - DARPA -
"Ultimately, it is desired to develop models of neural codes and temporal patterns that can provide an ability to interpret and predict changes in neural organization through plasticity at multiple scales of measurement" - SnakeDoc
Physical intelligence (PI) - Federal Business Opportunities -
The Physical Intelligence program aspires to understand intelligence as a physical phenomenon and to make the first demonstration of the principle in electronic and chemical systems. A central tenet is that intelligence spontaneously evolves as a consequence of thermodynamics in open systems. The program plan is organized around three interrelated task areas: (1) creating a theory (a mathematical formalism) and validating it in natural and engineered systems; (2) building the first human-engineered systems that display physical intelligence in the form of abiotic, self-organizing electronic and chemical systems; and (3) developing analytical tools to support the design and understanding of physically intelligent systems. - SnakeDoc
I am thinking Cylons..... - SnakeDoc
I am the very model of a singularitarian -
Remote Monitoring of the Heart -
Being marketed NOW by a start-up - Corventis - SnakeDoc
Abandoned creations… -
Some really KEWL pics.... - SnakeDoc
@Zee @zee - I lived in AMS - if you want more options for lunch / dinner - let me know
@Zee Hey @zee - very close to the museums - Brasserie van Baerle on Van Baerlestraat 158. if the weather is nice - ask for a garden tabl ...
Steelheart – She's Gone -
Poison – I Won't Forget You -
Great White – Rock Me -
Def Leppard – Animal -
Catching some of that 80's spirit...nothing like early Metal Ballads for a lite lunch - SnakeDoc
New nucleotide could revolutionize epigenetics -
Epigenetics - a relatively young and very hot field in biology. The famed A,T,G,C have 2 younger bros... - SnakeDoc
Netbook Chips Create a Low-Power Cloud -
Factoid - The EPA projects that by 2011, data centers in the United States could use up to 100 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity, for a total annual cost of $7.4 billion, with an estimated emissions impact of 59 million metric tons of CO². - SnakeDoc
Trying out TWEETIZEN. created the group SIngularity. comparing with TWAZZUP
Where 2.0 Preview - Tyler Bell on Yahoo's Open Location Project -
Oreilly coins another great term - "WHERE 2.0" - SnakeDoc