Sampad Swain

Founder @instamojo. Geek. Superdad. Loves unemployment.
RT @fartfree: Don't be a pussy and mute someone. Be a man and unfollow! Do the right thing. Be a man.
RT @krisnair: Why you shouldn't intern at @Instamojo
RT @instamojo: We are a bunch of chatty people here. For any queries, discussion or just a chit-chat, we are there 24 X 7!
RT @dhvanilo: “Why you shouldn't intern at Instamojo” @instamojo CC: @kingsidharth
BRICS set up bank to counter Western hold on global finances
Most people don't know the art of saying "No" - both entrepreneurs & investors alike.
How can you not hate this paralyzing fucking rains? Too much…
You don’t understand “ordinary people.” — Richard P. Feynman --
RT @thathoo: What Problems to Solve – By Richard Feynman. Awesome short essay
Which parts of the banking system can be disrupted by startups without regulatory approvals? Let's think...
RT @avlesh: News from the developing world - @Instamojo launches its partner program with BusinessWorld. Subscribe today:
Day ended rather well to an otherwise pensive mood today, both personally & professionally.
Little house party featuring team @instamojo (minus @Sengupta & @gehani)
RT @instamojo: @instamojo is proud to power @BWorldOnline to enable online subscriptions for its users via
RT @abhay_pruthi: @instamojo is proud to power @BWorldOnline to enable online subscriptions for its users via
What's the long term benefits of inter-planetary expansion of human race?
How did Elon Musk learn enough about rockets to run SpaceX?
That moment when you take a break to watch all smart asses commenting on the worldcup, coz it's hip (like this tweet). Go #ARG
RT @Sengupta: My answer to Is there any legal limitation to store credit card data by online merchants in India?
So many smart people are venturing into tech recruitment space. Much needed.
Do you know that how many people are watching you in a shopping mall (often to upsell) #petPeeve
Becoming rich would be best "worst" reason to startup. Please don't do that.
Saddest worldcup for me after 1998.
Hopefully redemption time.
We are hiring left, right & center at @instamojo. Apply or refer please --
3 most imp. questions we should know: 1. Where are the customers coming from? 2. Why are they sticking? 3. Why would they leave?
Intern (@dhvanilo) giving us feedback on his last day (not before we make him drink a little bit) #FridayAtInstamojo
It's so darn critical to scale w/o incremental human effort with tech influencing the core reason why customers stick #lessons
RT @instamojo: Simplifying Online Payments for the increasing online population. #WorldPopulationDay Image Credits: Espen Sundve
RT @BawiBride: Have you downloaded your copy of #BestKeptSecrets: Regional Food from India yet? You can pay whatever you like!
Board member of company A quits & joins corp dev of it's competitor B. Company C ponders #ecommerce