Sampad Swain

Founder @instamojo. Geek. Superdad. Loves unemployment.
BELIEVE, just believe will you -
"The more I learnt about people, the more I like my dog" - Mark Twain.
Learnt about N. Korea & Israel/Palestine this week through documentaries. Lessons from afar what happens when you take away hope.
... And ladies & gentlemen, that's the end Indian horizontal e-commerce upstarts.
Soon every other expat tech company is going to have an "India strategy".
Interestingly, FB first blocks your application & then alerts you - like it's my garden & my flowers.
Just read the #GoneIn5Seconds story by @cnha. Great investigative reporting - something I felt missing in @nextbigwhat for sometime now!
The only way to guarantee startup success -
Good to see people here now have the balls to publicly talk about billions. Thank you Flipkart & congrats!
Good to see @RonnieScrewvala's portfolio companies advertising in pro Kabaddi. Anyways, Kabaddi is fun!
Now, we also have someone who dropped out of IIT to join Instamojo #Diversity
Hate people who are motivated by fear more than ambition.
Anyone looking for funding?
Checkout Reach Premium Beta Users on @instamojo:
RT @avlesh: Betting on ponies, not unicorns -; wonderful guide on angel investing by @ganeumann
Finally back home after some maddening local train excursion. Also, got lost by sitting in the wrong train ;)
Once in a while traveling in Mumbai locals (that too on weekends) is a real stress buster. No kidding!
Very interesting qs someone asked - when do you hire a senior person for strategic reasons in a startup's life cycle?
Thank you guys for your wishes. Have tucked your wishes under their pillow while they sleep…
Our two monkeys turn 2 today #fb
Birthday shopping...
RT @instamojo: Why prioritizing is important to have a fast paced growth for your start-up.
RT @instamojo: If sensex can hit record high, why not your business!
Working on building a hack for outstation candidates for Instamojo. Let's see…
Done. Moving on…so what did I miss on twitter?
Things are blowing up completely. Can't say more… ;)
The fact that we need to debate on every innocuous news pieces isn't news anyways. That's nuisance value!
One who started this 8-window debate window in news channels should be publicly humiliated. No kidding! #KilledTheNews
RT @fartfree: Don't be a pussy and mute someone. Be a man and unfollow! Do the right thing. Be a man.
RT @krisnair: Why you shouldn't intern at @Instamojo