Sampad Swain

Founder @instamojo. Geek. Superdad. Loves unemployment.
Not thinking about 'conspiracy theory' about BrowerStack hacking story but the info they got in last 3 days is too vivid & distinct. Hmmph!
RT @avlesh: If you are a cool team building something even cooler, pitch to @PowaiLV today and raise your seed from some of the coolest founders around.
"Clarity" is underrated in a startup & overrated in a big company.
RT @ao_HouseOfCards: I’ve always loathed the necessity of sleep. Like death, it puts even the most powerful men on their backs. #HouseOfCards
RT @8ap: #Pune people, TAH this is a lovely product to come out of Pune. They need help with crowdfunding. Support them!
Naive question - Why are so many smart ppl in India so excited about Alibaba's 11/11 nos? Btw didn't snapdeal also had a 11/11 today
The opening soundtrack of "house of cards" has to be one of the best I've heard in a long time.
Such an inspiring story (even though it's a marketing promo). Kudos @ICICIBank_Care.
RT @SunilKalra4: My GMail Account hacked this morning; Apologies to all that received spam mail captioned ''Business Advice''
RT @madhuriesingh: Seminar on School Admission on 19th Nov 2014 at Kalyaninagar 5pm-7pm. Book now and share with needy parents
Has it gotten easier to publish books these days?
"If your idea is ridiculously big, it's easier for people to go along with it" - #TED
Top 30 Indian B2B Software Product Companies Valued at $6B+ by @Product_Nation --
Seriously @facebook, whom are you going to sell this data
Bought two cars today. Now to decide whom to give which one ;-)
Problem starts when some entrepreneurs act like investors & some investors act like entrepreneurs. The difference matters!
RT @subratkar: @sampad we at @vidoolydotcom building some cool stuffs for YouTube content creators that will help them to achieve same level :-)
Stuff I'm learning being a digital father :-D
Like this for example which has 200M+ views in less than 6 months -
Team @instamojo celebrations underway. Now it's difficult managing orders from so many hungry mojo'ers!
RT @srikant_ece: A Dip into Employee Engagement Analytics:
Sometimes you got to watch movies like Forest Gump, Terminal, Castaway to simply "believe" in the power of goodness.
Did you hear the news - @instamojo HQ would be in Bangalore soon. Come join us in our mission --
More & more Indian startups are now incorporating in US or SGP. Someone should cover on pros, cons, macro impact, loss to exchequer etc.
RT @krdpravin: Thank you for RT @sampad and also thank you for creating @instamojo where I could share my case studies... :)
RT @krdpravin: Request read in order - 2nd case study on #Loyalty #Marketing #Analytics tried to keep case studies simple
RT @_shankarganesh: Just preordered 'The Gaysi Zine Edition 3' thanks @gaysifamily
RT @avlesh: The simplest "pay now" button if you intend to sell something on your site/blog by @Instamojo:; try it, you'd 💕 it.
Played football after almost a decade. Lungs had a field day though. More should happen soon - what say @gehani?