Mitch Wagner

Freelance journalist, Internet marketing consultant, podcaster @, hiding from the sun in San Diego.
"Oh, for Pete's sake, Erika prefaced her comments by saying she loved the movie. I thought she made some good points. I'm not sure whether I agree with her -- it's been a few years since I watched this movie -- but I certainly wouldn't ascribe her opinion to Evil Social Justice Warrior Agenda. Anybody who starts a comment by saying that they wince whenever a woman appears on a nerd podcast is someone whose opinions are automatically suspect. What The Minister is saying here is that women are fine on nerd podcasts -- encouraged, even! -- so long as they follow the male agenda. Which is hogwash. There is no male agenda or women's agenda. There's just people giving their opinions about movies and TV shows and stuff, saying what they like and what they don't like." - Mitch Wagner
The growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) coupled with operators’ move to SDN and NFV is driving the need for advanced analytics that can make sense of a tsunami of big data. +Sarah Thomas on +Light Reading #tech -
SDN levels the playing field for smaller service providers. #tech -
I don’t know what Minnie thinks she’s doing here but she seems really into it. -
ON.Lab Intros Open Source SDN OS | Light Reading -
Google Teams With Carriers for Cloud Interconnect | Light Reading -
Michael Dell is “having the time of his life” after taking his namesake company private.  Also: Michael Dell demos a ruggedized PC for Afghanistan, which “led to a story about a Pentagon general who asked for a ‘kill’ zone, so the machine’s hard drive could be destroyed with a pistol shot during a fast getaway.” #tech -
I was going to skip voting this year but then I remembered California Prop. 47. Even a die-hard law-n-order type ought to support restoring full rights as citizens to people who’ve done their prison time. There’s an old-fashioned phrase to cover this: “He paid his debt to society.” -
Headline of the week. Lede is pretty great too. -
Striking, historic Silicon Valley photos from the 80s and 90s. This terrific photo essay includes a muscular defense of much-criticized ex-Apple CEO John Sculley: > He overcame severe shyness and a stutter to eventually become CEO of Pepsi and was then convinced by Steve Jobs to join Apple in 1983. After forcing Steve out, John grew Apple from... -
Shockingly, the guy who created Wonder Woman was kind of a perv. William Moulton Marston created comics about a muscular woman who went around tying men up and making them obey her. Who’d’ve thought a guy like that would be kinky in real life? Marston lived with his wife and mistress in Rye, NY. He had children with them both. By all accounts they... -
Domestic abusers often use GPS to track victims, and cops are far more likely than most people to be abusers. Another reason why the FBI insistence on requiring surveillance backdoors in smartphones is a terrible idea. -
A brief history of the “Monster Mash.” An unexpectedly heartwarming story about a nice guy who got the good fortune he deserved. A nice guy who liked to wear a bloody lab coat. Like you do. -
A brief history of the banner ad. Banner ads today have an abysmal 0.08% clickthrough rate. Otto Timmons, who created one of the advertisements that ran on the very first day banner ads ran 20 years ago, now uses ad-blocking software. That ad was for AT&T, one of six signed on to launch that day on HotWired. Advertising was then viewed as part of... -
The early, awkward days of “portable” computing —- You kids today are spoiled by your modern-day razor-thin ultrabooks. Come take a look portable technology that required some muscle. -
Podcasting is taking off in popularity, driven in large part because it’s extremely easy to listen to podcasts in your car. I listen to 8-9 hours of podcasts and audiobooks every week, mostly when out for my daily walks. I use the +Downcast iPhone app. I’ve been meaning to try the new Overcast app but I’ve been happy with Downcast over the years. -
My take on Doctor Who “Dark Water” (with spoilers) I liked this episode a lot. I almost never find Who scary, but this episode did it for me. Lock-in is one of my big phobias. Speaking of which, I see an echo here to the Scalzi novel. Danny had better not be permanently dead. He’s a great character. Also, “The black guy dies” is a cliche, and it’s... -
Safety is no laughing matter! "Safety garb for women workers, the uniform at the left, complete with the plastic ‘bra’ on the right, will prevent future occupational accidents among feminine war workers, Los Angeles California 1943." Via -
Hillary is the defining issue of the 2016 race so far. The Republicans are struggling to find a reason why people should vote against her. Her age, the Obama connection, Benghazi, Bill, unanswered questions about old Arkansas and White House scandals, etc. — none of these seem to get traction with voters. If things continue as they are, Clinton... -
The four essential elements you need for a good story. Richard Kadrey: Since it’s NaNoWriMo, I thought I’d repost this helpful 4 Essential Elements You Need For A Good Story. -
Our big fat gas leak scare.. We thought we smelled gas in the bedroom. Julie called +San Diego Gas & Electric and they said GET OUT OF THE HOUSE RIGHT NOW. So we gathered up ourselves, dog, cats, phones, my laptop and its bag with charging cables and whatnot.We gathered our iPads, and Julie’s Kindle, and camped out in the backyard. Minnie the dog... -
Facebook manipulated its news feed to influence the 2012 election. That’s certainly nothing to be concerned about.  In 2012, Facebook was just pursuing the benign goal of increasing voter turnout. Maybe soon they’ll try a different goal. -
Maybe politicians will realize they’re not soldiers either and stop getting us into wars. Mitch Wagner: Why Republicans keep telling people they’re not scientists. It’s to avoid answering questions about climate change. While 2012 GOP Presidential candidates denied global warming, this year’s candidates see more profit in avoiding the question... -
Doctor Who TARDIS iPhone 6 case.  It’s an iPhone 6+ on the inside. -
Net Neutrality: Latest Proposal Will Make Everybody Unhappy | Light Reading -
My favorite RSS reader, +Inoreader , now supports Google+ feeds. Sweet! -
Why Republicans keep telling people they’re not scientists. It’s to avoid answering questions about climate change. While 2012 GOP Presidential candidates denied global warming, this year’s candidates see more profit in avoiding the question entirely. -
Redneck reality TV like Duck Dynasty is just about the only place on tv you can see rural white culture. "Redneck reality TV is the closest some viewers are going to get to seeing what poverty in white America is like; for others, it may well be like watching the folks next door." -
Lindsey Graham: “[W]hite men in male-only clubs are going to do great in my presidency.” +POLITICO says: “Sen. Lindsey Graham’s possible 2016 presidential bid may have just gotten a bit more complicated.” Oh, Politico. Go out on a limb and say that Graham’s possible presidential bid has definitely gotten a bit more complicated. -
Rahm Emanuel is solving Chicago’s problems and pissing people off doing it. If he is indeed making Chicago better then it doesn’t matter who he pisses off doing it. -
A Nobel-prize-winning doctor supports ebola quarantines. Headline on this story is misleading. The doctor says Christie doesn’t go far enough. -