Mike Chelen

Biologist interested in neuroscience, data vis and analysis, digital collaboration, and open access.
RT @rlanzara: Despite metamorphosis, moths hold on to memories from their days as a caterpillar - http://theconversation.com/despite... #science #biology #insects
RT @phylogenomics: Work of Rachel Dutton @racheljdutton on a fascinating human-made microbial ecosystem - cheese rinds http://microbe.net/2014... via @microBEnet
U.S. Jewish Leader Henry Siegman to Israel: Stop Killing Palestinians & End the Occupation http://www.democracynow.org/2014... Pt2 http://www.democracynow.org/2014...
RT @nytimes: An internal C.I.A. inquiry confirms its officers spied on Senate investigators http://www.nytimes.com/2014...
RT @mendelspod: NEW SHOW: The Basic Biology Lab Goes into the #Cloud: @BrianFrezza, Emerald Therapeutics http://mendelspod.com/podcast... @EmeraldDNA
RT @cogscinl: @mikechelen @oscbloggers @openscience You can write software papers to get citable credit. Other than that, software doesn't 'count' yet.
RT @AmnestyOnline: It is time for #US Secretary of State, @JohnKerry to take a stand and STOP ARMING ISRAEL. https://campaigns.amnesty.org/actions... https://twitter.com/Amnesty...
RT @BBCClick: Tor attack may have unmasked dark net users (via @BBCtech) - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news...
RT @oscbloggers: Why doesn't the scientific community invest more effort in the development of open-source alternatives? http://osc.centerforopenscience.org/2014... #openscience
RT @KenRoth: Satellite imagery shows 600 structures destroyed in Shejaiya neighborhood of #Gaza City. http://www.nytimes.com/interac... https://twitter.com/KenRoth...
RT @ForeignPolicy: "I came to get my things during the cease-fire and I found nothing." @sharifkouddous in Gaza: http://www.foreignpolicy.com/article... https://twitter.com/Foreign...
Best of both worlds, #fail2ban + #cloudflare to protect your server from bots #linux http://xplus3.net/2013...
RT @democracynow: Follow our correspondent @sharifkouddous on Twitter and Instagram for his reports from #Gaza.
RT @glynmoody: .@techdirt "went from profitable to unprofitable as a result of the SOPA fight", & could do with a little help now - https://t.co/uFwE9ixZQU
RT @edyong209: Desert rat relies on microbes to detoxify its deadly meals. New research by @KevinDKohl; post by me http://phenomena.nationalgeographic.com/2014...
RT @Impactstory: Miss the #jcbms Open Notebook Science symposium? Check out @egonwillighagen's summary: http://chem-bla-ics.blogspot.com/2014... #openscience
RT @Addgene: Free PCR for 5 years (or how to make your own Taq and Pfu) | #OpenScience by Addgenie Andy Baltus http://bitesizebio.com/10423...
RT @NIH3Dprint: .@onetruecathal good luck! Hope http://3Dprint.nih.gov will be a place to share #openscience labware for #diybio
RT @jmil: Hear that? Tiny sound waves pattern cells in intricate 2D layers in a few seconds. http://www.newscientist.com/article... https://twitter.com/jmil...
RT @figshare: Minimal information for reusable scientific software: http://figshare.com/article... #openscience #openresearch
RT @openscience: If you can't make it to a @MozillaScience #mozsprint site today, here's how to contribute online: http://mozillascience.org/how-to-... #openscience
RT @allisonkilkenny: The US needs immigration reform, not another opportunity to blame the GOP http://www.theguardian.com/comment...
RT @dijalbert: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Prison (HBO): http://www.youtube.com/watch... via @YouTube
RT @kristenchick: UNRWA now says 81,000 people staying at shelters in #Gaza. Earlier today number was 63,000. So almost 20,000 ppl displaced today alone.
RT @RaniaKhalek: 4 Palestinian children were playing on the beach when they were killed by precision shelling from Israeli navy boats http://www.maannews.net/eng...
RT @allisonkilkenny: Hamas did not reject a ceasefire, Israel did http://electronicintifada.net/blogs...
Lovely #QRCode generator with many options including logo images, dot style, and data redundancy - https://t.co/HPUJByWQLM via @UnitagLive
RT @codepink: Sign @jvplive Open Letter condemning attack on Gaza and Israeli occupation https://twitter.com/jvplive... http://org.salsalabs.com/o...
RT @PalestineToday: Urgent call from Gaza civil society: Act now! http://electronicintifada.net/content...
RT @Remroum: 151 Palestinians have been murdered by the Israeli government. 0 Israelis have been killed. You are right. Numbers don't lie. @Casspi18