Mike Chelen

Biologist interested in neuroscience, data vis and analysis, digital collaboration, and open access.
RT @PalestineToday: Urgent call from Gaza civil society: Act now! http://electronicintifada.net/content...
RT @Remroum: 151 Palestinians have been murdered by the Israeli government. 0 Israelis have been killed. You are right. Numbers don't lie. @Casspi18
RT @McDawg: #PLOSONE: Foldscope: Origami-Based Paper Microscope http://www.plosone.org/article...
RT @pjacock: Storify tweet collections for #BOSC2014 day one https://t.co/1pd9zgOVil and two https://t.co/uJZzlLQELc (leaving out retweets)
Just discovered @NitrousIO, a free and incredibly fast way to get started coding with standard platforms. #linux #ruby
RT @PLOSALM: Measuring the broader impact of research: The potential of #altmetrics http://arxiv.org/abs/1406.7091 by @lutzbornmann
Why do I always find a super exciting project right before bed time?
RT @growstufforg: we're looking for testers to help us improve Growstuff. no experience necessary -- just a willingness to try things out. interested?
RT @daniel_rehn: A truly different and wild time: the Interface of Kai Krause’s Software. http://noted.danielrehn.com/post... https://twitter.com/daniel_...
RT @TalibKweli: VIDEO- Talib Kweli ft Abby Dobson- State of Grace (animated) https://t.co/vNFfPWcvOw for those who find hiphop hard to love...
RT @afsc_org: Why show solidarity with #Palestinians? Boycott, divestment and sanctions (#BDS) explained - http://afsc.org/story...
RT @pkedrosky: Interesting interactive viz: Where do science & engineering graduates work? http://www.census.gov/dataviz... https://twitter.com/pkedros...
RT @AGT517: More people need to speak out agaisnt the violence in #Gaza. Violence and the killing of people is never the answer. #StoptheBombs
RT @Bailey_theAlien: hackers promise to break #Tor on a $3000 budget http://www.dailydot.com/busines...
RT @Better_Ed: Cursive. Once again it’s worth more than we realize. http://www.nytimes.com/2014...
RT @masspirates: RT @techdirt: Distributed Search Engines, And Why We Need Them In The Post-Snowden World https://www.techdirt.com/article...
RT @KimberleeVDW: Let’s Name the Victims on Both Sides of Israel-Palestine Clashes http://www.vanityfair.com/online... via @VanityFair by @agoodcuppa #CitizenRadio
RT @Ryanhacun: @jamiekilstein Just listened to today's #citizenradio. It was an amazing show. Also, congratulations!
RT @JessicaLeeGreen: Thanks @ericberlow for this one: We've Been Looking at the Spread of Global Pandemics All Wrong - CityLab http://www.citylab.com/commute...
RT @built_envi: fun small-scale flow visualizations of hospital doorway openings http://www.plosone.org/article... #microBEnet #indoorair2014
RT @noahWG: Thermal image of a koala hugging a tree to keep cool = my fav @NatureNews sci pic of the month http://www.nature.com/news... https://twitter.com/noahWG...
RT @JamesMeadow: Local domestication of lactic acid bacteria via cassava beer fermentation @thePeerJ https://t.co/1CLBsyGJml
RT @Pascallisch: Proper labeling of axes is absolutely crucial. https://twitter.com/Pascall...
RT @manjusrii: Free CC-licensed version of The Internet's Own Boy, doco on Aaron Swartz, avail on Internet Archive http://boingboing.net/2014...
RT @jenniferlin15: No better way to commemorate great #openscience pioneer J-CBradley than Open Notebook Science wkshp. July14 Cambridge http://inmemoriamjcb.wikispaces.com/Jean-Cl...
RT @NARAL: LOVE: @sallykohn pulls apart the lies conservatives use to support the #HobbyLobby decision: http://www.thedailybeast.com/article... #NotMyBossBusiness
RT @doctorow: “Confusion and clutter are the failure of design, not the attributes of information.” - Edward Tufte http://mostlysignssomeportents...
RT @Sara_Linker: Visualizations of sampling (and more) algorithms http://bost.ocks.org/mike...
RT @jiffyclub: A reminder to sign up for the @MozillaScience sprint coming up in a couple weeks! http://mozillascience.org/673/