Mike Bracco

Product at JibJab in Venice, CA. Technology. Startups. UX. Design. Minimalist. NH Native. Boston Sports.
Ok this #siliconvalley show is as stupid as advertised but it's just entertainment people…no reason to hate.
Eating lunch while listening to one of my favorite podcasts - Build and Analyze. http://twitter.com/bracco...
Boom! Instagram finally introduces web profiles!! http://instagram.com/mikebra...
The Coming Collapse of Average Managers and Employees - Michael Schrage - Harvard Business Review http://blogs.hbr.org/schrage...
Celeb #stalking - just walked past @theellenshow getting out of her Turbo S by @jibjab HQ in Venice. http://twitter.com/bracco...
What an inspiring & moving story --> Guy with terminal illness gets wish & goes to @nflcolts game & meets Andrew Luck http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Cool breakdown by @zurb of @RWW's responsive redesign http://www.zurb.com/article... #ux
I just uninstalled the Mac App store version of @evernote so I could install the Mac 5 beta. Excited for changes... http://blog.evernote.com/2012...
The Magic of Providing Less http://naysawn.com/the-mag...
Instagram from outside @Zynga HQ. Classic lol http://instagram.com/p...
Looks like @googledrive @YouTube and @GoogleVoice are down too. Wow!
Google Drive down :( #googledrive
Who can come up with wittiest tweet about the Disney/LucasFilm news…quick go!….actually don’t, please stop. :)
Frustrating news - #iTunes 11 Delayed; Will Arrive By End of November http://www.macrumors.com/2012...
RT @tnwmedia: Disney purchases Lucasfilm, including the Star Wars franchise for $4.05B in cash and stock http://thenextweb.com/media... by @panzer
RT @Dan_Rowinski: Half a billion page views for The Weather Channel yesterday. Pretty impressive.
I’m baffled that @spotify, a business pretty much built on selling access to service on mobile, is yet to update app for #iphone 5.
Watching Live twitter photos w/ #Sandy is funny. Especially people gaming hashtag. cc @vulsai @dzajdband @abadfederico http://sandy-pics.herokuapp.com/
A Crash Course in Conversion http://unbounce.com/convers...
Here we go! #ND game. I’ve been waiting for this one all week. Interesting to see how ND’s D plays agains Oklahoma’s offense.
Falcon @getfalcon is pretty cool! It's like @rapportive but for Hacker News and Twitter http://falcon.io cc @Jason @rahulvohra
Solution for many I've seen complaining --> Unpolitic.me Hides Political Posts On Facebook and Twitter http://techcrunch.com/2012...
I just signed up for @pheed - https://t.co/CtXrfaGC - at first glance, it appears to be the Myspace-ification of Twitter.
WANT: @ifttt channel that provides ability to schedule full webpage screenshots for specific URLs on a defined & recurring schedule.
Loving the new and free iOS app @Squarespace Note. Not sure if it will be a @simplenoteapp replacement but we'll see. http://blog.squarespace.com/introdu...
Loren Brichter of Atebits (of Tweetie fame) latest project is iOS game Letterpress. http://www.atebits.com/letterp...
Nice! @timehop one of my favorite daily emails (emails you your social activity from one year ago) is now on iOS https://itunes.apple.com/us...
Really interesting debate and discussion regarding the Zynga news on Hacker News http://news.ycombinator.com/item...
Friction Stir Welding. Game. Set. Match. #apple
Let’s do this. Official Apple live stream feed here: http://www.apple.com/apple-e... #apple