Mike Bracco

Product at JibJab in Venice, CA. Technology. Startups. UX. Design. Minimalist. NH Native. Boston Sports.
Friction Stir Welding. Game. Set. Match. #apple
Let’s do this. Official Apple live stream feed here: http://www.apple.com/apple-e... #apple
Cool analysis of app loyalty based on vertical. http://techcrunch.com/2012...
Pro Tip for my non-tech friends: Don’t register for a social network with a number in your username. Just trying to help ya out :)
Hard to grock passive sharing getting here --> Zuckerberg: "In 10 years, folks will share 1,000 times what they do now" http://news.cnet.com/8301-10...
RT @WEEI: Red Sox hire John Farrell as manager http://fullcount.weei.com/sports...
Weekend cleaning while listening to the latest episode of @gruber's The Talk Show. http://www.muleradio.net/thetalk...
Jack Dorsey on ‘Users’ vs. ‘Customers’ http://jacks.tumblr.com/post...
KTLA shooting a segment on #SiliconBeach companies at @JibJab HQ. http://twitter.com/bracco...
Funny - Google's data centers are guarded by Stormtroopers https://maps.google.com/maps...
I just watched @indiegamemovie and WOW! What an inspiring and awesome look into indie video game development. http://www.youtube.com/das_cap...
Listening to @gruber's The Talk Show podcast with guest @marcoarment from a couple weeks back. Good episode - http://www.muleradio.net/thetalk...
Doing little tricks on bicycles and skateboards no longer count as "extreme sports". #stratos #livejump http://twitter.com/bracco...
This has to be a YouTube view record. Over 6MM watching live video of #redbull #statos http://www.youtube.com/das_cap...
This is crazy...watching live broadcast of Red Bull Stratos http://www.redbullstratos.com/live... #stratos #livejump
Wow. Huge win for Notre Dame. They're now in the National Championship picture for sure. #ND
Wow…surprised to see this stat --> RT @Avinio: @Instagram Surpasses @Twitter in Daily Mobile Traffic http://www.marketingprofs.com/charts...
Tonight's #celeb spotting at the Mecca - Mickey Rourke (@ Gold's Gym w/ 2 others) https://foursquare.com/bracco...
I was uncertain on who to vote for in the #election until #nbc's analysis of the candidates' pins. http://instagram.com/p...
Interesting...@instapaper founder @marcoarment launches The Magazine on iOS http://the-magazine.org
Why I don't ever watch local news --> @myfoxla - "In tonight's Lindsay Lohan segment...." Really!?
Wow! I just visited the @launchticker website for the first time: http://launchticker.com - really clean and slick. I really enjoy it.
Some nice @JibJab and @StoryBots discussion by @leolaporte on @thegizwiz show http://twit.tv/show...
JibJab team happy hour. @ O'Brien's Irish Pub & Restaurant http://instagram.com/p...
Using http://app.net is very nostalgic. The experience feels exactly like Twitter felt at first when I started in early 2007.
There are "first world problems"....and then there are @Scobleizer problems :) ---> https://t.co/MzwFVQUj
Cool @IFTTT recipe to get @BarackObama or @MittRomney's @Instagram's via Email https://t.co/kZklkgQs
One and done.... @RedSox fire Bobby Valentine. EVP/GM Ben Cherington to lead managerial search.
RT @mashable: JibJab Brothers Create StoryBots Entertainment for Kids http://mashable.com/2012...
If you have apathy towards the political process you deserve to be treated apathetically. #vote