Mike Bracco

Product at JibJab in Venice, CA. Technology. Startups. UX. Design. Minimalist. NH Native. Boston Sports.
Great game! Looking forward to see who wins the SEC championship and faces #ND in #BCS title game.
The Biebs no longer king of YouTube. Gangnam Style passes “Baby” with 805MM views. Expect to hit Billion in mid-Dec. http://techcrunch.com/2012...
Love this: "Buy less buy better" - @Everlane Goes Black In Protest Of Black Friday http://techcrunch.com/2012...
RT @JRSportBrief: Mark Sanchez's Career---> "@hewadmaiwandi: @JRSportBrief http://cdn.cinemagr.am/cine_1..."
Loving this #pats game so far! The #jets look like garbage. They should put Tebow in.
The voice of reason @billmaher discusses Oprah's "Favorite Things" episode. Amazing!
#protip - Don't say or post stupid stuff on Facebook. It will get you fired (as it should) http://mashable.com/2012...
Is everyone using @alfredapp these days or is it a split between @LoveQuicksilver as well? Trying to get a sense of what's best these days.
Great post by @theman on the agony of startup life...and just hit top spot on Hacker News - http://pandodaily.com/2012...
Not sure how I feel about @highlight’s new “high five” feature. http://twitter.com/bracco...
BOOM!! #ND number one. Huge game at #USC next weekend.
I'm hoping for a simultaneous #Oregon and #KSU loss so #ND goes to number one.
.@JibJab is in TechCrunch! Our new partnership with @Amazon for their gift cards was just announced: http://techcrunch.com/2012...
When did @PandoDaily site design change? http://pandodaily.com - color scheme reminds me of @techmeme. cc @theman
Excited for the latest update by @AmbrosiaSW of Snapz Pro X. Expensive but best Mac screen capture tool hands down. http://www.ambrosiasw.com/utiliti...
This is for you @nrek and @AshleyEsqueda :) - The Apple Haters' 7 Stages of Grief http://farley.tumblr.com/post...
RT @nrek: Boss: "I just got my new iPhone 5" - @bracco "How does it compare to the birth of your children?" #thisguy
I'm enjoying @cthomaschase's Ten Groups iPhone app. Sort of like @path but for even smaller groups (10 max) https://t.co/xhxLn4bj
.@nrek is next to me setting up his NFC tags w/Nexus & bragging that iPhone doesn't have it. I told him to just wait until iNFC is released.
Microsoft is Moving to Venice Beach. http://www.yovenice.com/2012...
Listening to the @BreakingBad_AMC Season 1-5 soundtrack on @spotify - http://open.spotify.com/user...
Milli Vanilli "Blame it on the Rain" bumper music going into last break - pretty hilarious. #snf #texans #bears
Wasn't expecting it to be this close with the Bills but happy for the win. #pats
Looking forward to #skyfall (@ AMC Criterion 6 for Skyfall w/ 6 others) https://foursquare.com/bracco...
That was quick. #Lakers just fired Mike Brown.
Pretty funny fake "Surface vs iPad Leaked" commercial #ipad #surface http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Even if you didn't get a password reset email from Twitter this morning probably smart to change your password. http://blog.lastpass.com/2012...
The popular minimalist iOS to do app Clear is now available for the Mac. http://www.realmacsoftware.com/clear...
Swiping left to right in @spotify’s mobile app to change song is natural. When I use Apple’s music app & it doesn’t work to feels broken.
People w/high speed Internet vote democrat? Overlay of broadband access to voting by county. Interesting data - https://plus.google.com/u...
Ok this #siliconvalley show is as stupid as advertised but it's just entertainment people…no reason to hate.