LPH™ and his dog P™

It's more fun when you put your arms up like this. ... ... ... ... ... ... Classroom website: http://www.thechembook.com ........ . Videos: http://chemvideos.com
[XenWord 2.2] Use WordPress First and Last Name - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
[XenWord 2.2] Choose XF Forum in WP Post Meta Box - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
[XenWord] Mass Import WP Posts into XF Threads - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
[XenWord 2.1.1] Community Statistics Supports XenForo Add-Ons - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
[XenWord 2.1] Discuss link style - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
[XenWord 2.1] Option to Write to WP Database - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Re: GOP pins hopes of dismantling ObamaCare on the courts - http://thehill.com/policy...
"1. The oversimplification of section 1251 is causing you grief. You tend to shift around in your posts to avoid the obvious that your hyperbole is only hyperbole. 2. The ACA law is not the same as private insurance companies. 3. Ad hominem attacks are not proving your point. 4. I pointed to Section 1251. You tried to avoid the text. The definition in "e' uses the phrase grandfather because that is the idea ... (a) To oversimplify "if you have a plan then you can keep the plan" (b) To simplify "if you have a plan that meets the minimum requirements then you can keep the plan." (c) Actual text - read section 1251(a)(2). Here is a link to the text: https://www.govtrack.us/congre... Cancelations of plans were those not meeting minimum requirements -- as clarified in the ACA text." - LPH™ and his dog P™
Re: GOP pins hopes of dismantling ObamaCare on the courts - http://thehill.com/policy...
"Your post is an attempt to use logical fallacies to support what you have posted. Attacking someone is not proving your point. You need to post specifics in the ACA and stop writing that you've read it then go to interpretations of the law and claim your cherry picking is "the" interpretation." Sadly, you are clouding the ACA law with private insurance companies. Companies are determining costs, policy coverage, etc." - LPH™ and his dog P™
Re: GOP pins hopes of dismantling ObamaCare on the courts - http://thehill.com/policy...
"I've waited for this talking point. After reading all your posts on this thread - it was only a matter of time before you post your nonsense. Read section 1251 of the ACA. What is that title again? In case you cannot find the text ... it's "preservation of right to maintain existing coverage." Politicians chose to simplify it - and the republicans ran with the oversimplification as a means to distort what happened. Insurance companies made decisions to go against this provision and you are trying to tie it to a political party. Silly logical fallacy." - LPH™ and his dog P™
[XenWord] Featured Forums - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
[XenWord] Featured Thread Widget - http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Re: Google Launches Inbox. Here Is How to Request an Invite - http://www.pocketmeta.com/google-...
"I wish Google would provide a timeframe for when an invite will be sent. Simply saying thank you for requesting the invite is nice but a timeframe would be even better." - LPH™ and his dog P™
Re: Factors to Consider in WordPress eCommerce Plugins - http://code.tutsplus.com/article...
"I'm in the middle of moving from WooCommerce to EDD. There were too many issues with a 502 bad gateway. Sadly WC needs a better way to export orders. It's almost a feeling of being trapped if you choose a shop plugin and want to change." - LPH™ and his dog P™