Lou Paglia

I have to write something else about me here as too? Check out my blog please, it is all there. Where is data portability when you need it?
Good post @josh_steiner on testing rails applications. Great to understand terminology and differences. http://robots.thoughtbot.com/how-we-...
It would be somewhat interesting to see what would happen if political campaign contributions could only be done in Bitcoin and gift cards.
Often I feel Evernote is like the note taking mafia, put the notes in but they will never get out. Brand name is spot on #forEVER
RT @monkchips: i feel bad for the word "fewer" - it's getting its ass kicked by the grammatically incorrect but powerfully general purpose "less"
RT @JeffreyHayzlett: "If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change the way you think about it." Mary Engelbreit
Great spending time with the @diamondcandles team, seeing where the magic happens. Thanks @jcwinter for the invite! cc @jirafe
RT @jirafe: Today on our blog: Summer Sales and How to Capitalize on Holidays http://blog.jirafe.com/blog...
I'm sorry @illustrator I tried to use you but after six attempts installing @creativecloud on Mac OS, I've given up. #spinningblueball
Great line: “Stop talking. You are making everyone who can hear you dumber” - The Atlantis World
RT @NateSilver538: The Germany-Ghana draw increased the US chance of finishing 1st in the group -- but reduced its chances to advance. http://fivethirtyeight.com/datalab...
The opposite of skiing: “...a complete history of Amazon and its stock price over the last 20 years --> http://stocktwits.com/jackdam... $AMZN”
RT @chudson: Pro tip. Do not let #Messi dribble left at the top of the 18.
Who will be coming out with the next Rapportive like plugin for Gmail. Seems like a no brainer idea for someone.
Do you think @NJTransit would do something cool and innovative like stream the US World Cup game over the speakers on the train? No.
“You are not listening to what you are saying” is a response not used often enough.
RT @monkchips: its always good to be snarky and rude to people that provide you infrastructure for free. #protip
Pretty cool, and fitting: "@TechCrunch: George R․R․ Martin Writes Everything In WordStar 4.0 On A DOS Machine http://techcrunch.com/2014..."
The day would go more smoothly and potentially the world would be a better place if Jira cards were updated on a regular basis.
RT @SAI: E-COMMERCE AND THE FUTURE OF RETAIL [SLIDE DECK]. http://www.businessinsider.com/the-fut...
Great business meeting! Someone passionately yelled "Gaussian! It is never Gaussian! You are out on the street, it is never Gaussian."
It is certainly going to be an interesting day. I just saw someone use white-out!
RT @bpm140: Mad props to @rahims for his Sonos-Soundcloud connection service. If you have a Sonos, hook yourself up! http://www.hirahim.com/project...
Truly amazing that the accidental nudge of a sleeping Furby can strike fear into your heart.
A dream is just a dream. A goal is a dream with a plan and a deadline. #awesomefortunecookie
RT @elanazak: Newly redesigned @BostonDotCom has an amazing 404 error page: http://boston.com/404 h/t @zseward https://twitter.com/elanaza...
Very true; Take a Walk, Sure, but Don't Call It a Break - @HarvardBiz http://blogs.hbr.org/2014...
RT @bfeld: Great post from a Wartime CEO - It’s a fucking startup. Why are you here? http://betashop.com/post...
In the 60's now, do you tell the people in shorts and tshirts at the train station it is supposed to be 30's and rain later today?
RT @emuchat: Don’t text and drive #itcanwait Emu can help - http://emu.is/downloa... - re-tweet for a chance to win an iPad https://twitter.com/emuchat...
My four year old playing Candy Crush as he completes #34: "yeah, take that chocolate!"