Lou Paglia

I have to write something else about me here as too? Check out my blog please, it is all there. Where is data portability when you need it?
RT @emuchat: Don’t text and drive #itcanwait Emu can help - http://emu.is/downloa... - re-tweet for a chance to win an iPad https://twitter.com/emuchat...
My four year old playing Candy Crush as he completes #34: "yeah, take that chocolate!"
Re: Fun Friday: Your Favorite Feature - http://www.avc.com/a_vc...
"Evernote Sync" - Lou Paglia
Re: Feature Friday: Checking In Your Friend - http://www.avc.com/a_vc...
"Makes sense. Actually a bit overdue so glad to see . This is a feature on Facebook that's been there for a while and that I use all the time." - Lou Paglia
Re: Being Upfront - http://www.avc.com/a_vc...
"It is a very interesting move, probably the right one for them and I would think in the works for quite some time. great name. Very consistent with Mark's approach that he expresses on his blog. Mark may have some of the best VC blog content out there on enterprise startups." - Lou Paglia
RT @davemcclure: paraphrasing John Mayer: "My Inbox is a Wonderland." #sigh
RT @kevinmarks: #techfrontiers @VivekKundra: Chief Marketing Officers are spending more on IT than CIOs now: using Marketing Cloud to see what customers say
RT @YourStorydotin: How do you market? @davemcclure : "You build and tell a story!" True that! #GOAP YourStory session.
Overheard at train station: "ain't my job to do everybody else's job"; sounds like someone needs a new job...or new team. #fb
RT @Gartenberg: Remember when you actually had to know someone or be introduced to someone before you could invite them to be part of your LinkedIn network
RT @CharlesHGreen: Homemade Twinkies — the Recipe. Hope is restored. http://www.nytimes.com/2012...
missing #defragcon, great conference, perhaps next year. looking forward to an active tweet stream , ah hem @graemethickins
Re: Google Contacts syncing issues with the iPhone - http://www.loupaglia.com/correla...
"Great to hear!" - Lou Paglia
Re: One Touch Conferencing Calling From Your Mobile Phone - http://www.feld.com/archive...
"Mobileday is one of the best apps on my phone as well. I use it multiple times per day also, it saves me a lot of aggravation hopping out of my calendar invite. It is also a fantastic app when on the go with my phone, one click access is great when not at your desk. Couple of things that jump out as enhancements: 1. Be able to extract the call in details when the sender doesn't put it in the header and only the body, quickly becoming one of my big pet peeves when people do not put the call in details in the subject. 2. I haven't figured out how to call into the call with one click when I am the host. I use the "test call" feature in conference set-up to call in as host. (Sure I am missing the more effective way to do it). In any case, Mobileday is a great app. Best of luck with continued traction." - Lou Paglia
Re: Google Contacts syncing issues with the iPhone - http://www.loupaglia.com/correla...
"Glad to here it helped. Yes, the "other" field will not sync nor will custom fields. There apparently is a new way to sync with the release of the iPhone 5 but I'm not sure if it remedies the core issues that the field mapping is having." - Lou Paglia
Re: Google Contacts syncing issues with the iPhone - http://www.loupaglia.com/correla...
"Jules: Do you have Google Sync set up? Even with Exchange, I believe you have to set up Google Sync mobile and set up your device to synchronize. This will basically create a sub address book for your Google Contacts. It sounds like when you are adding contacts on your phone into gmail, you are simply adding the contact to your gmail account which is different than adding the contact to your address book and it then syncing to your gmail contacts via google sync. Hope this helps." - Lou Paglia
Re: Google Contacts syncing issues with the iPhone - http://www.loupaglia.com/correla...
"Vinit, I really do not know. If you didn't back up, I would assume not but perhaps someone out there has figured out how to restore. Sounds like you are using your last backup so at least you have something. One thing to check is if you have been using Google Sync, iTunes may have wiped the phone but perhaps your contacts are still intact over in your Google Contacts. If so, you may be able to pull them back across. I would assume the same would be the case if you are using a different mail provider like Yahoo! Mail. Best of luck." - Lou Paglia
Hanging out with my girls @jennapaglia and Arden. (@ MetLife Stadium for Kenny Chesney + more w/ @jennapaglia) https://foursquare.com/loupagl...
Re: Fun Friday: Quotes - http://www.avc.com/a_vc...
""Test in production what is broken in beta." - Lou Paglia, 1998." - Lou Paglia
Re: Fun Friday: Quotes - http://www.avc.com/a_vc...
""If I'd asked customers what they wanted, they would have said 'a faster horse'". - Henry Ford. Great quote about innovation, use your customers to understand their needs but not necessarily the solution." - Lou Paglia
Tumblr should have been a sponsor of the 2012 US Gymnastics team. #fb #olympics
RT @dlprager: wow, pretty amazing news! - Square Goes Big With Nationwide Starbucks Deal - Forbes http://www.forbes.com/sites...
Re: Facebook’s Like Button – What’s Not To Like? - http://www.loupaglia.com/correla...
"Jeff: Great to hear from you, hope the family is doing well also. Agree, my sense is sentiment is something they are gleaning from the comments themselves. Know there was much debate regarding the "dislike" button in addition that they did not go with. Like means interested or engaged more than anything. But you are right, marketers care on interest, engagement and also reputation. Many firms focus in the area of reputation as well as it is critical to understand the positive and negative WOM (word of mouth) taking place around your brand." - Lou Paglia
Facebook’s Like Button – What’s Not To Like? - http://www.loupaglia.com/correla...
Hey, thanks @foursquare for telling me I haven't checked in 2 mths with @jennapaglia! Has it been that long since we went on a date? #fb
Here tailgating with the girls before @zacbrownband (@ Susquehanna Bank Center w/ @jennapaglia) https://foursquare.com/loupagl...
Re: Google Contacts syncing issues with the iPhone - http://www.loupaglia.com/correla...
"Becky: No worries. If you want to send me your email address, I can send you an example record. However, before that, quick question. Did you follow all of the steps? Export your Google Contacts as a .csv, do the search and replace, save and then upload back? The reason I ask, is you need to do a search and replace on ALL of the fields. Thus if you search for "home" and replace all instances with "Home", that should get all of your address fields into the format that Apple will detect when you re-import the contacts and then sync. Hopefully that makes sense." - Lou Paglia
Re: Google Contacts syncing issues with the iPhone - http://www.loupaglia.com/correla...
"Becky: I haven't noticed an issue with duplicate labels between phone and address. In fact, I think that is okay. The most common issue I've seen is the capitalization of the field label. When you do your search and replace for "home", use a capital H. Thus replace each instance with "Home". Let me know if that helps...." - Lou Paglia
Fire outside of the @njtransit train on the tracks, our car is slowly filling with smoke though. #fb
Re: Google Contacts syncing issues with the iPhone - http://www.loupaglia.com/correla...
"Thanks Phil. Agreed. And well worth it in my opinion. :)" - Lou Paglia