
Deleting entries have no likes or comments...
Wait... I should try API first. - yjl
email sent to ask about rate limit. - yjl
Be my guest: After Web 2.0 « Motho ke motho ka botho - http://kmandla.wordpress.com/2010...
"In short, to quote an American friend from a long time ago: “You can put lipstick on a pig, and it’s still a pig.”" - yjl
Just stumbled on a blog post about unofficial Popular Posts gadget on Blogger which uses BRPS.
"First there was a Navigator, then there was an Explorer. Later it was time for a Konqueror. Now it's time for an Imperator, the VIMperator :)" -- Vimperator intro
recent nightly builds of firefox4b8pre have serious memory usage issue, they become hogs, fat ones.
And crash very often when using Google Reader. - yjl
"You cheated on me... with my brother." -- Kensi from NCIS: LA. << That's an awesome line!
Watching bonjovi live...
It's my life!!! - yjl
Gmail removes "You are currently using 257 MB (3%) of your 7518 MB." from footer.
"Red meat is not bad for you. Now blue-green meat, that’s bad for you!" -- Tommy Smothers
Announcing Accepted Organizations for Google Code-in - Google Open Source Blog - http://google-opensource.blogspot.com/2010...
"These organizations will be creating tasks for the student participants in the contest to work on and submit to earn prizes. We’ll be having tasks from all 8 categories in our task tracker: code, documentation, outreach, quality assurance, research, training, translation, user interface." -- Some require Python coding. - yjl
Storage options on App Engine - Nick's Blog - http://blog.notdot.net/2010...
Listing pros and cons about Datastore, Memcache, Instance memory, Local files, and Task queue payloads. - yjl
Is Stackoverflow.com overflow right now? XD
Prerelease SDK 1.3.8 is out! - http://groups.google.com/group...
Highlights: 1) The developer who uploaded an app version can download that version's code using the appcfg.py download_app command. 2) The Admin Console now provides tools to delete all entities in the datastore or all entities of a given type. - yjl
Python: how to convert a negative number to positive ? - Stack Overflow - http://stackoverflow.com/questio...
You must be kidding me! - yjl
mnot’s Weblog: HTTP Roundup: What’s Up with the Web’s Protocol - http://www.mnot.net/blog...
Many interesting stuff. - yjl
Learn Python The Hard Way - http://learnpythonthehardway.org/index#
"The book is a very beginner book for people who want to learn to code. If you can already code then the book will probably drive you insane. It's intended for people who have no coding chops to build up their skills before starting a more detailed book." (via http://groups.google.com/group...) - yjl
hsandbox - The Hacking Sandbox - Labix - http://labix.org/hsandbox
It's written in Python and requires GNU/Screen and pyinotify. It makes easier to write snippets. I have <F5> bound to run the script, now I think I will rebind <F5> to be `:w`. hsandbox detects file changes and run the script. - yjl
What Happens If You Put Your Hand In The LHC | Robert Accettura's Fun With Wordage - http://robert.accettura.com/blog...
"and it seems none of the scientists really want to find out." Where are your scientific spirit? Experiment it! Or put a lab mouse in... (we human are bad!) - yjl
Google News Blog: Google News turns eight - http://googlenewsblog.blogspot.com/2010...
8? I thought it was like just four. - yjl
FF4b7pre now often crashes when writing a post with Blogger's editor. !@#$^$
Closeup soup shot | Flickr - Photo Sharing! - http://www.flickr.com/photos...
""To feel safe and warm on a cold wet night, all you really need is soup." ~Laurie Colwin" - yjl
http://labs.adobe.com/technol... 64 bit Flash is back!!! "Square!"
Can't sign in Reader/Feedburner, it keeps telling me... " Update: the privacy policy has been simplified and updated. Learn more."
looks like FF's fault... - yjl
Argh! Vimperator dev is messed up in FF4.0b7pre (2010-09-15)... gotta go back to 3.6.9... sigh.
or Chromium - yjl
Using jQuery jknav plugin on dynamically loaded page - http://blog.yjl.im/2010...
"Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things." -- Peter F. Drucker
"Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things." - yjl
Iron Man 2 (2010) - http://www.imdb.com/title...
What's the story about that hammer at the end? Something to do with Hammer Tech? - yjl
Time for another round of tv. watching...
Just noticed FF4 has something called "App Tab," which seems like Pinned Tab in Chromium.
"Commands up-pane, and down-pane removed, since equivalent behaviour is now available through the target flag (-t:+ and -t:-)." only change for me to update my configuration after upgraded to tmux 1.3 http://tmux.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc...
Green Zone (2010) - http://www.imdb.com/title...
Just watched this film. Definitely a good _film_ and you can't stop wondering if all the materials in this film are fictional or not. - yjl