Kenley Neufeld

Community College Librarian, Teacher, Peace Lover, Father, Motorcyclist, ordained Buddhist, vegan, social web obsessed
Re: Feed and Nourish our Happiness -
"Hello friend. Thank you for the question and the interest. At this time, we have been asked not to share the 21-day retreat talks online. That said, I will continue to ask and see if we can make this possible in the future. If yes, then you can be sure the talks will appear here online." - Kenley Neufeld
The home brew station. Making a cup of Tonx Popayan before Orphan Black. -
Catching Snakes and No-Self -
Re: Graduation Speech at SBCC -
"Thanks Ameet!" - Kenley Neufeld
Re: Looking Back. Looking Forward. -
"Thank you." - Kenley Neufeld
Re: Looking Back. Looking Forward. -
"Thanks for all the support." - Kenley Neufeld
Re: Looking Back. Looking Forward. -
"No rocking chairs. Should we?" - Kenley Neufeld
Re: Ethical Concerns Regarding Dharma Teachers -
"Dear Laura. You are not alone on this topic of diversity. Thank you for this comment and for sharing your concern about diversity in your sangha, and a topic I'd like to engage with you on. As a person in Southern California, this is a very important topic for me and one that many sanghas struggle with in North America. A dear friend of mine in Pasadena leads a sangha where the main purpose is to build and support diversity within sangha. For me, I have been engaged in a series of conversations on this topic and have experienced frustration. I would be most interested in hearing more from you on how diversity can be supported and encouraged in our sanghas. Will you share your ideas with us all? When you did finally get heard, how did your sangha explore the topic?" - Kenley Neufeld
Re: Looking Back. Looking Forward. -
"Thanks David. A new and interesting challenge." - Kenley Neufeld
Got my happy farmers will change the world jersey from the Plum Village Happy Farm. -
Re: Graduation Speech at SBCC -
"Thank you Theodate." - Kenley Neufeld
"Hi John, Good to hear from you. I know that sangha opportunities in Utah are a little light but I also know they do exist. An OI friend, Bobbie, might be a good place to start. I'll send her a link to this comment and ask her to respond." - Kenley Neufeld
Getting some early morning hammock time before the heat. Happy Thursday. -
Peaches from the neighbors tree. Super sweet. -
After living in the country the last 4-months, it still seems a little strange when I forget that a town is nearby. With people. Weekends are good. -
"Hi Alex, if a person wishes to receive the Five Mindfulness Trainings directly from Thay then you're best opportunity will be at a regular 5-7 day retreat. It's not always certain, but most of the big retreats will include a transmission ceremony." - Kenley Neufeld
"We've been making some changes in this area, so please use this temporary link:" - Kenley Neufeld
It's a balmy 83-degrees in Santa Barbara. Enjoying a cup of Brazil. -
Full Awareness of Driving. Calm and Easy. 55mpg on commute today. #cmax #Ford #hybrid -
Girls in the wishing well. -
Bodhisattva of Compassion. -
"Renee, I know there are many sanghas in Pennsylvania but know that it's a big state and doesn't reach everywhere. Have you thought about starting up a local sangha in your community? As for the Five Mindfulness Trainings, this is the first requirement to move in the direction of being an aspirant for the Order of Interbeing. Perhaps we can find a way to connect you with some regional activities that could allow that to happen?" - Kenley Neufeld
Re: The Lineage of Thich Nhat Hanh -
"Certainly! It seems that I moved the file and now has a new link. Here is Thich Nhat Hanh Tradition and Lineage" - Kenley Neufeld
"Hi Renee. Thank you for writing. Can you give me a general sense of your location? Have you taken the Five Mindfulness Trainings in our tradition?" - Kenley Neufeld