Justin Korn

Technology Director in San Francisco that likes playing with the Internets. Photographer, Web Developer, and geek. Find out more at http://www.justinkorn.com
RT @korndev: Just arrived @exygy ready to learn about setting up awesome WordPress hosting. #SFWordPress
RT @korndev: Received panic call from a non-client about a hacked site. Seems all fixed now with a little help from WordFence and @sucuri_security
RT @korndev: Great day at #sfsmallbizweek Connected w/ @integratebeauty @leahfayecreativ & saw some g8 presentations by @davidperrysf, @2brp & others.
deck.js » Modern HTML Presentations - http://imakewebthings.com/deck...
Started playing with cloudHQ to try and sync/backup GoogleDocs to DropBox. Check em out: https://t.co/GIuNaz2E (this is a referral link)
Hating priceline
Did you know @priceline's link on their profile page doesn't even go to the help page?!? WOW...says a lot.
On hold again w/ @priceline. Service been extremely bad in time of need. Seems to be a trend. They shouldn't take pride on service anymore.
Can't believe how disappointed I am w/ @priceline & @virginamerica. Family emergency, need to change flight, and getting pushed in circles
:( - Derrick
Regex Tester – RegexPal - http://regexpal.com/
a JavaScript regular expression tester - Justin Korn
RT @korndev: After much slowness from @dreamhost, moved a client to @vpsnet. Only been ~2hrs, but looking good! Considering the move for other clients...
Signed up for Koding beta. Sounds very intriguing if you are a coder on the go: http://koding.com?lrRef=Ox5FV
Client hosting with @dreamhost is ready to bail. Who should they try next? Considering VPS as well...
CommonCrawl | | CommonCrawl - http://commoncrawl.org/
The parents met...everyone survived! Good night....
RT @korndev: It's nice to see your fruits of labor go live! http://www.boku.com (many thanks to the internal @boku team)
Laurent Luce: Python dictionary implementation - http://www.laurentluce.com/posts...
This post describes how dictionaries are implemented in the Python language. - Justin Korn
The MessagePack Project - http://msgpack.org/
RT @korndev: Forgot to mention last week, finally finalized @l2fedresources's website (http://l2federalresources.com). Nice clean #design, don't you think?
Just went into a Verizon store, confirmed Nexus Galaxy will be available at 9am!
RT @airtreks Groupon Amazes With a Terrible Deal on an RTW Ticket http://t.co/ykBguKMt
RT @korndev: Made serious advances on a baseline #responsive #WordPress theme I'm working on. Using semantic.gs (@tylertate) and Hybrid (@justintadlock)
Doing some $2 sake bombs at Sadachi... Wish me luck #spendingsundayhungover
Re: Connect Your Blog to Google Buzz - http://blog.justinkorn.com/2010...
"Google is moving away from Google Buzz and concentrating on Google+. I'd suggest checking out the +1 button and this article: http://googlewebmastercentral....<http: 08="" 2011="" googlewebmastercentral.blogspot.com="" making-most-of-improvements-to-1-button.html?m="1"> Good luck.</http:>" - Justin Korn
Congtrats! RT @hirson BOKU and Telefonica/BlueVia launch API's for in-app payment. http://t.co/vd7yvDm #mobilepayments #telefonica
RT @korndev: Handwriting fonts impart a sense of personality, humanistic connection... RT @sixrevisions 10 FREE Handwriting Fonts http://t.co/2GIbKb9
If I wanted a handwriting font on my stuff, I'd hand write it. Looks too tacky. - Roberto Bonini
Hiring a full-time IT Administrator. If interested, all the details & how to apply can be found: http://t.co/K5YOp1l #jobs #sfjobs
Awesome archive! RT @jonathanogden Here are the presentation slides from WordCamp San Francisco 2011: http://t.co/iRQm0MJ #wcsf
Why? RT @mikeschinkel OH by @nacin: "I finally got @williamsba to admit that Custom Post Type UI should never be used in production." #wcsf
Great presentation from @saracannon on responsive design #wcsf
Here we go! RT @williamsba Getting ready to talk about plugin security with @markjaquith & @joncave #wcsf
Planning on being there! RT @saracannon I'm speaking on "Responsive Web Design" at 1:30! #wcsf #WPYall