Justin Korn

Technology Director in San Francisco that likes playing with the Internets. Photographer, Web Developer, and geek. Find out more at http://www.justinkorn.com
RT @korndev: Interesting: Upload psd get css, measurement between elements, save web optimized images, get color and gradients: https://t.co/7oiezcEgun
Need WordPress dev support at @korndev. Got solid experience, know your git & how to communicate well, get in touch: http://korndev.com
Let Me Lend My Shoulder by Big Harp - http://www.pandora.com/big-har...
Used @Uber_SF for the 1st time the other day. Must say, I'm impressed. Haven't tried them yet? Get $10 off ur 1st ride: https://www.uber.com:443/invite...
RT @illusiodesign: And monstrous props to our partner @justinkorn for bustin' serious ass on @SERAarchitects. Super proud of our combined effort.
RT @stacigh: "Picking a theme based on looks is like walking into a casino expecting a jackpot." #wcsf
So true: "Users pay for support & service -- Technology & code are bonuses" @adii at #wcsf
Why is there no music downstairs during breaks? I'm spoiled from being upstairs all morning. #wcsf
Sorry non-WordPress related followers, if u haven't figured out already, WordCampSF is 2day. 2nd 1/2 of day starting. Brace yourselves #wcsf
RT @Digialitay: If you are on an old version of wordpress, it's going to get hacked says @photomatt at #wcsf #whydontpeopleupdate
Great State of the Word from @photomatt! Take aways: 44mm. dnlds in last yr, 66% using WP as CMS, 16.7% of top 1mil websites using WP #wcsf
30%+ of top 1000 sites are not using proper cacheing headers #wcsf
Actually not unusual for the web...it's not WordPress's fault per @igrigorik #wcsf
Median WordPress load time is 11+ seconds! If you're not optimizing, you're doing it wrong! #wcsf
RT @jdub: Do note that @vnsavage is recommending WP Super Cache, as opposed to certain overblown, competing "solutions". :-) #wcsf
Is @photomatt only going to get 15min for his State of the Word talk as well?! :) #wcsf
Out the door, on my way to WordCamp San Francisco #wcsf
Getting pumped for #WCSF tomorrow!
Want to try to win a Canon 5D Mark III? @BorrowLenses is having a 5th year Anniversary give away: http://offerpop.com/fb...
Let’s talk about password storage | fredericiana - http://fredericiana.com/2012...
How I boosted my Vim » nvie.com - http://nvie.com/posts...
RT @mental_floss: Seventy years ago today, Anne Frank received a diary for her 13th birthday.
Don't watch a ton of games, but REALLY glad I watched this one! Go #SFGIANTS. Congrats Matt Cain!
RT @korndev: Ahhggg...been working on something & someone just revealed an almost identical service. Beat me to the punch but will cont to push fwd!
Circus Process Watcher — Circus 0.1 documentation - http://circus.readthedocs.org/en...
REPOSE - The REstful PrOxy Service Engine - http://openrepose.org/index...
REPOSE is an open-source RESTful HTTP proxy service that scales to the cloud. REPOSE provides the solution to common API processing tasks such as rate limiting, client authentication, versioning, and logging so that web service developers can focus on the unique features of their services. - Justin Korn
RT @korndev: Just arrived @exygy ready to learn about setting up awesome WordPress hosting. #SFWordPress
RT @korndev: Received panic call from a non-client about a hacked site. Seems all fixed now with a little help from WordFence and @sucuri_security