Jared Smith

Media-minded Web developer with potent geek energy, a meteorological bent and an eccentric streak based in Charleston, SC. Blog at http://jaredwsmith.com.
RT @jenmylo: I'll be at #wcchs this weekend. If you want to start a meetup, get involved as a contributor, or just say hi, come and find me!
RT @wpCHS: Were you thinking about joining us on Saturday? Only a few tickets left - http://2014.charleston.wordcamp.org/tickets... #wcchs #chs https://twitter.com/WordCam...
'Tis the season for my Instagram to become filled with interesting #chswx photos and I could not be happier.
7:45 PM ET, TLVE (Cleveland TDWR) 1.5 degree tilt. Tornado-warned storm. Nasty! (Not a current radar image.) https://twitter.com/jaredws...
I'm looking forward to a night with lightning in the distance and a wide-open shutter to capture it. Tonight is not that night.
I feel bad for the person I have never met who just listed my oft-confused Gmail address as a reference on a job application.
Remixes by @blairblends are a fine soundtrack to any Saturday afternoon! https://t.co/5qCp9wOnul
“MODERATE RISK!!!” to fill my timeline in 3…2…
Great article in the @chascitypaper about @WordCampCHS — it’s next weekend! http://www.charlestoncitypaper.com/Culture...
RT @RyanReynolds: Ugh. We meant to say "Nets." https://twitter.com/RyanRey...
RT @WordCampCHS: WordCamp Charleston Speaker Spotlight - Jared Smith (@jaredwsmith) http://2014.charleston.wordcamp.org/2014... #chs #wcchs #chstech #wordpress
On #LemurTime. Into my 15th hour…
RT @pixelworkers: Attention Charleston, SC. Give us some raw material to work with for a Local 843 shirt. OR ELSE…
To commemorate @scoccaro's Italian teacher's edict of "no Spanish in her classroom", we will be having baked ziti for dinner.
RT @WordCampCHS: This happens in less than 2 weeks - May 17 - at The Stern Center, College of Charleston:… http://instagram.com/p...
Two weeks to go until WordCamp Charleston Get your tickets, yo! - Jared Smith
Beyond net neutrality: The new battle for the future of the internet – Vox - http://jaredwsmith.com/2014...
Beyond net neutrality: The new battle for the future of the Internet I can only see peering agreements between companies and ISPs increasing costs for what we would find as acceptable speeds now and choking off innovation online for those except the most capitalized (or connected), and that is a damned shame. - Jared Smith
This is the point in the week in which it is a real challenge to find new, extremely bad habits that I picked the wrong week to quit.
Thus far Friday is acting very much like Monday and it is barely past 7am.
Dual-polarization radar is worth its weight in gold - http://jaredwsmith.com/2014...
Dan Satterfield: NWS Weather Radar Upgrade Proving Wildly Successful Dual-polarization is a new thing, but I sure don’t know how I or anyone else confidently interpreted radar without it. There is little doubt that the confidence dual-pol products lend to warning forecasters and broadcast meteorologists conveying those critical messages saved a lot of lives on […] - Jared Smith
The Spaces You Control - http://jaredwsmith.com/2014...
“It always goes back to the spaces you actually control.” He’s right. - Jared Smith
New @chswx header photo accurately describes the theme of the warm season in Charleston: Mesoscale Boundaries Rule Everything Around Me.
Bringing my camera to work is a surefire way to ensure we won’t have any severe weather in #CHS, apparently.
State of my brain: 0118 999 88199 9119 725 …3
1.64 NROT max at 0.5deg scan over Bessemer.
12:24 AM ET: Debris ball, associated tornado debris signature over Bessemer, AL. https://twitter.com/jaredws...
11:04 PM ET: Tornado debris signature in Morris, AL: https://twitter.com/jaredws...
RT @IrishEagle: RT @NWSJacksonMS: The tornado passed south of our office. Radar also still spinning. We are in good shape and fully operational.
7:45 PM ET: Tornado velocity signature just before it hits the WSR-88D in Brandon, MS. https://twitter.com/jaredws...
RT @wxprof: This door landed on the MSU campus from the Louisville, MS tornado. 30 miles to our south. https://twitter.com/wxprof...
That debris signature…