Jared Smith

Media-minded Web developer with potent geek energy, a meteorological bent and an eccentric streak based in Charleston, SC. Blog at http://jaredwsmith.com.
The digital equivalent of the salesman that just won’t get out of your face. Awful. https://twitter.com/jaredws...
Commencement FINALLY moved indoors!
Pano of shelf cloud over Hilton Head HS 6:42 PM @NWSCharlestonSC #SCWX Outdoor commencement filing in?!? https://twitter.com/jaredws...
Better look at shelf cloud from Hilton Head HS 6:37 PM @NWSCharlestonSC #SCWX https://twitter.com/jaredws...
Ragged shelf cloud looking NW from Hwy 278 on the north end of Hilton Head Island @NWSCharlestonSC #SCWX https://twitter.com/jaredws...
Despite Severe Thunderstorm Warning, Hilton Head HS going ahead with outdoor commencement… #scwx
RT @calweb: So proud and excited to see my students' final projects for @TheIronYard Demo Day! It's going to be AWESOME!
TRUE FACT: 100% of people who attend meetings die sometime in their lifetime.
I am genuinely concerned about how I am unable to sit down to put together more than 140 chars of thought anymore.
Not used to my typically quiet neighborhood being semi-rowdy past 10 PM on any night that isn't a holiday involving explosives.
Either Facebook has a bug or I should just not bother anymore. https://twitter.com/jaredws...
Facebook is succeeding quite well at being a digital newspaper — consistently, my News Feed displays entries from the previous day.
If the scenario in my previous tweet does not play out, Steve Ballmer will have wasted $2 billion.
Steve Ballmer, Clippers owner, discussing demoting a player to the D-League: "DEVELOPMENT! DEVELOPMENT! DEVELOPMENT! DEVELOPMENT!"
RT @JRMoockjr: White sedan fleeing the scene of an accident hit my dad this afternoon on N Main St in Summerville. If you witnessed, PLEASE help. #CHS
DECISION TREE: Using PHP short tags. Should I use a short tag? | | | NO.
Strong marriages are not built on subtweets.
NWS CHS hasn't issued a severe weather warning since April 7. Have a feeling that will change tonight.
Very impressive hail core near Sumter — GR2’s algorithm suggesting 3”, will be lower but still significant. #scwx https://twitter.com/jaredws...
Has @DylanMadisetti seen today's Google Doodle yet?
Slides from “WordPress at Peak Performance” - http://jaredwsmith.com/2014...
Here are my slides from my WordCampCHS talk, “WordPress at Peak Performance.” I call it the “Radio Edit” because I had just too many slides to fit in 50 minutes. I’ll look at shoring up the content for that part of the presentation, complete with full notes, to release soon. Embedded PDF is below; you […] - Jared Smith
RT @mannieschumpert: I’m so, so happy about how everything went today for #wcchs. Too many people to credit and thank for an awesome time. Can’t wait for 2015!
Thanks to everyone who stopped into my #wcchs talk! Slides will be up this evening.
I’m tweeting a fair bit from @WordCampCHS today. Follow along for the fun! #wcchs
WordCamp Day Is Here - http://jaredwsmith.com/2014...
WordCamp Day is here! Here’s the WordCamp Charleston schedule. My BoomTown colleague Jason “Frock” Finneyfrock is on at 9am talking about how we use Vagrant and Puppet to maintain development environments; I’m on at 2:30 with an overhauled version of my August 2013 WordCamp Charleston talk, WordPress at Peak Performance. - Jared Smith
Great crowd for the #wcchs pre-registration event @TheAlleyChas! https://twitter.com/jaredws...
RT @jenmylo: I'll be at #wcchs this weekend. If you want to start a meetup, get involved as a contributor, or just say hi, come and find me!
RT @wpCHS: Were you thinking about joining us on Saturday? Only a few tickets left - http://2014.charleston.wordcamp.org/tickets... #wcchs #chs https://twitter.com/WordCam...