RT @peretti: What The 2012 Election Would Have Looked Like Without Universal Suffrage - wow oh wow! http://www.buzzfeed.com/buzzfee...
RT @daringfireball: The Math Behind Paper for iPad’s New Color-Mixer: http://daringfireball.net/linked...
Chrome to get a Start menu, after Windows removes the one it's had for 17 years. Nicely played: http://techcrunch.com/2012...
RT @fivethirtyeight: Heuristic: if a place has sidewalks, it votes Democratic. Otherwise, it votes Republican.
It should be pretty clear by now that probability & statistics should be taught in high school.
RT @elasticthreads: If you're looking for a video of the Karl Rove freakout: http://core.talkingpointsmemo.com/tv... cc: @herf @gruber @danielpunkass
RT @fivethirtyeight: This is probably a good time to link to my book: http://www.amazon.com/The-Sig...
RT @felixsalmon: RT @cosentino: For the Nate-haters, here’s the 538 prediction and actual results side by side http://twitter.com/cosenti...
my fox news live stream just rewound to 8pm. do-over?
Tweets from @fart right now... Best of "dad crying."
RT @RodrigoEBR: Romney campaign "not prepared to concede" at this point -CNN
RT @jwarwick816: Slight edge for the blue side of the building http://instagram.com/p...
RT @zefrank: i just want a news source where numbers are changing every time i refresh. i don't even care what the numbers mean anymore.
RT @jwarwick816: Empire State Building - for all your election results needs http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2012...
RT @kfury: Romney's final approval rating as governor of Mass was one third lower than Sarah Palin's as governor after announcing she was quitting.
New @nest update insistently setting thermostat 2-3 degrees above program. Annoying. v2 did not do this.
f.lux build 20 for Mac posted: retina icon, 2300k option. hoping this is the one we will autoupdate, send feedback! http://stereopsis.com/flux/
RT @TheRyanFord: Mitt Romney paid no taxes for 15 years? Yowza. http://politics.gather.com/viewArt...
Philips Hue Bulb Teardown (help me figure out what's in here): https://t.co/DbYwIfsS
Philips Hue Notes (including how to control over the network): http://www.nerdblog.com/2012...
RT @mattpharr: Most amazing thing to me about the acquisition is that Lucas owned 100% of Lucasfilm. Zero equity compensation to anyone ever is crazy.
f.lux is running on philips hue. oops.
Nice, Philips networked lights. http://www.meethue.com/en-US
RT @marcoarment: An alternate universe: my experience at a Microsoft Store today with the Surface. http://www.marco.org/2012...
Nice! Also, wishing GOOG would let this team work on Google+: http://www.google.com/cultura...
The internet is down. Now I might get some work done.
Can someone please enact a ban on benchmarking boot times?
RT @flyosity: Gee, I wonder if people around the world want Obama to win? http://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media...