RT @JohnLano: @herf Hey! I just wrote glowingly about f.lux in my latest #voiceover blog post. Feel free to RT. http://www.voiceovergenie.com/blog... :)
RT @hunterwalk: The key to success? Self-awareness via double-loop learning http://www.nytimes.com/2013... via @nytimes
RT @paulg: If you haven't had the norovirus yet, make a conscious effort to avoid it.
Thrilled with @disqus support. Reported a bug and fix was pushed in under a day.
Spent day trying node.js. Really fast & fun. Cannot figure out how to avoid exploding when file handles run out. Silent failures or crashes.
RT @joshpetri: What's the heaviest thing Amazon will ship for free, you wonder? So glad you asked: http://www.marketwatch.com/story...
It takes about 100x longer than you expect to hunt down all the places where you buried hacky constants in code.
RT @Werner: today we are lowering Amazon #S3 pricing by about 25% across the board #AWS #reinvent
I think the goal of cleaning is to make room for more mess.
Android looking good at 3000k!
Code search (brute force) with ack and a fast SSD. http://betterthangrep.com/
RT @H_FJ: Another TED parody by The Onion. Wait for it. http://www.youtube.com/watch...
Went to start turkey timer, then realized it was exactly noon. Now every clock I have is a turkey timer.
It used to be that women wanted things you could buy at the store. Now it's stuff on Pinterest that you can't actually buy.
RT @interstateone: I wrote up a post on the Philips Hue hardware and how I got it working with Siri: http://brandonevans.ca/project...
Nerdblog: How Daylights Savings Time Made me Tired for Two Weeks: http://www.nerdblog.com/2012...
How Daylights Savings Time made me Tired for Two Weeks - http://www.nerdblog.com/2012...
Tonight we put the books on our heads and read the hats. Toddlers have no sense of humor.
Parent of toddler reaction to Windows 8: "You mean baby girl can now hit my keyboard AND drag windows off the screen at the same time?"
How to lose customers: @domainmonger restored a year old DNS database. No fix in >14 hrs, no status updates. Why, hello #Namecheap!
Domainmonger's DNS host is offline (or moving to a new server without waiting for propagation?) @Domainmonger
Is Google Analytics reporting win8 as NT? Doesn't show up anywhere else. @googleanalytics
Anyone know if AT&T is better? Verizon Wireless tracking details, ow! http://news.cnet.com/8301-13...
Pushing out mac f.lux v20 to everyone. Update should prompt you within 24 hours.
Inside Team Romney's whale of an IT meltdown: http://arstechnica.com/informa...
RT @hnycombinator: Self-control need a boost? Gargle sugar water, researchers say http://www.boston.com/lifesty...
RT @peretti: What The 2012 Election Would Have Looked Like Without Universal Suffrage - wow oh wow! http://www.buzzfeed.com/buzzfee...
RT @daringfireball: The Math Behind Paper for iPad’s New Color-Mixer: http://daringfireball.net/linked...