
Vivisimo EMEA, curious abt tech, stories/narratives, evolution/Darwin, etc... and swift birds, aren't they amazing?
Camille Lepage French 26yo journalist killed in Centrafrique and her work in the @NewYorker http://www.newyorker.com/online...
RT @FxMaigre: Camille Lepage, en images, c'était ça. Une lumière, un regard. Elle avait publié des photos dans @LaCroixCom. Paix... http://camille-lepage.photoshelter.com/#!...
RT @BeautifulDecay: 1600 Endangered Panda Bears Take Over Our Cities In Poignant Installation http://beautifuldecay.com/2014...
RT @edyong209: Key West Antarctic glaciers retreating unstoppably http://www.nature.com/news... Well, shit. HT @alexwitze
RT @jape: "climate change is not a future thing, it’s a ‘happening-now’ thing" http://www.nytimes.com/2014...
RT @agaricus: Seth Roberts: "Something Is Better Than Nothing." (On evidence.) http://blog.sethroberts.net/2007...
simulation of the universe expansion over 350M cube (Nature article) https://t.co/cm4NZv0bEE
"Quantification" par Yves Michaud (philosophe) https://t.co/1W5IJAFmth #
RT @dumeny: "Quantified self" : la course quotidienne à l'automesure. http://obsession.nouvelobs.com/high-te...
RT @BillMoyersHQ: Lawrence Lessig talks with us about his "moonshot" plan to halt our slide towards plutocracy: http://billmoyers.com/2014... #GetMoneyOut
RT @josavigneau: Oklahoma Vows Review of Botched Execution, via @nytimes mais qu'ils abolissent, enfin! http://www.nytimes.com/2014...
RT @agaricus: Very sad to learn of the death of Seth Roberts, personal scientist: https://t.co/PRnVzchr54
Flamme éternelle au Palais de Tokyo - #flammeeternelle venez https://twitter.com/harscoa...
RT @BillMoyersHQ: The new movement to divest from fossil fuels takes inspiration from anti-apartheid boycotts. Watch: http://billmoyers.com/episode...
RT @neiltyson: The limits on your enlightenment come not from the age you stopped going to school but from the age you stopped being curious
RT @Neuro_Skeptic: Algorithm Is First to Identify Faces Better Than Humans Can http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/d-brief...
RT @JoyceCarolOates: "Joe; or, the Tragedy of Testosterone."
FederalEuropeftw https://t.co/grpgm3K6FZ La paix en Europe est un combat pas un acquis. Vive les EtatsUNIS d'Europe &ceux qui les font #100y
RT @brainpicker: Do It – irreverent instructions for art anyone can make from famous artist – Lawrence Weiner, Ai Weiwei, and more http://www.brainpickings.org/index...
RT @mdbraber: Mooi en aardig recent verhaal van @josdemul over Kunstmatig van Nature #dvdf https://twitter.com/mdbrabe...
James Lovelock: we should give up on saving the planet - video http://www.theguardian.com/environ... / ie Earth will heal after humans are wiped out
Bon rétablissement à Jean-Louis Borloo http://www.liberation.fr/politiq...
RT @JoyceCarolOates: If 22 suicides a day by US war veterans, any war declared by US will be death sentence for thousands of soldiers who "survive" actual war.
RT @conradhackett: A person with a 1 hour commute has to earn 40% more to be as satisfied with life as someone who walks to the office. http://www.theguardian.com/society...
RT @geistdeskapital: The revolution will be discussed in my Ted Talk
Cthulhu is taking over France...
RT @afromusing: I like the NewsCron app. Helps me burst my news consumption filter bubble with some Euro News
RT @vangeest: Basis Science raises $11.5M and nabs Deepak Chopra and Esther Dyson as advisors http://venturebeat.com/2013... #QuantifiedSelf
RT @venturelab_ch: Participate in the "Programme Impact 2013" by Ashoka Switzerland http://www.inno-swiss.com/article... @ashoka #social #entrepreneurship #CSR
Sustainable CO2 production per person is 1.5T/year. Average in France = 6T/year/person (via FranceCulture)