
Vivisimo EMEA, curious abt tech, stories/narratives, evolution/Darwin, etc... and swift birds, aren't they amazing?
RT @SmithsonianMag: Want to help the planet, but can’t give up meat entirely? Cutting beef from your diet is the next-best thing http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science...
RT @FastCoCreate: Stand in just the right spot and this heap of junk morphs into the perfect likeness of a man: http://www.fastcocreate.com/3032876... https://twitter.com/FastCoC...
RT @Aericangelo: I am speechless. Please read and share: "ISIS Destroys Historic Sites in Iraq and Syria." http://hyperallergic.com/136800... via @hyperallergic
RT @doit_INTL: #FlashbackFriday Looking to liven up your Fri afternoon? Watch the "do it (short)" video now! http://vimeo.com/93191691 | #doitINTL #doitshort
RT @askolovitchC: Le #Mundial2014 en pause, suivons l'exploit de Nicolas "Tim Howard" Sarkozy: bloquer 19 affaires en une seule carrière! @TF1 @Europe1
Il y a 100 ans. Un grand incendie s'allumait.
RT @geistdeskapital: The revolution will be business casual
RT @JimACEverett: Fantastic new paper in Nature by @David_G_Rand on cooperating with the future http://www.nature.com/nature...
RT @artnet: Artists call on National Portrait Gallery to drop BP Sponsorship http://news.artnet.com/in-brie...
RT @SaatchiArt: “Create like a god, command like a king, work like a slave.” –Constantin Brâncusi #insidethestudio https://twitter.com/Saatchi...
RT @JimACEverett: Some moral adventures in Budapest (3) http://www.jimaceverett.com/ceu-sum...
RT @BrettMaiden: @Edge Question: "What Scientific Idea is Ready for Retirement?" Dan Sperber: "The Standard Approach to Meaning." http://edge.org/respons...
RT @MuleNoyre: ma mère m'a répété jusqu'à sa mort sa #peur que ça revienne, cette #inhumanité de ses premières années qui l'a laissée exsangue, ça #revient
RT @JimACEverett: Some Moral Adventures in Budapest: Day (2) - with talks from @paulbloomatyale and Cosmides. http://www.jimaceverett.com/ceu-sum...
RT @jape: "This is a crisis we can’t afford to ignore." http://mobile.nytimes.com/2014... #nkd
B. Buchlow on the Fondation Beyeler @gerhardrichter exhibition https://t.co/OI5M0AmH7u
RT @fbon: RT @nessyduloch: Géant | @neiljomunsi : "Victor Hugo : le swag ultime" http://page42.org/victor-... | +1
RT @m_gael: "L'avenir du rock, c'est @justinbieber " selon @IggyPop http://t.co/la9mmngtDh
RT @NeilJomunsi: Nouveau sur le blog : Micro-révolutions, maxi-résultats http://t.co/KFRDU4xVlr
RT @codinghorror: "Stop pretending it's boring to be alive" https://t.co/VfaIguPRkC
RT @Planet_Culture: Effects of carbon and solutions in Cosmos: A Time Space Odyssey (produced by @20thcenturyfox hosted by @neiltyson: http://www.cosmosontv.com/watch...
RT @KMWeiland: Someone just alerted me that Amazon is currently discounting @ScrivenerApp to nearly half price - just $24! http://www.amazon.com/gp...
RT @BeautifulDecay: Stunning Photographs Prove That Bees Are Beautiful: In the past years, bee populations have been devastated by... http://beautifuldecay.com/2014...
RT @arterecord: "Colours" at the largst Exhibition ever devoted in Switzerland 2 Gerhard Richter @Fond_Beyeler http://www.fondationbeyeler.ch/en... https://twitter.com/arterec...
RT @fbon: splendeur, folie & politique de Thomas Hirschhorn (retour sur "Flamme éternelle") http://www.tierslivre.net/spip...
La France et le Front National en tête. #PauvreEurope :((
RT @sergeJONCOUR: Sepp Blatter réalise qu'il fera trop chaud au Qatar… A la FIFA, l'information passe d'abord par le portefeuille avant de monter au cerveau !
RT @mva_1000: You just have to see this live, so cool. TateShots: Thomas Hirschhorn's Flamme Éternelle @ @PalaisdeTokyo http://www.youtube.com/watch... #art
mazes are trees http://bl.ocks.org/mbostoc... great visualization / via HN
Camille Lepage French 26yo journalist killed in Centrafrique and her work in the @NewYorker http://www.newyorker.com/online...
RT @FxMaigre: Camille Lepage, en images, c'était ça. Une lumière, un regard. Elle avait publié des photos dans @LaCroixCom. Paix... http://camille-lepage.photoshelter.com/#!...