
Vivisimo EMEA, curious abt tech, stories/narratives, evolution/Darwin, etc... and swift birds, aren't they amazing?
RT @venturelab_ch: Participate in the "Programme Impact 2013" by Ashoka Switzerland http://www.inno-swiss.com/article... @ashoka #social #entrepreneurship #CSR
Sustainable CO2 production per person is 1.5T/year. Average in France = 6T/year/person (via FranceCulture)
Bouvard et Pécuchet - Etudes http://flaubert.revues.org/1813
"We Found Our Son in the Subway" http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2013... via HN
RT @100Plus: We are very excited to announce we have been acquired by Practice Fusion! We look forward to helping mission of saving lives through tech!
RT @brainpicker: "Sitting is the smoking of our generation." @nilofer #TED2013 Some stride-stopping stats: http://exp.lore.com/post...
RT @JordiMontserrat: Great opportunity to create your IT startup in Switzerland ! http://www.inno-swiss.com/article...
RT @MurrayMelb: If there's no action, you haven't truly decided. - Tony Robbins #quote
RT @SebastienFoucan: Time goes fast, remember to do what you wanted to do! Be brave, take actions, let's live our life fully! ;-) http://www.youtube.com/watch...
RT @codinghorror: Saying "thank you" is easy and meaningless. The best way to thank someone is to *do* something for them. http://blog.stackoverflow.com/2011...
Free exchange: Nomencracy (family’s social status transmission from generation to generation) The Economist http://www.economist.com/news...
RT @jape: “As consumers, we support the system, and we are all responsible for making a wasteful society,” http://shine.yahoo.com/financi... #nkd
wtf... RT @mg Chechnya's President Ramzan Kadyrov, has one of the greatest Instragram accounts I've ever seen. http://instagram.com/alihan7...
RT @ourgreenninja: Something big is happening in DC on 2/17/2013 http://act.350.org/signup... Local rally in SF http://act.350.org/signup... It's time to do something...
RT @MathewAnderson: BREAKING NEWS: Baby found in the middle of the Meteorite crash site, he is miraculously unharmed. Wrapped in what seems to be a red cape.
RT @DavidAbiker: Si quelqu'un connaît Marie de Gandt, qu'il lui dise que son livre "Sous la plume" sur la vie d'une plume sous Sarko est excellent. #merci
RT @garrytan: We are either warriors or worriers: it's in our brain chemistry and genes http://www.nytimes.com/2013...
RT @profbrucehood: I've posted it before but if you want to really see something amazing, it does not get better than this https://www.youtube.com/watch...
RT @brainpicker: Japanese janitor spends seven years drawing an incredibly intricate maze, discovered by his daughter http://exp.lore.com/post...
RT @ourgreenninja: A new column on water by Peter Gleick. Good reading! Welcome to “Significant Figures” http://scienceblogs.com/signifi... via @
RT @frescosecco: First Classical Music Hackday http://classicalmusichackday.org/
RT @DrSherryPagoto: Twitter's Most Popular Fitness Memes Help Millions Lose Weight http://www.dietsinreview.com/diet_co... via @dietsinreview #plankaday makes the list!
RT @jape: "Is soda the new tobacco?" http://www.nytimes.com/2010...
RT @WorkshirtInc: It's not even 11am and we've already launched a new website: http://hitchedpic.com Help us spread the word!
RT @pegula: HitchedPic Beta Signup is live. Get on the list: http://hitchedpic.com/#sthash...
RT @jamespanderson: If you or someone you know is getting married, get yourself on the HitchedPic beta signup http://hitchedpic.com/
RT @brainpicker: Dutch researchers show how reading fiction makes you a better person by expanding your capacity for empathy http://exp.lore.com/post...
RT @doodlemyke: ETH Zurich invites to the Spark Award 2013: http://www.vpf.ethz.ch/transfe...
I just unlocked the "Shutterbug" badge on @foursquare for adding photos to my check-ins. Say cheese! https://foursquare.com/harscoa...
RT @doodlemyke: Registration for StartupCamp Switzerland 2013 is now open: http://events.amazeelabs.com/en... One of the best events of the year.
RT @DidTh_is: Check out the new VentureKick website: 130kCHF for Switzerland based startups. (1 of) the Best Startup program in EU http://www.venturekick.ch