RT @elonjames: And I feel pretty disgusted that @piersmorgan who could give a rats ass about the Black community is getting his traffic on our backs today.
RT @profblmkelley: After a long career of studying questions of race in America, we should thank Piers for all of his insights. #thanksPiers
RT @profblmkelley: Next column by Piers: "Someone Made that Up: I Think Race Might be Socially Constructed" #thanksPiers
RT @anildash: And thank you to @tristanwalker @laurawp @KathrynFinney @6Gems for doing the work, and to @jjmccorvey for telling the story.
RT @anildash: "It is racist to rely on employee referrals for hires, when the typical white American's social network is 1% black." http://www.fastcompany.com/3037933...
RT @profblmkelley: Because the "insights" of Piers Morgan are really the ones we should be thinking about here because he's so terribly qualified...
RT @TheEricaSweeney: The detective who calls Adnan "Ad Man" in the interview with Jay. #SerialPodcast
RT @steenfox: The lil girl's expression 😂 http://i.instagram.com/p...
RT @deray: Piers, when is the Darren Wilson Grand Jury announcement happening? #PiersKnowsAll #Ferguson
RT @skeskali: Alright, I'll download Serial.
RT @tehkathryn: *opens twitter* "piers morgan" *closes twitter*
RT @skeskali: So…I may have put a deposit on one of these today. http://www.totalmotorcycle.com/motorcy...
RT @shereenTshafi: Lnao Bill Cosby / his people tried to make #CosbyMeme into a thing & what happened next was what always happens. http://www.theroot.com/blogs...
RT @PoCBeauty: Will it keep me from being stared at or followed around in a store? Will it bring back all the unarmed black people killed by police?
RT @JamilSmith: Worst thing about @piersmorgan's column is that it's yet another piece of writing about race that focuses on a word rather than structures.
RT @JamilSmith: "The problem isn’t the n-word. The problem is racism." So can we get a @washingtonpost "project" on that instead? http://www.washingtonpost.com/sf...
RT @yvethepoet: Somebody come get Piers, he's obviously lost his ever loving mind, and needs an escort to a stadium of seats. Holy shit.
RT @BrentNYT: @tanehisicoates To wit: that language creates, rather than describes and references, the state of the world…..
RT @BrentNYT: @tanehisicoates (the "double standard" far, I mean) The "banning" impulse represents fundamental, epistemological error..
RT @tanehisicoates: "Hatred will always find a way, and will certainly always be able to outpace linguistic correctness."--Hitch http://www.slate.com/article...
RT @tanehisicoates: Any serious history of American policy shows policy-makers, the majority of the time, acting in bad faith toward black people.
RT @tanehisicoates: Any "good faith" statement with Morgan would begin with, "I know nothing about this. I think I'll go do some reading before I speak."
RT @tanehisicoates: @piersmorgan Not your skin color that offends, it is your desire to cover your deep ignorance of black people, with a facade of expertise.
RT @johnlegend: "If only this entire race of hundreds of millions of diverse people would agree on a vocabulary change, people would treat them better"
RT @tanehisicoates: #Freebird "Human language changes with context. That is why you may call your wife honey, but I probably should not." http://www.theatlantic.com/enterta...
RT @tanehisicoates: #Freebird "This is not a fight over civil rights; it’s an attempt to raise a double standard." http://www.nytimes.com/2013...
RT @tanehisicoates: @BrentNYT @HeerJeet Not even. It's what we teach our children. And by "our" I mean all humans, generally.
RT @tanehisicoates: @BrentNYT @HeerJeet Teaching kids self-respect is good parenting. But it is not an anti-racist strategy.
RT @tanehisicoates: Basic beef is the double-standard around how black people talk, mirrors the double-standard that holds up--that is--racism.
RT @tanehisicoates: It is not a mistake that the most powerless groups in this country--blacks and Native Americans--must fight over their right to self-name.
RT @RichieBrave: My hate for Piers has literally bubbled in to a volcano. This is why I need to avoid social media. Im way too emotionally invested in issues